Sunday 30 December 2012

Sorry ^_^

Its been such a long time, I blogged and I'm truly sorry about that. I've been really busy with school work and studying and I also sprained my ankle a few days ago *face palm* and I cut my knee as well. The swelling has gone down a lot and it wasn't bad as the sprain, I had 2 or 3 years ago, when I fell down the stairs and my whole foot was swollen and the side was purple *ouch*.

Anyways, I'm hoping to be able to do a christmas present and show the things I got for christmas...... it was a really lovely day and I ate waaaayyyy tooo much ! as usual, on boxing day my family went to a family friend's house and ate lots of delicous foods including Asian snacks and salmon sashimi!

Tomorrow, its New Year's Eve and then it will be 2013. I have a new year's resoultion which is to work harder, in my studies specifically and to maintain this blog too!  Can someone tell me what Minna-san means? I know it's to do with the word 'Everybody' thank you.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

How I started blogging?

Okay, my 'n' button on this keyboard is really playing up, so if there's a 'n' missing, that would be the reason why.

Here comes the really odd story as to how I came to blog besides wantig to share my opinions and my boring life. =.=

Well, I became an An Cafe fan specifically a Teruki fan and I basically was searching for loads of information about him and An Cafe and I was creating a new screensaver when I accidently clicked on one of Sarah's photos instead of the Teruki picture next to her's (the internet was being slow and I was being well not patient) (her blog is here:) and I saw her blog and I started reading her posts and I was really interested by her blog and I wanted to comment on it.
I also found Ashley's blog through Sarah's blog and I started reading both blogs but without an account, I couldn't comment.

 I got interested to share my opinions and things and after my exams last year. I had a month of doing nothing besides helping my dad, so I decided to start blogging.

At first, I shared random stuff but now I tend to add some fan fics, what I did that day and JROCK help!

I think I would catergorize the blogs I follow, one of them is beauty bloggers They do a lot of reviews on circle lenses which will be useful for cosplaying (not for me but in general) for me to have different coloured eyes for fun and the only catergory is someone who blogs about different stuff so their lives, hauls and anything else.

I hope everyone likes my blog and would share me, how they started blogging if they don't mind? :P

Secret Santa

Have you guys heard of Secret Santa?

Its basically when everyone is participtating in Secret Santa has their names written down on pieces of paper and the paper is folded up. Then everyone takes it in turn to pick a person's name out of the hat. Whoever's name, you've got is the present that you are buying for.

My friends and I did this, this year because it also saves money, as you only buy one gift.

Well, tomorrow my friends and I will be exchanging gifts, I also hope the person I'm giving my present too likes it and I will like my present. So excited and on friday, we finish school at 12 instead of the normal time of 3:20. I'm going to go shopping with my friends, I don't want to spend any unesccessary money but I know I will, so I gotta stop spending after New Year.

Although, there is something I really want to buy, which is just a plain silver ring. Usually, you can find them in the men's section but they are usually out of small and it's medium to large which is obviously too big for me.

Take Care!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Wake up! It's a new day!

Yo, Prince Happiness is here.... *argggghhhhh* I'm so bad at writing the introductions and saying goodbye or finishing things off. So lets pretend. I had a really cool opening like the blogs I read *facepalm* re-wind the time....

It's less than a week till Christmas, what are your plans for christmas? Do you celebrate christmas? What do you eat for christmas? Does your country have special things you do? =.=

What do you guys like to do when your older? I keep adding things onto what I want to do when I'm older, is this just being overly ambitous lol.

Okay, this post makes no sense and has no point, its just pointless.

Before I go, any recommendations of "Christmas themed" visual kei songs!

There are some cute pictures on the internet of hide and Yoshiki in santa costumes, I don't know if its photoshop but its still very cute :P

Good Bye for now!

Friday 14 December 2012

A special package

My mum's eldest sister, so my auntie sent us (my family) a package, it was filled with Japanese snacks (including two packets of Matcha choco chip cookies), me and my sister already ate a packet when I got home from my shift at Oxfam.

I got some nice things, I think they are Christmas presents but it wasn't wrapped up, so we could already see what it was, so me and my sister just opened our packages.

I got some Rilakumma marshmallows (x6), I gave three to my sister.

I got a Rilakumma bag, its so cute! It can be my cosmetic bag for on the go, touch ups.

I got Honey Bee hand cream by Etude House, the packaging is really cute right? The hand cream is in the bottom compartment, you unscrew the top part. I tried some already (applied it to my hand), its not as soft as typical hand cream but has a very, subtle smell.

The last items, I recieved was Minamize Pore mask and Pink mask, by The Face shop. Again, the packaging is kawaii <3.

Do you like my new things?

I also got a body shop Satsuma body butter but I use as a hand cream, it says its for normal skin and I have sensitive skin but being me, I had to try stuff that everyone else is trying so yeah. LOL

Thursday 13 December 2012

~Happy Birthday hide~

Today (13th of December) is hide's birthday!!! I really miss him such a kind soul that is already not in this world. Well, if you like VK you don't have to heard hide or X's music not to know who he is. This pink haired and shy smiled dressed in flamboyant costumes.

My favourite thing about hide, he helped a girl who was born with a illness, that was extremely rare, her name is Mayuko Kishi (she already passed away in 2009 :'() well hide donated his bone marrow to her, the long and short of it and she ultimately out-lived him. She was at his funeral, where Yoshiki comforted her despite his heartache.

The internet has some articles taken from her diary, floating around and you can read it. Then you can fully understand the extent the kindness that hide was.

Everyone, imagines him as a being very tough and "macho" but he's really shy and sweet, actually all of X Japan are.

Here are some song recommendations from me:

"Pink Spider" - I guess that hide's most famous song. Apparently, it was the nickname that Yoshiki gave hide, who originally didn't like the nickname but I guess, he grew to like it (?). I'm not too sure, you can correct me in the comment box.

"Beauty and Stupid"- incredibly catchy, fast-paced song, very 'hide' like.

"Rocket Dive" - again so freakin catchy, the MV of this song is cool.

"Eyes Love You" - hide has white hair and is wearing a white outfit.

"Goodbye" - is probaly the only ballad here, where hide just plays a guitar wearing simple clothes.

"Junk Story"- fast paced, guitar solo *thumbs up*. --->>>> this is my favourite song.

Thank you for reading XD My next post will be about my favourite blogs, so basically, the ones I follow but I'll share with you, why I decided to follow these blogs.... *comeback to read next post especially if I follow you*

Sunday 9 December 2012

Skincare Routine!

How do you guys keep your skin looking healthy?

My skin has a lot of pimples and spots recently, but its got better now that I've removed a lot of junk food from my diet :'(

In Japan, Collagan (which is meant to make skin plumper and smoother) is put into drinks and sweets over there *sigh* and I can't eat these sweets! Which is a shame.

Aloe Vera juice is also very good for the skin, my dad grows Aloe Vera plants around the house. It helps my ezcema, it makes the skin heal better and smoother (that's my opinion), I got lots of ezcema scars.

Do you know what ezcema is? Its just a skin allergy thing, its very common. My friend at school also has it but I think her's is not as bad as mine or maybe she doesn't itch like I do?

I wash my face with Eucerin + Cetaphil if I'm wearing heavy make up or something and then pat Hada Labo into my face afterwards, I like to think that my skin needs to drink water too *rehydrate* and Hada Labo does that (its a cheap Japanese drugstore skincare/makeup line (?) I think). I use Eucerian day or night cream to follow.

On a happier note, Teruki, Miku and Kanon of An Cafe starting following me on Twitter! I'm really happy, I know that Teruki and Kanon follow all of their fans but still. :)

Thursday 6 December 2012

10 Interesting Things about me

I say its interesting but maybe it isn't...... I don't know, here we go:

1. I've played tennis for 8 or 9 years, I like my coaches and the friends that I have made there.

2. I don't really like computer games, movies or games on consoles like Xbox 360, Playstation. Sometimes, I play on the Wii but I prefer to read manga or watch dramas instead.

3. I speak two languages fluently (Cantonese and English ---> of course, otherwise we couldn't communicate).

4. I played the flute and quit after three years because I was no good, I'm also no good at Art.

5. When I was little, I used to fall over a lot and walk into lamp post and things, I was very clumsy, I'm a lot better now.

6. I strongly dislike mathematics.

7. I originally wanted to be an actress when I was little and then I found out I was very scared and suffered stage fright.

8. I do not like horror movies or horror anything... books/games etc.

9. I love Sweet Lolita, Fairy Kei and Visual Kei fashion, a lot. (I like a different style but I forgot how to spell it).

10.  My favourite colours are pink and white.

I'm really happy that I started blogging and that people look at my posts. :P makes me very happy.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Today, I woke up and my sister was leaving the house it was snowing and she was like 'Je' (Jeje= Its what a young person calls a older female), it's snowing and I stumbled at out of bed honestly. I didn't see anything because one it was dark and two I wasn't wearing glasses and half asleep but when I got up, I saw the white blanket of heaven and it was so white and bright (?)

Anyways, it melted quickly and I got to wear my new black hi-tops because my old Lacoste also black with some pink and the bottom was broken and so my feet would get wet on rainy/snowy/non-dry days. So my mum bought them for me, it was on sale 50% off, I think I'll go back next weekend and hopefully, they will have my size in creepers :D I'm not a massive fan of creepers but I think they would look nice with my clothes and some shoes look better once worn compared to on the shelf. Creepers are becoming really popular, huh? I knew it was popular footwear with Jrock fans. :)

I think I might of caught a cold thats going around at school, so I'm trying to wear warm clothes and basically not get sick because I would be frustrated and very annoyed, if I get sick in the upcoming weeks because its almost Christmas. *Yeah, get well soon to me, what is this like my third post about being ill*

Schoolwork is really heavy this year and its making me feel really stressed and pressured, because I have to do well. I want to succeed and do many things in my life. If you read my profile, you'll know I got some ambitious dreams!

Tell me, what do you do at Christmas time? :P

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Favourite Jrock bands and why?

Tell me your favourite Jrock bands and why? I want to see which bands are the most popular, lately I've listened to Dog in the Parell World (I was shocked by how deep the vocalists voice is), Acid Black Cherry (Yasu's blonde hair makes him look even more handsome) and more of An Cafe/SuG/The Gazette.

I'm interested in Panic Channel, Nightmare and Plastic Tree, of course I love X Japan, I love all of there songs, I also like their drive and how they pursued when they had nothing. Did you know originally Toshi was on guitar and Yoshiki was on vocals, however Yoshiki's voice was weak and high-pitched. Obviously, no records could be sold on such a interesting singing voice lol........... Yoshiki is talented in so many other areas, he doesn't matter that he can't sing. There were two other members originally and then the left the group... I can't remember their names :/

Anyways, tell me. Your favourite bands, songs and why?

In X Japan, my favourite member is either Yoshiki Hayashi, Hideto Matsumoto or Sugizo

In An Cafe, my favourite members... why don't you go on my 'Prince Happiness An Cafe's 30 Day Challenge' and find out. Its my other blog, so just go to my profile :P and choose that blog!!!

My favourite member of The Gazette is Uruha and Kai.

On a light note: It's almost Christmas and what does everyone wish for? What kind of celebrations, do you like about Christmas?

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Just a quick update!

Hi, I've been so busy recently with school work and doing other activities that I couldn't post and many of my posts remain as drafts because they are either incomplete (waiting for me to put images in it) or it's just a half filled draft and me going off a tangent for half of it *facepalm* anyways... moving on!

How has your week been? It's been really cold and wet and everytime, I go to school... I look a mess because of the strongs winds :( anyways, today I placed an order for my sister's birthday which is next week. I hope she will like it, I also need to get a card and I was thinking of making photocards because my sister really likes Kim Hyun Joong, Minho of SHINee and Sulli of F(x). They are kpop stars if you're wondering who they are.

Please look forward to my post about my time at Hyper Japan, which included me seeing lots of cute Sweet Lolita's, cosplayers, eating Takoyaki, purchasing many items and having a truly great experience, that I am now highly anticpitating for next's year convention.

I cannot believe the one last year, can you guess who the special guest was? ....

KANON WAKESHIMA, although I am not a big fan, I still would of liked to see her play the cello at the convention.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Birthday King Yoshiki!

Today (as in 20th of November since I published it yesterday) is Yoshiki Hayashi (Leader, composer, songwriter, drummer and best friend of vocalist Toshi) of X Japan~ he has been part of a band called Globe and is a midst of producing Violet UK. He is also part of Super band S.K.I.N which also has members Sugizo, Miyavi and Gackt (Now, you can see why it's a SUPER band). In the same room, you can get Yoshiki, Sugizo, Miyavi and Gackt, I'm sorry but that's pretty awesome!

Check out Yoshiki's twitter to see his updates and he posted a picture of his birthday cake--> (You can follow him here if you would like, if you have Twitter but you don't have too)

Check his official Facebook page here -->!/YoshikiOfficial?fref=ts  (You can also follow him here if you would like, if you have facebook, again you don't have too, his fb official page includes his google (social thingy) and weibo (chinese twitter) accounts).

I know this post is late~ but Yoshiki and X Japan are truly great!

"Born to be free, no one can steal my life away," -X Japan

Also, I feel some people say that X Japan's new stuff after they reformed isn't that great. I think they are expecting too much. They are no longer young, they can't be screaming and shouting, druming and playing for ages.

Yoshiki has a hernia disk thingy and has to wear a neck brace when he plays the drums :( he did this because he loves his fans and music, he completely destroyed his neck. Although, I'm glad he's not as skinny as he used to be. He looks healthy and musclar now!!

There aren't really words to describe how much I love Yoshiki Hayashi! so thank you for being born and being here today~ thank you for pursing your dream and making X Japan real.

I look forward too all the projects and music you'll do, I will keep supporting and loving you as a dedicated fan!!! <3

Friday 16 November 2012

Mega Haul+cake sale bakes

This is accumlated from the start of October to November~ shall we start from the most recent buys?

Two Manga volumes (Bakuman 2&4)

My local/s bookstores don't have volume 3, so I just get a synopsis of it and read the actual Manga, when I get a copy.

Accessorize eyeshadow in Shade 3 (Seashell, left side) and Shade 10 (Purple Drama, right side). I tested the colours on my hand and the pigmentation is great, Purple Drama is probaly too much for school. Cosmic stuff is pretty popular now, so I'm glad I can own these cute eyeshadows.

Since there was a 3 for 2 offer, I purchased a eyebrow pencil in shade 2-Darker brown. They only had two shades and I think my eyebrows would feel in a shade between. So never mind.

I got cake deco and here are the ones I bought. I went a little crazy =.=

 My mum bought me thise t-shirt from H&M, have you heard of this shop? the fashion there is both trendy and fashionable.

I also bought these butterfly cookies, two weeks ago when I went to an Asian food store with my dad and sister.

Here are the things I made for my cake sale at school, my sister helped with the flavours, its choco cupcakes with marshmallow icing (the first one) or caramel buttercream and brownies.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

~Randomness Manga Continued~

Today, I bought a Manga... do you guys know Bakuman? it wasn't cheap, $85 something Hong Kong dollars to Mexican Peso 146.74, I'm not sure of the currency sign, sorry~ also my laptop only has a dollar sign. >.< so I do a HKD currency!

Anyways, I bought the second volume because I visited my book store a few times in my holidays and read the volume 1. It turns out my friend watched the anime and she likes it. I think so. I think its a very interesting story, it has realistic storyline, no fictional creatures and magic. Instead people working hard towards their goal. It gives me hope in my dream too, I also think the characters is likeable.

For me, it is really important that the art work is pleasent and beautiful, I was hugely let down by Nana (Sorry for those that like the manga especially the art work), I found it not very nice, I couldn't read it because I didn't like art work. *thumbs down*

Let me know, what you look for in Mangas? what kind of story you like? and favourite Manga characters? 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Future Ambitions?

Does anyone have their hearts set on a future? My friends all have such realistic futures, it makes mine look so *eurgh* in case you don't know my ambition, I tell you here really quickly, Basically I would like to be a bassist of a Chinese VK band called Art Of Life (I'm hugely inspired by X Japan and Super Junior). The profession, that I most respect is doctors and brain surgeons. They give a lease of life and hope to people.

Music is a source that can provide hope for some people, I love music and I really happy that Kpop, Cpop and Japanese Visual Kei exists because the music helps me to feel calmer and happier when I'm not in a good mood.

Lately, I've been into Acid Black Cherry and I really like Yasu's voice, it's such a coincidence though that his surname is 'Hayashi' same as Yoshiki my idol! That's it for now, a really short post. Let me know your thoughts :) :D :P

Saturday 10 November 2012


Manga, a lot of Manga and Anime fans... well when I was little I used to watch a lot of Doreamon~ and I really like it. I mean who can not love Doreamon, he's so cute and blue!!! Although, he wasn't blue before, he used to be orange with pointy ears. For those, who don't know the story, Doreamon was bitten by a mouse on his ears, he cried so much he became blue. *what is wrong with me, I'm meant to be talking nicely about manga and now we're talking about this*

My favourite mangas are Lovely Complex and Yotsuba and !, I've not read many but Bakuman is becoming a favourite too, so far I've only read Volume 1. I've watched bits of the Lovely Complex anime and I watched the film. I was hugely disappointed with the film, I felt like they cut so many parts out of it :( they should done a drama instead of a film. Then they could of kept loads of the bits in...  basically, I enjoyed the anime more. Just my opinion. The film stars Teppei Kokei of WaT. + plus in the manga 'Mighty' looks really cute! If only he were real.

I read Fruits Basket and enjoyed it, although it's a manga that requires deep focus/full power concentration because there are so many characters and their lives are really complicated. Although, having said this I managed to read 11 or 12 or 15 volumes of Fruit Basket (borrowed from two seperate libraries) and then stopped :( because it was the holidays, this was like 2 years ago and I don't have time to re-read these volumes and carrying on pursing the other books. Maybe I watch the anime if there is one.

Ouran High School Host Club is okay, I like the style and I think Tamaki is funny but its too complicated with too many characters and too many speech bubbles on the page. I was a little confused.

I read bits of Otomen and I didn't like it :( the pictures were nice but the story didn't hold me in. I was a little disappointed. I also don't like Naruto, One Piece, Deathnote etc kind of style 'fictional' monsters maybe I prefer the modern style set in schools or romantic/comedy love lives between the characters.

However, I throughly enjoyed the 'High School Debut' story, I read one volume that's all my library had but I watched the film and it's so good and the guy who plays Yoh (Junpei something~ I'm sorry I forgot his surname) is really cute and looks just like his manga counterpart so thumbs up!

Any recommendations? Do you guys like Naruto, Deathnote or One Piece? >.<

Thursday 8 November 2012

Just a quick update!

Okay, I've been really busy so apologies for lack of posts.... anyways, my Korean, Mandarin and Tennis lessons have all started now~ So I'm super busy~ I'm going to work hard and get good grades~ also I'm doing some fundraising next week~ and we're baking cakes and stuff for a cake sale. Do you do that?

My sister is going to bake the cakes, I'm going to buy some nice decorations and make them cute! Although, not too cute... because boys might not like them! Some blue deco for them XD. Sorry, I know not all boys like blue.... :) some like pink (Kim Heechul and Lee Sungmin of Super Junior like pink), some boys like red, white, purple etc....

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice week.~ I can't believe it's winter already again. I need more warm, fluffy hoodies/jackets and coats. I bought a new cheap blue hoodie that's really warm and fluffy, it feels like 'feathers' the inside lining. I'll tell you about it in my October Haul Post thingy :D Something with that title. I bought a few things and got given some stuff too... YIPPEE >.<

Also, lately I've been interested in Yasu (Janne Da Arc/ Acid Black Cherry) any information on him or songs by either artists? Thank You...

Bye... until the next post... stay safe and happy.~ keep smiling~ :P enjoy the rest of your morning, afternoon or evening.

Sunday 4 November 2012

~Spooky Halloween Party~

This is a Fan Fiction so all content is fictional, anything that is real to any events is just pure accidental. I hope you enjoy the story.

Yoshiki, Yasu and Kamijo were getting ready for a Halloween Party prepared by their friends Gackt&Hyde. The more bloody and guts, the better it would be. Lots of prizes and gifts were on offer throughout the day but all Yoshiki, Yasu and Kamijo cared about was somewhere to relax and unwind. The three had been super busy during the week, they had been attending award shows, putting on shows and doing lots of shoots.

"I'm so tired," Kamijo flopped on Yasu's sofa.

"Me too," Yoshiki said sipping the red wine, Yasu had given him.

Kamijo and Yoshiki were dressed as vampires with pale faces, red lips and lots of hairspray in their hair. Whilst Yasu was a zombie with green and red makeup and bulging eyes. Yasu looked extremely scary.


The Halloween party was starting, Hyde was a ghoulish ghost whilst Gackt was a pumpkin, a very cute one. The two greeted Yoshiki, Kamijo and Yasu with colourful cocktails and bubbly drinks. Suddenly, the lights went off and the room was plunged into darkness, an ear-shattering scream filled the room and then the lights were back on.

A trail of blood lay away from the living room, as everyone crowded outside Yasu called Yoshiki and Kamijo to the side of the garden. "Hitsugi's been kidnapped." Yasu said.

"WHAT?" Yoshiki eventually spat out.

"You are freaking joking me, aren't you" Hyde was arguing with Gackt, the two seemed really angry at each other. Hyde and Gackt were both red in the face, they each stormed off in separate directions.

The crowds of the party dissolved and after a few minutes, Yoshiki, Yasu and Kamijo were left behind. They decide to randomly board a plane, (yes, normal people board trains&buses and get off random stops, Japanese rock stars board planes and get off random destinations).

A few hours later, Yoshiki, Yasu and Kamijo landed in Bali, they were still dressed in fancy dress and Yoshiki called their assistants to prepare them fresh clothes, book a hotel and bring lots of food.

"Why food?" Yasu asked.

"Cause I'm hungry?" Yoshiki replied Yasu.

"Anyways," Kamijo said diverting the two away from this discussion.

"Let's get changed, shall we?" Kamijo said.

The three disappeared from the airport's toilets and came up, moments later dressed in dusty Azure blue suits, fluffy scarfs and boots. They looked different to all the usual tourists of Bali.

"Let's party," Yasu screamed in the terminal, clearly still partially drunk.

"Let's go," Yoshiki and Kamijo said quietly.

They dragged Yasu out of the airport and into a coach, they went to a local hotel 'The Maple Leaf'. They were greeted with kind words by the staff of the hotel, who gave them two rooms with adjoining doors.

Yasu slept peacefully whilst Yoshiki and Kamijo took a shower and then changed into a set of new, fresh clothes. They wore short-sleeved t-shirts, Khaki pants and flip flops. They went to the beach and had a picnic under the stars.

They drank lots of wine, vodka and rum. They talked happily.

*Next day*

They woke up on the beach, blood was oozing from Yoshiki's chest, Yasu's lips were cut and bleeding and Kamijo had swollen eyes. They were confused. What had happened the night before.

It seemed that Yasu had been possessed by a ghost, after realising this situation Yasu attempted to jump off a bridge, he didn't want to hurt his friends either.

However, he was rescued by his best friends Kamijo and Yoshiki. Who pleaded with Yasu, to not himself.

--------------- They spent the rest of their trip in Bali indoors and avoided alcohol at all costs--------

Edit: It's not scary. :( and I know it's not very good but I hope you enjoy it anyways.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I am so busy these last days, so much to do, including two days volunteering in the afternoon at Oxfam. We also eat lots of delicous but not healthy foods well some of it's healthy, like McDonalds, sweet&sour chicken, BBQ pork bun, Oreo Chocolate, Mikado Daim flavour, the only thing that was healthy is Sushi!!!

I've also been really busy with school work too, I've done three pieces of homework but I'd still got three more to get through.  O_O and I need to study too~ I need excellent grades this year.

I also want to do some nail art, paint my nails and stick some nice gems/stickers. My favourite manicure is like those Japanese ones like Hizaki, Jasmine You and Teru with the gems, beads and other stuff! It's really cute, okay so obiviously if I had a girl's design that I tell you instead of Hizaki, Teru and Jasmine You but there is so freaking cool~ Have you seen their nail manicures, I absolutely adore it and I think it's so pretty~

I'm going to use a plain pink Skinfood  as base and also, I'm going to do one quick 'Halloween Fan Fiction' please enjoy~ :)

Monday 29 October 2012


Starting from tomorrow will be start of a 1 week holiday(this was written last friday)~ whilst I'll be busy with school work and many activities, such as my volunteering at Oxfam. I'll hopefully, be able to update more because I feel that I have neglected this blog, a little~ I only post once a week currently! Sorry :(

Okay, today I came home and was greeted with some nice suprises.., my mum bought me a new top. Do you know the shop H&M? She got it from there, I quite like their stuff, it's fashionable and has a reasonable pricing to their clothes. Although, they don't seem to stock much 'cute' stuff which is a shame. Although, I think the shop that I have the most clothes is Uni Qlo, thermal vests, flannel checkered shirt, coats and stuff >.< It's a nice shop for casual and simple style clothing.

And Marshmallow Fluff described as 'the popular American Marshmallow spread' it doens't taste as good, I expected but it's still nice. It something different to spread on toast! What about you, what kind of things, do you like?

On saturday, I went out with my family and we eat McDonalds/Sushi/Chinese style breads like BBQ Pork bun and Pineapple bun. I eat too much~ :) At least, its the holidays so I have time to recover.

I also bought some blusher by a brand called MUA and it was actually incredibly cheap and it got further discounted when I took it up to the counter. I know what your thinking, cheap makeup is never a good idea but this brand is incredibly popular. I think I'll do a review and see if it's any good, hopefully it will. It was also cheap because it came out without a brush and is also super tiny. I had to buy a blusher brush as well.

Okay, I hope everyone has a nice time and has a lovely weekend/holiday~

Edit: I know I haven't posted this yet so no need for this edit part but it just makes it easier to write this part in without be confusing. Sorry again for the lack of posts~ I went out yesterday to an Asian supermarket and bought instant noodles, snacks, rice milk. Moreover, I haven't had time to  post so I will update soon again.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Food Colouring Allergy

So, I think I already mentioned here that I have food colouring allergy so E numbers and that kind off things, but not all 'artificial' food colour products will set me off with an allergy.

I have this since I was little so nothing to worry about but it seems like it got worser as I got older, it doesn't make sense, why is it getting worse as I get older when I'm trying to stay off artificial coloured foods. I take some medicine and then the rashes and itching disappear from my back, arms and legs, it's not really bad but it's just irritating.

I really this is a phase that I will grow out off, what I noticed is that it only occurs in drinks and candies with artifical colouring, cookies and stuff is okay. I was always allergic to icing anyways, I mean the colour in them and also face paint because of it's colouring as well. :'(

This is a short post because I'm super busy. I will post when I can again ^_^

Anyone, got any allergies? :'( I hope not!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil

L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil is a new or fairly new product for hair, okay to be fair when I heard about it, I was like oil in my hair ewww...NO thanks. But then my mum bought it without my knowledge first off, I feel cheated because the bottle is tiny but in the advertisement it looked huge.

The bottle is made of glass matieral, it has the appearance of golden honey which I suppose is very good, the smell is very gentle not overpowering. Well I'm not reviewing this product just thought I let you know that I'm trying this new product for a few days.

My mum didn't buy it for me but she said I can use some. YAY!

A super quick post but yeah, any favourite cosmetics or skincare, you like?

Bye bye

Sunday 14 October 2012

I'm Ill AGAIN!

Ah. I'm sorry, I should take better care of myself. I'm so poorly and always eat foods that will damage my throat and make me sick! Sorry la~!

I had my tonsils removed on the 30th of March 2012 (this year) :'( and I already missed them but it was causing too many problems and was even affecting my breathing, so they had to go. >.<

I couldn't keep them because of some incident that occurred a while ago and this law was put down. I hate that person for that. I want to see these troublesome tonsils and see what they look like. :(((

Anyways, I had two operations because a week later, the wound opened up and it started bleeding and it cause blood to go into my stomach via my throat and I was sick twice, once at home and once at the hospital. Sorry, if this was pretty disgusting to read but the up side, I got to ride an ambulance to the hospital? >.<

Well, now without my tonsils, there are no warnings and my throat is burning now and I have a bad cold and I'm coughing and I don't want a chest infection... *touchwood* because I hate eating the medicine and I want to be healthy and strong like Popeye! LOL.

I'm going to go and rest, drink lots of warm water and go back to my homework. BUT, I hope everyone had a nice weekend and enjoyed themselves. ^_^

Friday 12 October 2012

Stage Name

Many idols have stage names right? Like Miku, Bou and Kanon of An Cafe? Heath of X Japan? A lot of Kpop idols like TOP, Leeteuk, Yesung and Kangin for example. A stage name says a lot about this person's character, their image and what you expect from it.

For example, Yesung of Super Junior, real name is Kim Jong Woon, his stage means Artist Voice, well it suits really well, in case you don't know, SJ is composed of 13 members+2 Chinese members that appear in their sub group 'Super Junior-M' , he is one of the main vocalists in the band.

Can you guys think of any other stage names? Jrockers are quite mysterious, a lot of them, I thought their real names were their stage names but it's not. Like Gackt Camui or Kamijo, Teru, Jasmine... is Hizaki and Yuki their real names? >.< I'm not sure, I only know the first three use stage names. There are so many that use stage names like 'Hitsugi of Nightmare' Hitsugi means Coffin in Japanese which is scary itself but actually, Hitsugi is a very sweet and shy person, I know his pictures are always of him with heavy makeup and multiple piercings.

When I think of Bou of An Cafe, I think of something cute and he is cute. LOL

So as you gathered a stage name says a lot.

Well after much deliberation, I decided that the name most suitable for me is 'Prince Happiness' why because I have always been fascinated with like the style of clothes that Versailles where it gives off a 'prince' feeling and 'happiness' because people always say I look happy, and don't I want people to be happy when they hear my performances? >.<

You like it or you don't?

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Change My URL.

What do you guys think?

My URL is currently the name of my blog "" somehow I believe its hard to remember and also mistakes can occur in typing out the URL. And since, I thought I would use the URL when I'm some successful VK musician and Film Director. Huh. LOL.

Did you know as a child I wanted to be an actress until I realise I had horrendous stage fright, my sister is very good at acting, I believe she should pursue acting or cooking as she is equally good at both. I believe that she will take the latter.

Keep reading this for the next ten years providing I haven't bored you and you and I may find out together.

Back to the URL. I was thinking of "" providing no one has taken it.

If you follow and read my profile, you'll see I like to name my band Art Of Life after X Japan's song. It's not my favourite X Japan song but the words are very powerful.

For me. Music is THE Art Of Life. Music is an Art Form. :P

Edit: ArtOfLife has been taken, so I think I will re-name my URL as PrinceHappiness&ArtOfLife, I wanted to use Prince Happiness as my stage name for a long time, there is a manga or something called the 'Prince of Happiness' I think. Well, I think it works well with all the other stage names Asian musicians use.

*Edit: New URL is* if I don't like it. Then I will change it back, I sound really fussy now don't I?

Monday 8 October 2012

English Ghost Story Writing Competition!

Just a quick update!

Today, at school I was told about a English writing competition, and participtants must write a 1,000 word ghost story, it has to be bloodless which means the story cannot be like 'Saw' films, where it's blood and gore. The aim of the story is to make readers to jump not be sick!

At first, I was like. I'll attempt it (I've never watched a Horror Movie, so I believe my story will not be scary enough) and then I heard the first prize is a Kindle. Do you know what a Kindle is? It's an electronic device which allows users to read books. I think it would be useful for University.

Although, I do like the "feel" of real books, however, you cannot carry lots of books to University because it will heavy and they may become damaged etc.

I have some ideas and now I will try and right the first few parts. Okay, well please wish me Good Luck.

Enjoy your day! Today, the weather was raining all day :'(

Sunday 7 October 2012

Third Fan Fiction post! :p

3 weeks have passed.
“There’s someone at the door,” Die shouted from his study. He was bedroom was strewn with papers, clothes and other ornaments. Die presented himself as a calm, collected and neat person, although his bedroom said otherwise.
Miku ran downstairs and flung open the door, the front of the door stood his god father with his wavy, golden hazelnut brown hair, his olive skin tone and his tall and muscular physique. He smiled at Miku.
“Auntie Yoshiki, I’m so happy to see you,” Miku said giving Yoshiki a cuddle.
Miku had been calling Yoshiki ever since he was a young, when he accidently mistaken his brother’s friend for a beautiful, young girl.
Yoshiki removed his shoes and came into the apartment, dragging his suitcase and belongings as well. He removed his sunglasses and helped himself to Die and Miku’s food and beverages.
Die came downstairs, “Who is it, Miku?” Die asked in a stern voice.
He dropped his wine bottle and it crashed loudly on the marble floor, glass smashing all over the floor.
Die and Yoshiki hadn’t seen each other for 10 years, they had a huge argument when they were 17 years old and Die basically told Yoshiki, his music was terrible and he didn’t like it. Yoshiki said he would make a huge, successful band and wouldn’t need Die’s help.

Oxford Brookes University

Today, I went to visit a university with my sister and dad in Oxford, the university is called Oxford Brookes University, I am interested in their hospitality course and the university is very reputable. It was voted by a very reputable newspaper 'The Sunday Times' as the 'Best Modern University'.

Whilst the university is modern, the city itself has many historical traits so one can say, it's the best of both worlds as they combine elements of the past with the future. The historical traits include castles, churches and old buildings. Actually, the place Oxford is very famous, maybe you have heard of it? >.<

I took the train up to Oxford Brookes, it took 2 hours roughly and I felt a little sick (queasy) from the train journeys but the weather was lovely, sunny with a crisp air.

The university is very nice and is also having some refurbishments, I went to listen to their hospitality course and I learnt that it was a 4 year course with the second year going away from university and the third year as an exchange, so I can study in a university in a different country. That's quite exciting right?

Afterwards, we walked around the campus and observed the area, actually I went to Oxford over ten years ago when I was little. It was great although I didn't remember much of it and yesterday, I got to see it again and also, there were so many different clubs.

If I were to go to there university, I would join their photography club besides others, there's lots of other music clubs too! Maybe, one day I'd meet friends that like Jrock or Kpop or Cpop and maybe one day, there will be the band mates of my future band. Just maybe...anything is possible! As long as you set your mind and your heart on it!

~Just like someone told me...make the dream of being an entertainer...a lifelong goal~

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Hong Kong Ship Collison

I'm going to be really brief here but a truly horrific accident occured on the evening of Mid Autumn Festival (therefore, I have no mood to talk happily about Mid Autumn Festival currently, Sorry please wait for that entry).

Well, from what I heard the boat was meant to take some people out, to see the fireworks on Victoria Harbour (actually, I'm not too clear but keep reading) and a few moments later, another boat went into the ship that were carrying the passengers.

What I have heard since yesterday that 30 people have died, many are missing and other people have been taken to hospital suffering from hypothermia or other injuries.

I know that this is really vague (check on the internet the explanation will be much better than mine) but I wanted to say to take a moment and to think of those, that passed away in such a tragic way, hope and pray that the missing will be returned and alive. Those in hospital to get better soon and to find the strength to move on. :'(

Rest In Peace to those 30 people.

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

2nd Part- A Fan Fic that stars Die, Miku, Yoshiki etc

Die flicked through the magazine, he was reading a letter that his best friend Yoshiki had sent him.
Yoshiki was flying from Japan to Hong Kong for a special visit. Die was thinking about Yoshiki, another troublemaker, Yoshiki was stubborn and persistent in things, the two often fought and argued.
It was best, that they saw each other every so often.
“Die, I need you to sign this,” Miku whispered. A little hesitant at asking his brother to sign a slip for a school trip.
His brother raised his head up, his black eyes piercing Miku.
“Sure,” He said smiling.
Miku breathed a sigh of relief.
“$200 Hong Kong dollars? Can’t you pay it yourself?” Die asked a little less happy.
“No, I don’t have anything left. I have to go. We are going to the theatre to watch a ballet,” Miku said.
“Fine.” Die replied. He handed the slip of paper and the $200 Hong Kong dollars.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Another Fan Fiction, please enjoy and leave comments!

One Shot Fan Fiction- I'm not written many fan fictions, let alone finish them, so I hope you be kind enough to read it and tell me what you think. I understand my fan fictions are probaly a lot weaker than a lot of the other stories floating around on the internet.
Name: Insanity of Love
Genre: Love, Drama, Humorous
Characters: Miku (An Café), Die (Dir En Grey) and Yoshiki (X Japan)+plus others.
Plot: Miku and Die are brothers living in Hong Kong; Miku is always getting into trouble with his singing in classes whilst Die is a hardworking guy who hopes to become a painter one day. One day, Yoshiki turns up at their house and he promises them a life of rock ‘N’ roll if they go into business with him. Die is skeptical after all Yoshiki ditched a lot of projects half way when they were younger.
Warnings: None

“I am sick of all of this, Miku-chan,” Die screeched at his little brother.
Miku’s teacher called again, complaining about Miku singing in the middle of his lesson.
“Why? I mean it was a boring, pointless lesson. When will I ever need to understand History? I live in this century, I think about the future not the past,” Miku whined at his brother.
Die folded his arms and smirked. He was annoyed at Miku a lot but he could never be truly angry with him for a very long time.
Miku was dressed in a striped t-shirt presumably from Sex Pot Revenge, a pair of orange trousers and a pair of fairy wings which was probably borrowed from Teruki. His weird but nice best friend.
“Just go and eat dinner and get out of my face,” Die retorted to Miku.
Miku scuttled away, he and his brother moved from Tokyo to Hong Kong for their studies. His brother was an engineer who worked as a part-time artist as well. His specialty was oil paintings.
Miku was still in high school, he had one more year before his graduation, and he was fond of music and wanted to be a musician when he was older. He is not very academic.

Monday 1 October 2012


Right now, the weather is so lovely and sunny but today it was cold, wet and dark, to make it worse today is Monday which makes me less incline to get out of bed.

Well, I made myself a lovely breakfast of ravoli pasta and butter, so fattening but I need something tasty for breakfast to get me out of bed, no photos as I don't have time in the mornings. I also drank some warm water with Pei Pa Koa which is like the Chinese herbal drink which smells aromatic and soothes the throat as well. Moreover, it helps to fight colds. I don't have a cold though. Drinking warm water helps to wake up your 'stomache' so it knows it has to work again after those long hours of sleep. he he he.

How was your Monday, was it nice?

Tomorrow, I have Korean classes and wednesday, I have Tennis, hopefully my Mandarin Classes will start soon and when it does, I'll be busy on Thursdays afterschool.

Everyone take care! I go and do some homework and revision. It's a bit boring but what I can do.

I'll try and update about Mid Autumn Festival as soon as possible.

Saturday 29 September 2012


It's been a long time, I've blogged using the 'Today' title and I thought I should share with you what I did today.

Today, is really sunny the whole week the weather has been a little 'iffy' and well not that great! One day is sunny the next day is pouring with rain etc. So I think tomorrow it will rain. I hope not!

For tomorrow, will be both an happy and sad day, a happy day because all Chinese people will be celebrating 'Mid Autumn Festival' it's when you eat mooncakes and children play with lanterns! and a sad day because Leeteuk (leader of Kpop band Super Junior) will be going into military service for two years. I will update more about Mid Autumn Festival tomorrow.

Back to today, sorry LOL. I eat Korean sushi with my sister and mum, it was super tasty. Moreover, they add sesame oil which I believe makes it smell more fragrant and aromatic? >.< Okay, I like Sesame Oil, clearly.

Also, I got to try a drink that I wanted to try for a long time called Pocari Sweat, is it a Japanese or Korean drink? I think its Japanese but the packaging says 'Product of Korea'. My sister didn't like it but I think it has a nice refreshing taste but perhaps not suited to everyone. From, what I have read and heard about Pocari Sweat, it works like an energy drink to put back what you lose from work or sport activities but Pocari Sweat says it also help you to wake up in the morning. So it's great, I also like the blue and white packaging it's simple but still looks nice. All these years, I wanted to try this drink and I never did. Ha. LOL.

And I went to Oxfam and that was great, just doing my usual stuff and it's nice to get some experience even if it's not a paid job but volunteering makes you feel good.

See ya guys, I tried to find Purple Rain in Vinyl, didn't find it >.< LOL now I have KFC for dinner!

Saturday 22 September 2012


What are your thoughts on music?

Recently, I've been more into Japanese Visual Kei than Kpop/Cpop and I have been listening to a lot of An Cafe (Maple Gunman, The Hero without a Name, Cherry Saku Yuuki, Smile Ichiban li Onna, Ryuusei Rocket etc), Gackt (Ghost, December Love Song (Engrish version)) and Vanilla), hide with Spread Heaver, X Japan etc.

I always like the old stuff and numerous other genres, I love Kenny G, and I really like Ludvig Van Beethoven's song 'Fur Elise' and Teresa Tang, Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung and Danny Chan (legendary Hong Kong/Chinese entertainers who have all passed away (2 from illness, one suicide and one just didn't wake up from a coma) :'(

Also, I wish bands still released material on Vinyl, okay there's no use for them but I love to go to a shop and buy a Vinyl disk or a cassette (cause there kawaii<3) with music that I LIKE. But when I see Vinyls, they are either bands I don't listen/ever heard off or it's Prince/Bowie. Actually, if I found Purple Rain by Prince on Vinyl and it wasn't overly pricey. I think I would buy it. Got to add that too my list.

Ah. Vinyls. Oxfam that I volunteer at has a stack of Vinyls. I should of checked them out. I completely forgot. I will check out next week =.= I have no money. ARGH >.<

Okay well for my birthday/Christmas, I'm creating a list of purely just Cd's so I can shortened this ever growing list...GRRR.....


I'm going to go and listen to Purple Rain.

Week Long Entry

As promised yesterday, today I present you with 'Week Long Entry' just meaning, I'm going to cram into little details and spam with photos about my week + some photos from the Summer holidays, well the 'main hours of my week' was school which is okay, I mean I dream about being this showstopping bassist of a really cool Visual Kei band during my time at school. LOL. I haven't started learning the bass either.

Firstly, I'm going to start with food pics(food pics also cover some of the foods I eat in the summer), so if you haven't eaten lunch or feeling hungry and go grab some snacks and come back. Actually, I'm kinda hungry too, *thinks* nah. It's almost dinner. I will wait. Are you back? good, lets go?

Hash browns with cheese, crispy, unhealthy and cheesy! Very tasty and I think that's chicken next to it.
The cookies I bought by Lotte a Korean brand, the cookies were really nice, like the Panda ones where it's filled with chocolate/strawberry or vanillas, this one was chocolate filled. Probably, the most popular flavour. I can eat these all day, every day.

My dad's homemade pie and cheesy potatoes (gosh, every ones going to think I'm really unhealthy, I'm not). This dinner was very nice.

This my Cannelloni pasta tubes stuffed with ricotta cheese and spinach and there's tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, I think. Well it was served piping hot and very tasty, it was my dinner at Pizza Express after coming back from Little Hampton (seaside).

And my dinner last night, Chowder which had some double cream, butter, milk, potatoes, onions, smoked haddock and some other things that I am not too sure what it is.

Now onto pictures that are unrelated to foods LOL?

Bloom makeup cosmetics, I think they are cute and girly, I always wanted to try 'powder' eyeshadow and 'gel' eyeshadow, now I have tried powder, I want to try a gel based one. The powder in the pot also came with a little brush which I put next to my other brush that looks like a silver pen.  Have you ever tried them before? I also got an orange scented lip balm and eye brush which looks like a silver pen. Do you like them?

Last but not least Maybelline BB Cream and Liquid Eyeliner, I sing praises for this BB Cream, I've not used any Asian brands so far. The first one, I tried was Estee Lauder's, it was my mum but she didn't want it. It was like a heavy paste if I been honest and they got rid of the Whitening formula in theirs.  Not that I need it, I got quite pale 'Milky' skin. Anyways, this BB cream is the second one I tried, it's small (30ml bottle) and kinda pricey but it was a present from my mum. The liquid eyeliner is like a pen and I'm not very good at using it, it is after all my first time using Liquid Eyeliner but my sister is very good. I like it though, I think it's very nice.

Now, I'm going to end with a lot of word free pictures of cute rubbers, stationary and other things I own.

Thank You for reading! Please feel free to leave a comment. :)