Monday 29 October 2012


Starting from tomorrow will be start of a 1 week holiday(this was written last friday)~ whilst I'll be busy with school work and many activities, such as my volunteering at Oxfam. I'll hopefully, be able to update more because I feel that I have neglected this blog, a little~ I only post once a week currently! Sorry :(

Okay, today I came home and was greeted with some nice suprises.., my mum bought me a new top. Do you know the shop H&M? She got it from there, I quite like their stuff, it's fashionable and has a reasonable pricing to their clothes. Although, they don't seem to stock much 'cute' stuff which is a shame. Although, I think the shop that I have the most clothes is Uni Qlo, thermal vests, flannel checkered shirt, coats and stuff >.< It's a nice shop for casual and simple style clothing.

And Marshmallow Fluff described as 'the popular American Marshmallow spread' it doens't taste as good, I expected but it's still nice. It something different to spread on toast! What about you, what kind of things, do you like?

On saturday, I went out with my family and we eat McDonalds/Sushi/Chinese style breads like BBQ Pork bun and Pineapple bun. I eat too much~ :) At least, its the holidays so I have time to recover.

I also bought some blusher by a brand called MUA and it was actually incredibly cheap and it got further discounted when I took it up to the counter. I know what your thinking, cheap makeup is never a good idea but this brand is incredibly popular. I think I'll do a review and see if it's any good, hopefully it will. It was also cheap because it came out without a brush and is also super tiny. I had to buy a blusher brush as well.

Okay, I hope everyone has a nice time and has a lovely weekend/holiday~

Edit: I know I haven't posted this yet so no need for this edit part but it just makes it easier to write this part in without be confusing. Sorry again for the lack of posts~ I went out yesterday to an Asian supermarket and bought instant noodles, snacks, rice milk. Moreover, I haven't had time to  post so I will update soon again.

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