Tuesday 27 November 2012

Just a quick update!

Hi, I've been so busy recently with school work and doing other activities that I couldn't post and many of my posts remain as drafts because they are either incomplete (waiting for me to put images in it) or it's just a half filled draft and me going off a tangent for half of it *facepalm* anyways... moving on!

How has your week been? It's been really cold and wet and everytime, I go to school... I look a mess because of the strongs winds :( anyways, today I placed an order for my sister's birthday which is next week. I hope she will like it, I also need to get a card and I was thinking of making photocards because my sister really likes Kim Hyun Joong, Minho of SHINee and Sulli of F(x). They are kpop stars if you're wondering who they are.

Please look forward to my post about my time at Hyper Japan, which included me seeing lots of cute Sweet Lolita's, cosplayers, eating Takoyaki, purchasing many items and having a truly great experience, that I am now highly anticpitating for next's year convention.

I cannot believe the one last year, can you guess who the special guest was? ....

KANON WAKESHIMA, although I am not a big fan, I still would of liked to see her play the cello at the convention.


  1. Here it's very cold, too (><)
    Good luck with school! (^^)

    1. Thank You! Its so cold here... the morning is so frosty but it looks pretty but feels cold.

  2. waaa hyper japan is awesome (i have never been in one but i have seen some videos! *w*)

    so...are you from London?
