Thursday 8 November 2012

Just a quick update!

Okay, I've been really busy so apologies for lack of posts.... anyways, my Korean, Mandarin and Tennis lessons have all started now~ So I'm super busy~ I'm going to work hard and get good grades~ also I'm doing some fundraising next week~ and we're baking cakes and stuff for a cake sale. Do you do that?

My sister is going to bake the cakes, I'm going to buy some nice decorations and make them cute! Although, not too cute... because boys might not like them! Some blue deco for them XD. Sorry, I know not all boys like blue.... :) some like pink (Kim Heechul and Lee Sungmin of Super Junior like pink), some boys like red, white, purple etc....

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice week.~ I can't believe it's winter already again. I need more warm, fluffy hoodies/jackets and coats. I bought a new cheap blue hoodie that's really warm and fluffy, it feels like 'feathers' the inside lining. I'll tell you about it in my October Haul Post thingy :D Something with that title. I bought a few things and got given some stuff too... YIPPEE >.<

Also, lately I've been interested in Yasu (Janne Da Arc/ Acid Black Cherry) any information on him or songs by either artists? Thank You...

Bye... until the next post... stay safe and happy.~ keep smiling~ :P enjoy the rest of your morning, afternoon or evening.


  1. Good luck with your classes!
    Will you take some photos of the cakes? (^O^)
    I know who Yasu is but I don't know much about him, sorry (>_<) However, I think that he was also born on a 27th January, like me! haha

    1. I will try to take some cakes at the cake sale~ Some of my friends are baking some as well!!! I've never done a cake sale like this before. Usually, I just make them and give them to people to sell!

      That's so cool, you share your birthday with Yasu!!!

      I got interested in him lately, he looks like a cool guy, I listened to a song called Re:Birth by Acid Black Cherry, it's good!
