Wednesday 5 December 2012


Today, I woke up and my sister was leaving the house it was snowing and she was like 'Je' (Jeje= Its what a young person calls a older female), it's snowing and I stumbled at out of bed honestly. I didn't see anything because one it was dark and two I wasn't wearing glasses and half asleep but when I got up, I saw the white blanket of heaven and it was so white and bright (?)

Anyways, it melted quickly and I got to wear my new black hi-tops because my old Lacoste also black with some pink and the bottom was broken and so my feet would get wet on rainy/snowy/non-dry days. So my mum bought them for me, it was on sale 50% off, I think I'll go back next weekend and hopefully, they will have my size in creepers :D I'm not a massive fan of creepers but I think they would look nice with my clothes and some shoes look better once worn compared to on the shelf. Creepers are becoming really popular, huh? I knew it was popular footwear with Jrock fans. :)

I think I might of caught a cold thats going around at school, so I'm trying to wear warm clothes and basically not get sick because I would be frustrated and very annoyed, if I get sick in the upcoming weeks because its almost Christmas. *Yeah, get well soon to me, what is this like my third post about being ill*

Schoolwork is really heavy this year and its making me feel really stressed and pressured, because I have to do well. I want to succeed and do many things in my life. If you read my profile, you'll know I got some ambitious dreams!

Tell me, what do you do at Christmas time? :P


  1. yes...this year things a very hard in my school too! X_X but let's see the positive side! it's almost christmas!! :D
    umm..i don't do anything particular in christmas...i use to go with my family and we do some exchange of present...but this year i want to do a christmas party with my friends! :3

    oh...i hope you will get your creepers! i think they are cool and comfortable, (kinda expensive in the place where i live) but even if you aren't a huge fan i'm sure you will be happy with the because they are comfortable (at least the ones which i wear) and they look good with almost everything :D

    1. Thank You, I'm happy to hear that they are comfortable with many things, I hope you can get some one day. I guess school work is just preparing us for real life jobs where it will be more and more diffcult and more stressful.

      I'm happy to know christmas is just around the corner at least, there is something to do and look forward too. I wish I could buy a bass soon. Since, I want to learn how to play it. :)

  2. wheee snowy times! it doesn't snowing at where I live atm T___T you're so lucky~ good luck on school stuff too <3

    1. Thank you, The snow didn't really last, maybe it will snow on christmas day and then it can become white christmas.

      Happy Birthday, again!
