Sunday 21 October 2012

Food Colouring Allergy

So, I think I already mentioned here that I have food colouring allergy so E numbers and that kind off things, but not all 'artificial' food colour products will set me off with an allergy.

I have this since I was little so nothing to worry about but it seems like it got worser as I got older, it doesn't make sense, why is it getting worse as I get older when I'm trying to stay off artificial coloured foods. I take some medicine and then the rashes and itching disappear from my back, arms and legs, it's not really bad but it's just irritating.

I really this is a phase that I will grow out off, what I noticed is that it only occurs in drinks and candies with artifical colouring, cookies and stuff is okay. I was always allergic to icing anyways, I mean the colour in them and also face paint because of it's colouring as well. :'(

This is a short post because I'm super busy. I will post when I can again ^_^

Anyone, got any allergies? :'( I hope not!


  1. I hope your allergy won't get worse from now on (;__;)
    Maybe the colouring that is used for candies and drinks is more "aggressive" than the one used in cookies(?) (>_<)

    1. You might be right... I hadn't thought of that because drinks and candies have to last a long time~

      Thank You, I hope so too :)

  2. allergies are so annoying! >_<
    i didn't know that the couloring of the drinks could be the responsible...

    try to take care, some products don't tell us what they really have.

    1. Yes, your right. I do check for E-numbers and such~

      There are so many allergies~ anyone can be allergic to anything...

      ~But I just can't resist some of them because they are so pretty~ Which is bad of me. But Thank You, I will take care.
