Wednesday 19 December 2012

How I started blogging?

Okay, my 'n' button on this keyboard is really playing up, so if there's a 'n' missing, that would be the reason why.

Here comes the really odd story as to how I came to blog besides wantig to share my opinions and my boring life. =.=

Well, I became an An Cafe fan specifically a Teruki fan and I basically was searching for loads of information about him and An Cafe and I was creating a new screensaver when I accidently clicked on one of Sarah's photos instead of the Teruki picture next to her's (the internet was being slow and I was being well not patient) (her blog is here:) and I saw her blog and I started reading her posts and I was really interested by her blog and I wanted to comment on it.
I also found Ashley's blog through Sarah's blog and I started reading both blogs but without an account, I couldn't comment.

 I got interested to share my opinions and things and after my exams last year. I had a month of doing nothing besides helping my dad, so I decided to start blogging.

At first, I shared random stuff but now I tend to add some fan fics, what I did that day and JROCK help!

I think I would catergorize the blogs I follow, one of them is beauty bloggers They do a lot of reviews on circle lenses which will be useful for cosplaying (not for me but in general) for me to have different coloured eyes for fun and the only catergory is someone who blogs about different stuff so their lives, hauls and anything else.

I hope everyone likes my blog and would share me, how they started blogging if they don't mind? :P


  1. is very nice to have a blog :D Sarah's blog was one of the first personal blogs that i met (the other were about information or something like that), she is a really nice girl isn't she?

    i think sharing information about you, what do you like and what do you use to do is a way to show a little of your the culture of the place where you live and also you can meet nice people from all over the world! i am happy with the blogging world ^^ and you?

    1. Yeah, Sarah is a lovely girl. I really like the way she lays out her blog and her posts are always intersting to read. Even though, I can't read Jap it's cool that she and Ashley write translations in Jap under the english bits.

      I am happy too, it's nice to read comments like this, I feel very happy and I can see what other people think. I love reading your blog, its always so intersting and you always write nice and informative comments back to me! So thank you very much :P

  2. I started blogging way back (five or six years ago). Two of my best friends had blogs so I sort of hopped on the bandwagon and established my own. I found that it was a good stress reliever as well as an excellent way of silently proclaiming my love for whatever boy I was crushing on haha! My first blog was mostly about love and heart break since that was the main focus during that period of time. I gradually started writing about my daily adventures as well because I wanted something to look back on and read about. I don't use my first blog anymore, but I still have it and from time to time I'll check it out to read old entries and think, "Wow, I use to write like THAT?" xD

    I think blogs are great. You can write whatever you want and not care about what people I think. Sure you're bound to run into some negative people here and there, but they don't affect you that much with what they say (at least to me anyways!) :P

    I quite enjoy your blog as well as Matt-tomboy's because they both bring me back to my visual kei roots. It's nostalgic for me :)

    1. Wow.. thank you so much for saying that you enjoy my blog. I love your blog too, it's a really cute blog and I love your header of your blog, it makes me feel calm or maybe it's just the blue lol.

      I hope I won't run into negative people, I used to be bad at retorting back to people that were nasty but I think I got better as I got older which is better.

      It's a good way of looking back and the things that I have done in the past. I hope you will keep reading my blog and thank you for commenting and following too :D

  3. I'm glad you found my blog and you started reading it! I'm very happy and honored (^ω^)
    It's great that you decided to start blogging! I think your blog is interesting and I like the way you write ☆

    1. I am incredibly sorry for this super late reply :(

      Thank you for reading my blog and commentating, I don't particularly like the way I write but thank you again lol.

      I prefer the way you and other blogs, I follow write. I feel like I go on too much. >.<
