Sunday 30 December 2012

Sorry ^_^

Its been such a long time, I blogged and I'm truly sorry about that. I've been really busy with school work and studying and I also sprained my ankle a few days ago *face palm* and I cut my knee as well. The swelling has gone down a lot and it wasn't bad as the sprain, I had 2 or 3 years ago, when I fell down the stairs and my whole foot was swollen and the side was purple *ouch*.

Anyways, I'm hoping to be able to do a christmas present and show the things I got for christmas...... it was a really lovely day and I ate waaaayyyy tooo much ! as usual, on boxing day my family went to a family friend's house and ate lots of delicous foods including Asian snacks and salmon sashimi!

Tomorrow, its New Year's Eve and then it will be 2013. I have a new year's resoultion which is to work harder, in my studies specifically and to maintain this blog too!  Can someone tell me what Minna-san means? I know it's to do with the word 'Everybody' thank you.


  1. oh what a bad thing being busy at school and with those problems... >_<
    but i am happy that you had a nice christmas ^^

    umm...minna-san i guess is "everybody" or "everyone" as you said, i think it's used to refer to many people in genereal :3...

    1. Well, its lucky that I already finished school before I sprained my ankle. >.<

      Thank you! I always enjoy christmas and you, how was yours? :P

  2. i would love to see what you got for christmas! feel better and happy new years! <3

    Check out my blog at: Caught in a Daze.

    1. When I have some spare time, I will post a photos of what I got for christmas.

      Happy New Year too you too. :)

  3. Merry 'Xmas and Happy New Year!
    I hope you feel better soon (>_<)

    Minna (みんな) means "everyone" and minasan (みなさん) (with just one "n") also means "everyone", but the second one is more respectful (^^)

  4. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.

    Thank you, I'm feeling a lot better now.

    Also, thanks for the explanation.
