Wednesday 19 December 2012

Secret Santa

Have you guys heard of Secret Santa?

Its basically when everyone is participtating in Secret Santa has their names written down on pieces of paper and the paper is folded up. Then everyone takes it in turn to pick a person's name out of the hat. Whoever's name, you've got is the present that you are buying for.

My friends and I did this, this year because it also saves money, as you only buy one gift.

Well, tomorrow my friends and I will be exchanging gifts, I also hope the person I'm giving my present too likes it and I will like my present. So excited and on friday, we finish school at 12 instead of the normal time of 3:20. I'm going to go shopping with my friends, I don't want to spend any unesccessary money but I know I will, so I gotta stop spending after New Year.

Although, there is something I really want to buy, which is just a plain silver ring. Usually, you can find them in the men's section but they are usually out of small and it's medium to large which is obviously too big for me.

Take Care!


  1. I know Secret Santa! In Spanish it's called "amigo invisible" (invisible friend) haha (^-^)
    I hope you get a nice present! ☆

    1. Thank you! That's so cool "Invisible friend" I learnt Spanish at school for 2 years but I was really bad at it :(
