Friday 31 August 2012


Hi. I know I haven't written a post for a week now, and no, I have not abandoned this blog~ I have just been sick.

So last friday, after writing this post in the evening I was ill, my throat was a lot worse (you know, your tonsils are your first line of defence and they warn you that you're going to be ill but I don't have them so I missed out on the warning), anyways so later on the evening I had a fever 38.8 *_* kinda high~ I know...normal temp is 37.

I was sick and then... I woke up the next morning... and I was very tired because I didn't sleep well, my tummy also hurt badly~ well what we have to understand is that! Its important to stay healthy and get better, well my throat got better but now its developed into a cold and a fingers cross it will go away.

My advice for myself (drink lots of water and rest).  ._.

Thanks for reading! Sorry this post was a little gross! BUT I'm hoping to post some makeup reviews posts! It will be my first time reviewing such stuff, I will do Clarins eye makeup remover and two different kinds of BB Cream.


  1. oh...i hope you get better soon! >_<"
    i can't write blog very well too becuase of the scholl...anyway take care!
