Wednesday 1 August 2012


Yoshiki smiled at me, he wiped the ice cream off my hand, I blushed a little, I was just thinking ahead. "Lets go out for dinner tonight?" Yoshiki asked in a cool voice.
"Sure," I said. Yoshiki's aftershave smelt of Vanilla.

We arrived at a beautiful Thai restaurant the interior was decorated with gold ornanments, scrolls and traditional paintings, next to Lee Jun Ki was a another younger looking guy, he had short, blonde hair and a kind face, he smiled warmly as we walked over and shook our hands as we sat down.

"My name's Yasu," the guy said.

"Hi Yasu, my name is Melon, " Melon said.

Yoshiki and Yasu were cousins and chatted warmly, about family events and caught up, Yasu was a model and was very popular in Japan, he had opened shows such as Armani and Gucci and D&G, he was also a style icon and was always in Fashion Magazines.

Melon did not read many magazines especially Fashion ones, and I didn't watch a lot of television otherwise she would of been aware of Yasu.

"Melon, what would you like to eat?" Yasu ask in a very gentle manner.

"Hmm," She said as she studied the menu.

"Let's eat some noodles and seafood," Melon said.

"Sure," Yasu said, he clicked his fingers and a waiter appeared dressed in red and white uniform, he had a little notebook and wrote quickly copying down Yasu's orders.

Yasu ordered Chicken, Noodles (Ramen, Udon and Soba), Seafood, Pork and Beef for everyone and Lemon tea for everyone.

"So what are your plans, whilst you are in Japan? Yasu?" Yoshiki asked.

"I need to buy some face cream and other cosmetics, I am also opening a show in Japan for Sex Pot Revenge and doing some work for Alice In The Pirates and Cute Can Kill, I plan to go shopping, swimming and relax," Yasu said.

Yasu ran his fingers through his hair through his blonde hair, he smiled at Melon with his kind face.

"I want to see everyone and you too Melon, Lee Jun Ki's been telling me a lot about you, I hope you recover from accident soon," Yasu said in a soft voice.

"Thank You," Melon said.

The food soon arrived and the waiter refilled their glasses with more Lemon Tea, the four of them ate quickly as they were starving, Yasu eat a moderate amount despite being a model of a very skinny build, he eat many pieces of pork, chicken and beef and three bowls of noodles, he clearly loved Soya Sauce as he drizzled over all over his noodles and meat.

After dinner, Yasu took everyone to a Japanese Bakery and bought every Vanilla flavoured cream pancakes, he himself had a green tea flavoured one as well.

"This pancake is my favourite, my mother gave it to me when I first worked abroad in China, Taiwan and Korea, she gave me this Vanilla flavoured cream filled pancakes and they are truly yummy," Yasu said explaing to Melon who was in awe of him.

Suddenly, a group of fake lookinig girls clambered around Yasu asking for his autograph and photos, as they walked away a girl grabbed Melon's bag and ran off with it, Yasu and Yoshiki sped ahead to catch the thief whilst Lee Jun Ki comforted her.

As the two men came back, Yasu was carrying the bag, he handed it back to Melon with his same warm smile, she saw when they first met each other.

"Stupid fan girls," Yoshiki muttered under his breath.

"Let's go home," Yoshiki said.

Yasu was staying at Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki's house too, he slept on a matt in the living room, everyone washed and then sat in the living room on the sofa and chairs, they drank some ot tea and then just relaxed before going to sleep.

"Melon, what do you do in your spare time?" Yasu asked.

"I'm a beautician and I make music," Melon said answering Yasu.  She was in awe of him, she had idolised Yasu for a long time and used his hairstyles and makeup on her clients as well at work.

*Next Day*

Melon was going to play at a live house, she was carrying her pink bass guitar to the 'Rocket Box' concert hall, where her band 'Art of Life' were going to play a string of famous Japanese Rock songs plus her newly composed song, 'The Glam Box' which would been included in their single that they were giving out.

Art of Life consisted of Meiji on Rhythm Guitar, Melon on Bass guitar, Kera on drums, Takuya on guitar and Luna on vocals, the band are co-ed with Melon being the leader, she is not the oldest though, she also designs costumes, stage props and does all the hairstyles/make up the band have.

Today, they are all dressed in Victorian dress with boys Takuya, Kera and Luna wearing theirs with lots of bows, ribbons and lace, the girls have beads and bows too. They also had dark, smokey makeup and wore rings and capes and hats too.

Because of the accident, Melon sat on top of the grand piano that Rocket Box had, she played her bass guitar while she sat there, she didn't want anyone to know that she was crippled because it was her dream to play in a major band.

Meiji and Kera always acted as MC's for the performances, as their talkative and kind pleasent voices, they were always fluent in 5 languages between them minus Cantonese, Meiji grew up in London, where she picked up basics in French and Spanish as well, whilst Kera grew up in Poland, Russia and the United States of America (New York) allowing him to pick up Polish, Russian and American English, this also leads to the two members baring foreign accents despite being 100% Chinese.

Rocket Box performance was a huge success and all their CD's were handed out, the band who had been performing for three years now, were pretty desperate to recieve some sort of record deal otherwise they won't have much money left to fund their tours and lifestyles, (almost all the members minus Meiji and Melon do smoke or consume a lot of alcohol).

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