Tuesday 7 August 2012


So with the Olympics going on and everything, McDonalds is doing 2012 Coca Cola glasses with wristband (comes in different colours; red, green, black, white, yellow, blue etc), you can get this glass if you have a large meal or salad, so I went with the large meal (6 Chicken nuggets, large fries and large Coca Cola, honestly if the glass didn't have the 2012 Olympics logo, I wouldn't of eaten a large meal because it's super unhealthy and this is the first time, I eat the large meal), my mum bought for me. Thank You Mum! Moreover, I got the glass but they only had the black or green wristbrand, so my mum chose the green wristband for me!

She also bought me some more of my skin care product 'Eucerin' which is pretty much finished, I use it to wash my face, twice a day (morning and evening), I like the fact that this product is partially bubbly so when I rub into my face, I know I have covered all the areas of my skin, if you cover your whole face its like a white bubbly mask. >.< right now, I can't use the BB Cream or loose powder, I mentioned in a previous post 'Yesterday, Today, Gets, Contacts, Squash' because it might be making my skin irritant.
:( I hope not~

I bought one small thing, a powder brush because the one that I am using isn't very good quality , I hope when my skin clears up, I can start using this brush and seeing if it's any good ^_^

~Okay, I have a question, has anyone read the Bakuman manga? It sound really good, but since manga is a little expensive for me to buy, I wanted to hear what other people had to say? Thank You for reading, enjoy the rest of your day~

Sorry, one last final question, I'm seeing a lot of banners on people's blogs with their blog name like personalised with imagery and pictures and cool stuff and I wanted to know, How can I make one? For people, who don't know what 'Dai Gar Hoi Sum' means, its phonetic Cantonese for 'Everybody be happy' this is just a rough translation! I explain it better in my first ever entry on this blog. Thank You again.

Edit: Does anyone know how to make Gifs? Do I have to use a special software?


  1. I like Bakuman☆ However, I stopped buying it because I want to save money (>_<) but I think it's a good manga!
    You can make a banner with an image editing program, like Gimp (moreover, it' free!) (^O^)

    1. Thank You~ is it hard to make the banner using Gimp? I don't buy manga very often because I need to save money for merchandise!

    2. Well, it depends. I suppose you can do simple and difficult things with it (^^) It resembles Photoshop ☆

    3. Okay, thanks very much~ I guess I will have to practise :D
