Friday 17 August 2012

☆The Trials and Tribulations of Contacts☆

So basically my optician offers trials for a week for contact lenses, you can keep trying contact lenses until you find the perfect and comfortable one! It also free, so doesn't cost my parents or me anything! Of course, the actual contacts will not be free! ha ha ha~

Moreover, this week trial allows me to feel comfortable in the lenses, of course in the week I do different things e.g. sports, shopping and just resting at home so it allows me to know if the vision and comfort is 100%.

I'm already on my third trial, it's very irritating actually, the first pair was not very comfy, and I decided I didn't want contact lenses after the trial, this was last year, so a year on I tried a new pair of lenses this was last week or the week before? Sorry, I can't remember but the lenses didn't sit on my eyes very well and kept sliding down my eye when I blinked=poor vision, because the contact should sit on the pupil but my contact was half on and half off.

Now, my third pair is feeling more comfy, it seems like it sits on the eye better, I really hope this pair of contacts are the one, I feel embarrassed for myself and the optician when the contacts don't fit plus the optician has to order mine because I have astigmatism! Nothing serious just means the contacts need to be order in.

 For me the eyeball is shaped differently like a rugby ball which results in distorted images at a close distance/I think also the refraction of light also does something as well. I'm not too sure.

Tell me what are your opinions? stick to glasses or contacts? contacts are better for my tennis lessons >.<

Good Day :D

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