Tuesday 14 August 2012


Basically, today I played squash with my dad and sister, have you ever played it? It's tiring and gets your heart pumping, sweaty and red-faced but it helps to burn calories and lose fat, so if you want to lose weight, squash is the sport is the way to go? what kind of sports do you like?

BUT I think Badminton and Tennis are good sports because these sports don't require lots of people, two people is enough yeah? four is okay too? and for me six is max on a court! but another sport I like is basketball but you need a group of people to play, so yeah is out of the question for me because my friends don't like it. Which is a pity! Plus I have no basketball.

What sports do you guys like? =.=

Do you enjoy sports or just do them to keep fit?

The next chapter of my story Prince&Princess will be posted soon ^_^ Please look forward to it :P


  1. squash! is awesome and very fun!
    i've played it a few times and i liked it

    and yes! you finish really tired after the game :P

    my favorite sports are martial arts and swimming :D

    1. I love watching Martial Arts films, they are so exciting, swimming is good fun too! :)

  2. I used to play tennis when I was little but I didn't like it and I was very bad at it ヽ(;▽;)ノ hahaha

    1. I started when I was little and I liked it, it's the only sport I'm good at... ha ha ha :D
