Thursday 19 July 2012


Hi everyone, doing okay~ good, happy? good...please don't be sad........and if you are.............then get better soon okay? being unhappy too long is bad for the health ^_^

The weather in the last two weeks has been appalling, not even joking, lots of rain, a bit of wind and a little bit of sun but two weeks of rain each day is too much especially when its approaching July.

I drank some Pepsi, eat some crisps, cookie~ and feel like I put on the weight that I lost yesterday from running in tennis, I eat an apple and banana yesterday, today was a huge fail maybe because I was nervous about some school work. -.-

BUT it's okay, I'm feeling a better, little by little, actually in the last two years it seems like the way I worry has increased and sometimes it affects my health because I eat too much or not enough, I listen to music too loud and damage my ear drums and get headaches, I lie awake tired but not being able to sleep, I also get bad tummy aches but i'm trying to not worry too much if something is out of my control that's what my mum told me!

Singing is the way I deal with stress and music, I like listening to Kenny G (Saxophone) and Beethoven (Fur Elise) and Wolfgang Mozart (when I was little, I did something called Kumon, it's like a maths tutor, they also do english as well, anyways every friday I could collect a week's worth of maths papers and take it home, my concentration skills since I was little till now, are still poor but they have gotten better, my mum played a CD of Mozart's compositions whilst I was working, the music was very soothinig and it helped me to loosen up, of course Classical is not everyone, I know that none of my friends I know list Classical as a genre they listen too).

Anyways, take care! believe in yourself! Keep chasing your dreams!

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