Sunday 15 July 2012

Third and Final part of my three part story.

“I guess that guy’s mother won’t like me now,” Yoshiki said warily as he walked to his local supermarket.
As he walked in, he was swamped by photographers and fans, which were clustering around for him for pictures and autographs, he took a few photos and signed a few autographs but then got up and went off to buy his groceries.
The security guard followed him, helping him, he helped Yoshiki to load his car (which Norman had got someone to drop off at the supermarket stall).
As Yoshiki drove off home, his car suddenly stopped, when a dark figure with a hood on ran to the middle of the road, the person squinted at Yoshiki making him uncomfortable.
“Can I help you?” Yoshiki asked the dark hooded figure.
The figure walked towards Yoshiki smirking, suddenly the dark hooded figure pulled down their black hood. It was Kamijo, his dark golden eyes gleaming in the moonlight, his strawberry red lips and his minty streaked blonde hair.
“Remember me, an old friend, an old acquaintance,” Kamijo said in his deep voice.
“I…remember…you,” Yoshiki said in a strangled voice.
“Well I haven’t got anyone to go, let me sleep at your house,” Kamijo said standing extremely close to Yoshiki.
Yoshiki moved Kamijo away from him, “Yeah, you can stay in the spare room,” Yoshiki said sharply.
His eyes like daggers, Yoshiki opened his silver Porsche car with Kamijo next to him.
*A flashback*
Yoshiki a lazy high school grader who only really shone in literature and languages and music, had been friends with a prince-like Kamijo, the boy who received the most flowers and chocolates on Valentine ’s Day, unknown to everyone in the school.
Kamijo only had eyes for Yoshiki, Yoshiki used to feel the same until Gackt moved into their class and Yoshiki was immediately attracted to the eccentric Gackt, whilst Yoshiki felt the three could be friends. Kamijo was too upset to accept that someone else had stolen Yoshiki’s heart.
Kamijo moved away and his and Yoshiki’s friendship became strained.
“You’ve been doing well and you still have that youthful appeal about you,” Kamijo said happily.
“What about you? Your business going well, I’ve read about your charitable works in the newspapers a lot,” Yoshiki said trying to avoid talking about his private life.
“My business is fine, I got married recently, I wanted you to be the godfather to my daughter, that’s why I came to find you,” Kamijo said softly.
The words brushed on Yoshiki’s cheeks, sending a chilly shiver down his spine.
“What’s your daughter’s name?” Yoshiki asked thoughtfully.
“Mei Zhu, her mother’s Chinese,” Kamijo said after a few moments.
“What a pretty name,” Yoshiki said parking the car.
Norman was standing outside Yoshiki’s house, completely soaked.
“Norman, why are you here?” Yoshiki asked rushing to his assistant.
Norman looked up at Yoshiki “Melon’s become really ill. She’s not getting any better. That’s what hide said the doctors said.”
“I thought she was getting better,” Yoshiki said holding back his tears.
“It turns out, she was trying to protect hide, she didn’t want him to lose her job, she’s really pale and sickly, “Norman said.
Yoshiki ran into his large, white coloured house and grab a few belongings, and rushed back out.
“Norman, let  my friend Kamijo go in and settle him in, Norman you can stay here tonight, there’s some clean clothes in my wardrobe, which you can have,” Yoshiki said jumping back his car.
As he pulled the car out of his parked space, he drove as quick as the rain was coming down onto his car as he arrived at the hospital he began looking for number 8 hospital room for Melon.
As Yoshiki turned the corner following the signs for number 8 room, he saw a crouched pink, colourful dressed figure sobbing in front of the door.
“hide, I thought you went home,” Yoshiki said calling to his friend.
“I did Jackie called me and she said that Melon was suddenly really sick,” hide said crying into Yoshiki’s chest.
A cluster of doctors and nurses opened the door and close it, they looked at hide and the next few words that he would say would shatter hide and Yoshiki’s world.
“I’m sorry, we tried our best, I’m afraid Melon passed away,” the doctor said.
hide collapsed on the floor, tugging onto Yoshiki’s trousers crying heavily. Kamijo who had followed Yoshiki to the hospital watched the events unfold, he ran towards Yoshiki and helped him to walk hide back to his car.
*Next Morning*
A song called Tears was playing on the radio, the lyrics were a painful reminder for hide of Melon’s passing, they had been together for eight years and they were planning to go to Disneyland when she came out of hospital.
“I miss her,” hide said his face fixed with a glassy stare.
Kamijo tip toed down the stairs and sauntered into the kitchen, where he eat some toast and drank some coffee, despite now knowing hide very well or Melon, Kamijo could relate to the pain of losing someone you loved.
Kamijo’s brother Yasu died from liver failure when he was nineteen years old,
“I’m really sorry about Melon,” Kamijo said to hide.
“Huh?” hide said in a dysfunctional manner.
“I said I was sorry for your loss, my brother passed away some time too,” Kamijo said.
 “I can’t understand this feeling or understand this,” hide said as tears streamed down his face.
“I need to tell her fans and her band members first,” hide said.
That afternoon, hide spoke too Hyde, Wu and Cheng delivering the sad news, the members were shocked, hide told Mae once he got through to her by telephone. The four members issued a statement and asked for privacy and to respect hide’s decisions regarding Melon’s funeral.
Yoshiki sank into depression for the next year or so, focusing on his work, three months after her funeral Yoshiki produced a film dedicated to ‘Melon’. The film centered on this young, flawless and beautiful person namely Melon who had created the popular and hugely successful visual kei band ‘Purple Rain’ after the song by Prince, their costumes were also put together by Melon, beautiful, romantic robes of each members specific colour finished with beads, diamonds and tassels (a signature trademark of theirs).
Fans were deeply saddened by the photos and videos that filled the last 45 mins of the film, fans were devastated that in their last performance with Melon at their Shibuya concert, Melon wore a wig and was actually very sick, hence the fact that her appearances were limited during the show and she also sat on the staircase a lot, she had been wired up under her costume to regulate her heart beat and breathing throughout the show.
The ending theme song of the film ‘Melon’ was composed by Purple Rain and named after her.
*Few years later*
 Kamijo and his wife had spilt up, he had designed a shoe collection for Prada and was currently residing in New York with his five year old daughter Mei Zhu, and he was on good terms with his ex-wife. hide had only just accepted that Melon was already gone but she remained in his heart, hide left Yoshiki’s label and opened his owned, training future generation stars, his company is called ‘Melon-Only For You Entertainment Company Label’, he hadn’t met anyone new yet but he was getting better each day, he moved into Yoshiki’s home and Jackie retired but regularly visits hide and he sees her when he has a day off from work. Kenneth and Natalie got married and are expecting their first child, they still work under Yoshiki’s label, Yoshiki had met someone new, a girl called Yana and they were now dating, his days were brighter, she is a fan of his work, he has been focusing on his love life more than his work and he is focusing soley on creating stories once he is inspired by true events and as for Norman, he had become a successful solo artist after Yoshiki discovered his singing talent, he works with Yoshiki still but not as his assistant instead as an artist.

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