Friday 27 July 2012


Lee Jun Ki looked at the floor, a person laid on the floor covered in blood, bruises and cuts, he bent down and touched the cold hand of Melon, she was wearing faded blue jeans, a red plaid Polo shirt and some caramel brown boots, he accompanied Melon to the hospital, holding her hand and praying for her to wake up.

*Flashback three hours prior to the accident*

Melon had just finished walking home after work, when she received a text, as she carried on walking, she walked in front of a stolen car that was being pursuit by police officers, knocking into Melon, she broke the bones all through her body.

*Back to Present Moment*

As he was waiting for the results and condition of Melon, he was also waiting for Yoshiki to arrive,  as Yoshiki rushed through the A&E, his heart was beating.

"Lee, where is she?" Yoshiki asked crying heavily.

"She's in there, there doing all they can to safe her," Lee Jun Ki said with a heavy heart.

A doctor came out and spoke to the two men.

"She's in a stable condition, she's passed the serious part but I'm afriad she suffered a broken spinal cord, she'll be unable to walk, her brain was partly damaged too," the doctor said.

"Can we see her?" Yoshiki said who was calmer and more composed state than Lee Jun Ki.

"Yes, you can but she will need a rest," the doctor said.

The two rushed into the room, laying in the bed wired with tubes and machines, her face was swollen, however her face showed a peaceful look. The two men just gazed in shock, a few hours in the morning, Yoshiki and her were drinking coffees and talking about hairstyles, Melon had even suggested Yoshiki get a perm.

Whilst Lee Jun Ki was reflecting about his conversation with Melon, two nights ago where they eat at a Italian Restaurant, she had talked quite bluntly about her life and he had been very cold towards her. He had even rudely brushed off her request to help him with his hair.

*5 Days later*

Melon woke up, her eyes opened slowly, she moved her hands, as she attempted to move her feet, she couldn't feel them, she tried again, using all her strength. As she tried to move more, she suddenly hit Yoshiki on the head.

He woke up and felt shocked at first, then he helped Melon to sit up.

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I feel my feet anymore? WHY?" Melon yelled loudly in huge sobs.

"I'm so sorry, your brain and your spine was damaged in the accident," Yoshiki said cuddling her tightly.

The doctor later provided Melon with medications and physio was needed for her and she would need to get used to using a wheelchair, she could also used a frame to walk but she couldn't walk far without being breathless.

After 30 days in the hospital Melon was discharged and she went to live with Yoshiki, her auntie was already becoming old and frail and unable to take care of her, Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki visited her auntie very often, her auntie also gave some of belongings to Yoshiki and told him that Melon liked sweet foods a lot.

Melon was actually living in Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki's house but Lee Jun Ki was always away so it was really Yoshiki's house. Melon noticed that Yoshiki didn't have many possessions except for that expensive looking watch. He wore once.

Whilst Lee Jun Ki had expensive clothes, a skateboard with his name inscribed in it, lots of gadgets like PlayStations, Xbox 360, a Karaoke machine. She also noticed a stack of Manga in the livin room, Bakuman, Bronze, Lovely Complex, Otomen, Yotsuba and ! and to her suprise makeup tutorials and magazines.

In Yoshiki's wardrobe, was the most exotic outfits, bright colours and hair extensions in his room, tweezers and brushes, creams, gels and mousses, he had a stack of very old books by his bed, his duvet was a dark blue colour, his pajamas laid neatly on his bed. The most expensive item in Yoshiki's room was his computer, the screen was encrusted in gold Swaroski crystals, Rubies and Emeralds decorated the back of the moniter.

"Some water and noodles?" Yoshiki asked.

Melon jumped, "Ah, sorry I was being nosy, yes sure!"

"No, it's alright, a lot of people say I have weird stuff," Yoshiki said.

"No, not at all, where am I going to be sleeping?" Melon asked. My bags were outside on his sofa.

Yoshiki led Melon to a spare bedroom, it was fairly big, a big bed laid in the corner, a cupboard and table was also in the room. Yoshiki carried my bags and helped me to hang up my clothes, he put my bag at the top of the wardrobe.

"You don't have many items or clothes, we should go clothes shopping, one time eh?" Yoshiki asked.

"It's okay," Melon said placing my t-shirts and plain clothing back into the wardrobe. Three pairs of shoes were put into plastic boxes, my stationary and soft toys were put on the table and bed respectively.

My laptop was put on my table, it was pink and it had some cute stickers stuck on it.

That night, I slept with ease, exhausted and tired I just fell into a deep sleep, the next morning Lee Jun Ki went off to work whilst Yoshiki took the day off, he gave my medicine followed by a simple breakfast of strawberry flavoured yoghut, some soft bread and a glass of grape juice.

After breakfast, Yoshiki took Melon into the living room to watch my favourite Anime 'Lovely Complex' it was so magical, the scenes were also very funny and Melon laughed a lot. Yoshiki was laughing quite a bit as well, he was smiling a lot, this was the most Melon had never ever seen him being animated than ever.

"I want to go out?" Melon wailed.

"Sure," Yoshiki switched off the television, he took out a rickshaw and made me sit at the back, I was still recovering so he made sure, I wasn't over-exhausted.

We stopped off at Park 'N' Shop and eat some ice cream, Banana and cream flavour for Melon and Strawberry and Peach for Yoshiki. After the ice cream, the two enjoyed the view in the park opposite the supermarket, tall trees filled with beautiful pink flowers swayed and dance in the wind.

"It's so beautiful" Melon said.

Yoshiki placed his hand on mine, and a tingle went down my spine, my eyes blinked furiously, my cheeks were blushing furiously red.

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