Thursday 12 July 2012

The second part of my three part story.

As Kenneth, Natalie and hide got ready to start filming, the first scene showed Natalie and hide at an airport saying goodbye to each other, Natalie’s character was travelling to Hokkaido to pursue her dreams whilst her brother remained in Hong Kong to finish his studies.
Kenneth acted really well, bringing his own style and breathing life into Yuki, Kenneth was also a good team player, as Yoshiki had written Yuki’s character as someone who wore very flamboyant costumes even in his normal attire, so Kenneth had to wear clothes with feathers and beads, he also had to wear brightly coloured eye shadow and other styles of makeup.
Yoshiki gifted Kenneth with a ticket to Disneyland World in Tokyo, he had recently bought an amusement park, he was hoping to re-decorate it and open it up, and the amusement park was back in his hometown of Chiba in Japan. He gave a pearl and diamond necklace to Natalie.
“Kenneth and Natalie, thank you for your hard work, I will see you tomorrow,” Yoshiki said as he waved to Natalie and Kenneth.
Meanwhile, hide was tidying up some props, he was eating spicy kimchi and rice, and drinking Soju, Yoshiki was waiting for hide’s girlfriend to arrive, she was called Melon.
Yoshiki went over to hide, to see how drunk he was, suddenly hide got up and knocked into Yoshiki, as Yoshiki opened his eyes, hide’s face was right there, his cheeky smile and bright eyes that was looking at him longingly.
“Let’s get you home,” Yoshiki lifted hide into his silver car. He drove the car, whilst Norman assisted hide as he was sick several times.
Upon arriving at hide’s house, Melon didn’t appear. Yoshiki knocked on the front door several times before a maid appear.
“Where’s Melon? She was meant to pick hide up today.” Yoshiki said angrily.
“She’s in hospital, she’s been really sick lately,” the maid said in a confused voice, helping hide into the house.
Yoshiki put him into bed whilst Norman brought hide’s belongings. As Yoshiki exited hide’s room, he saw Melon’s room, it was immaculate very clean, all of her stationary lay on the table, and small gifts decorated her room. Then Yoshiki noticed several photos pinned to the wall, he walk inside her room to take a closer look, Yoshiki was shocked to see, a pale and fragile Melon lying in a hospital bed, hairless, hide was sat beside her, holding her hand and smiling at the camera.
Yoshiki ran into hide’s room, “Melon was sick, why you didn’t tell me?” Yoshiki asked.
“She’s been sick for a long time, she doesn’t know what to do about Purple Rain, that’s why she didn’t want me to say anything,” hide said sleepily.
Purple Rain, were a chart-topping selling Chinese co-ed visual kei group consisting of two female members and three male members, Melon was the colourful bassist known for her androgynous and tomboy style, she also sang in many of their songs alongside Mae, whilst Mae was the vocalist, who could scream, shout and hit high and low notes, Hyde was the drummer and leader, Wu the eldest member was the guitarist and Cheng the rhythm guitarist.
Melon was friends with Wu and Hyde, Hyde was also hide’s cousin that’s how she met hide, her first love and her boyfriend right now, Wu use too and still does devote a lot of attention and love to Melon, he wrote many songs for her when she was in hospital and after she came out, he wrote some more songs for her, Mae is Melon’s old classmate in primary school, Mae was a quiet girl who led a simple and carefree life, she was recruited as the vocalist just before Melon went into chemotherapy after her first diagnose of cancer, Melon was an occasional singer for the band. Cheng was a keen basketball player but his life changed when his brother was stabbed to death, filled with hurt and hatred, he turned to Japanese rock music at around this time, the band members of Purple Rain were advertising for a rhythm guitarist to complete the lineup, Cheng responded to the advertisement.
“I really miss her and it hurts me to see her hurting too,” hide said as he snuggled into Yoshiki’s arms.
“I know, why don’t you sleep now and tomorrow first thing in the morning, I’ll come by and we can visit her,” Yoshiki said patting hide’s head.
Hide looked up at Yoshiki, “Thank you,” hide managed to say before collapsing from exhaustion.
*The next morning*
hide’s personal maid, Jackie helped hide to get change and eat breakfast, he packed a bag filled with Melon’s favourite snacks, some food and pajamas, he had visited her as often as he could.
Jackie was a woman who had been taking care of hide since he was little kid, she moved in with hide and Melon when they got together, Jackie was there to help Melon take her medication and to relieve her stress.
“Thanks Jackie, you can have the day off, I’m probably not going to come to eat dinner or anything, so yeah,” hide said as he went to the front door slamming it as he left the house.
Outside standing by his car, Yoshiki was dressed casually in a white vest that accentuated his muscular arms, black PVC trousers and a navy blue belt, on his feet where plain black boots and he wore a pair of dark shades.
He smiled at hide, who was dressed in a yellow sweater with an orange fluffy lining, green trousers and red shoes, always looking brightly coloured like a packet of skittles, hide could pull almost every look, maybe it was from his modeling experience, he had an eye for clothes as well as art.
“Let’s go,” Yoshiki held the door opened for a worried looking hide.
Upon arriving at the Bluebird Ward for Cancer patients, hide opened the door that led to Melon’s private room, the pale, fragile looking girl was looking at the window, wired to tubes and hairless.
“hide, you came,” Melon said wrapping her arms around her boyfriend, she felt a lot of tears well up, every time she saw him.
“I missed you a lot, this is my new boss, Yoshiki Hayashi of Extasy Records,” hide said kissing Melon on the lips.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Yoshiki said producing a fruit basket and some chocolates.
“These are from hide,” Yoshiki said. Yoshiki had ordered the fruit and chocolates so hide was a little puzzled.
“He’s working very hard at the moment,” Yoshiki said.
“I know, I’m working hard now to get better too,” Melon said, she produced a piece of paper, where she had been composing songs.
“I hope, I can perform soon,” Melon said.
“I think your allowed to rest at home starting tomorrow, I’m gonna hire another maid to help shed the load off Jackie and I can take some time off to take care of you,” hide smiled.
Hide was a kind and so sweet boyfriend, a guy everyone wanted as their boyfriend, he was friendly and considerate, he worked many long hours to help pay for Melon’s medication, he was also always popping in to see Melon to give her company, if he couldn’t he asked Kenneth or Natalie or Hyde if they could go and visit her.
“Of course, I love you a lot, and it breaks my heart too know that you’re so sad and so far away from me,” hide said touching Melon’s hand.
*After the hospital visit*
“Hey, let’s go for a drink,” Yoshiki suggested as the two walked over to a bar.
The two ordered tequila shots and down more than 10 shots each, they also drank vodka and wine too up to 10 bottles each before becoming drunk, hide called his mother to pick them up.
Hugely displeased with Yoshiki having a bad effect on her son. She glared at Yoshiki before dragging his son to the car, hide’s mother offered Yoshiki a ride home but he turned it down.

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