Tuesday 31 July 2012


Today, I woke up a little late than I planned, however I made time to eat a delicious breakfast, of a triple chocolate muffin, half a bagel with cream cheese and salmon and a glass of Soya Bean milk, I know it's not very healthy but I don't eat like this every morning, once in a while, I think is acceptable!

Also, on Monday evening I made this bracelet last week, after I was out with my friends, I came home and used some of the beads I bought and some wire and a pink tassel that my mum had to make this, I wanted to make something cute, so I can wear cute jewellery, what do you think?

I'm also going to play some tennis if it doesn't rain, if it does, I do some h/w and play some board games at home with my family.

Monday 30 July 2012


Today, I actually wanted to find a nice, cute skirt but I couldn't which was a shame as I was in a hurry to get home with my mum and sister so we could watch the Diving (Olympics) which was being shown at 3 on TV.

So I actually I only went to one shop 'Zara' but they don't really sell cute skirts and there clothes is quite expensive when they are not having any sales, they had a sale but the skirts was not what I was looking for, when I get time later on in the week, I will defnitely into Primark and Top Shop to see if they got cute skirts, I want something in pastel colours like purple or something, the colours I use for my blog recently?

For lunch, I had Ongiri again from a shop called Kokoro, it was seaweed filled, I had also two glasses of Orange Juice Copella brand (from my fridge), a handful of Sour Cream and Chives and a giant triple chocolate muffin, not very healthy besides the Ongiri but oh well, its the holidays *even though I'm supposed to lose some weight), this Onigiri was yummy~

Also, my dad bought me a squash racket and the balls used for Squash, I am so happy, I wanted to play squash a long time ago, I love ball and racket sports like Tennis, Ping Pong, Badminton and Squash, the latter was the only one, I've ever not played, because firstly, I play Tennis once a week, I have a lesson on wednesdays afterschool, Ping Pong and Badminton at my school during our Physical Education lessons, and I joined the school's Badminton club with my friends, however I quickly lost interest because a lot of people that I played with, weren't use the hand and eye co-ordination and had trouble playing Badminton, I'm only good at the hand and eye co-ordination because of tennis lessons, but now I can go to my local sports center and play there, which will be lots of fun and a good way to lose weight.

Everyone enjoy the rest of your day, evening or morning depending on where you are in the world!!!

~My Discovery into Jrock~

So basically, lately I've become a huge Jrock fan, lately as in last six to nine months before I was a truly dedicate Kpop fan (I still am) to bands like Super Junior, actors like Jang Geun Suk and Lee Jun Ki, but with Lee Jun Ki entering military service and Super Junior members, my music switched towards Jrock, also during any stressful period listening to music that was too cheerful all the time didn't help~ please don't get me wrong, I'm still a dedicated 'ELF' and 'eel '(SJ+JGS fan club) and Lee Jun Ki etc.

I came across the Pink Spider (hide) through Kim Heechul of Super Junior, who is a Jrock fan himself (I'm not really sure what bands he likes) and he sang Pink Spider at one of SJ's concerts, although I haven't been able to find a clip of him singing this song, anyways I clicked on hide's page, this bright-haired, cute young man dressed in a red attire immediately I was intrigued by him.

I actually gasped when I read the personal information bar and it showed the day of his death underneath his date of birth, just 33 years old, hide had already gone, he spread his wings and left this world in 1998.

About six months later, I started listening to X Japan's song's Silent Jealously, then I stopped listening to any Jrock music for about a year? I think...last year I focused on a lot of pop, hip hop and rap music from Korea,  Taiwan and Hong Kong, then in the end of last year, I started listening to hide and enjoyed all of his songs, none of them left me any disappointment from the slow, paced simple PV of Goodbye then the fast movements, bright colours and fancy hairstyles of Dice and then in Jan-Feb, I started listening to X Japan's music and I really liked Endless Rain, Born To Be Free, Jade, Tears, Kurenai etc...beautifully composed songs~!

Now, I'm venturing into other bands and artists like Gackt (Vanilla, Ghost, Love Letter), The Gazette (Filth In The Beauty), Versailles (Reverant Choir), An Cafe (Ryuusei Rocket, Smile Ichiban Ill Onna, Snow Scene etc), SuG (GimmeXGimme), I hope I can listen to more bands in the future and also widen my knowledge, next on my list to listen too are Nightmare (Hitsugi, he's so cute and sweet despite his fierce makeup and numerous piercings), Buck Tick, Glay (got to listen to some of the legendary bands in this scene).

Any suggestions and songs? Everything is welcome! >.<

Sunday 29 July 2012

~Today~ 'Thunder, RAIN and a little bit of Sunshine'

Today I'm staying indoors, watching the Olympic Events, the weather is odd if I can say that, this morning when I got up at it was nice, sunny day like earlier on the week, however I was mistaken, a few hours later towards 12, the sky darkened, grey clouds were swooning in and suddenly rain poured, and poured and poured, it was then accompanied by thunder and lightening, it was like some Philharmonic music piece, that you hear in Classical Music performances.

And it now it's sunny again with rain, the weather is so confusing, it's not a good day for those who had plans to commute to places, back and forth, because the weather is simply horrendous, BUT for those who are travelling to watch the Olympics or anywhere, please take care~!

The gymnastics and synchronised swimming are my favourite events, the swimming is good too.... right now I'm watching the American, French, Canadian, British teams competiting, all the costumes are so beautiful, delicate and pretty, the American team are the best so far, on the vault and uneven bars, however the floor has been a bit wobbly :'( but I'm sure they will be fine.

So far China have 6 medals altogether including 4 gold~ Such an exciting competition~ :) 

Saturday 28 July 2012

My small but growing Manga collection.

Manga is expensive to buy, so I only have a few copies, but this collection will grow bigger.

First Picture: Volume 1 of Naruto, to be honest, I was a little disappointed with the story, I didn't like it very much, I guess Deathnote and One Piece etc with mythical creatures aren't my type.

Second and Third picture (back and front) : Volumes 1,2,3,4 13,16 and 17 of Love Com (Lovely Complex), the back is very cute I think, that's why I wanted to show, the books are very colourful too especially volume 17, the manga story actually ends in Volume 16 but Volume 17 has a chapter of them after they finish secondary school, and before they (Otani and Risa) met.

Fourth and Fifth pictures (back and front): Volume 1 of Yotsuba and !, this is a ongoing manga, I bought it to read when I had my tonsils removed since I stayed for 2 nights at the hospital with my mum.

Friday 27 July 2012


Lee Jun Ki looked at the floor, a person laid on the floor covered in blood, bruises and cuts, he bent down and touched the cold hand of Melon, she was wearing faded blue jeans, a red plaid Polo shirt and some caramel brown boots, he accompanied Melon to the hospital, holding her hand and praying for her to wake up.

*Flashback three hours prior to the accident*

Melon had just finished walking home after work, when she received a text, as she carried on walking, she walked in front of a stolen car that was being pursuit by police officers, knocking into Melon, she broke the bones all through her body.

*Back to Present Moment*

As he was waiting for the results and condition of Melon, he was also waiting for Yoshiki to arrive,  as Yoshiki rushed through the A&E, his heart was beating.

"Lee, where is she?" Yoshiki asked crying heavily.

"She's in there, there doing all they can to safe her," Lee Jun Ki said with a heavy heart.

A doctor came out and spoke to the two men.

"She's in a stable condition, she's passed the serious part but I'm afriad she suffered a broken spinal cord, she'll be unable to walk, her brain was partly damaged too," the doctor said.

"Can we see her?" Yoshiki said who was calmer and more composed state than Lee Jun Ki.

"Yes, you can but she will need a rest," the doctor said.

The two rushed into the room, laying in the bed wired with tubes and machines, her face was swollen, however her face showed a peaceful look. The two men just gazed in shock, a few hours in the morning, Yoshiki and her were drinking coffees and talking about hairstyles, Melon had even suggested Yoshiki get a perm.

Whilst Lee Jun Ki was reflecting about his conversation with Melon, two nights ago where they eat at a Italian Restaurant, she had talked quite bluntly about her life and he had been very cold towards her. He had even rudely brushed off her request to help him with his hair.

*5 Days later*

Melon woke up, her eyes opened slowly, she moved her hands, as she attempted to move her feet, she couldn't feel them, she tried again, using all her strength. As she tried to move more, she suddenly hit Yoshiki on the head.

He woke up and felt shocked at first, then he helped Melon to sit up.

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I feel my feet anymore? WHY?" Melon yelled loudly in huge sobs.

"I'm so sorry, your brain and your spine was damaged in the accident," Yoshiki said cuddling her tightly.

The doctor later provided Melon with medications and physio was needed for her and she would need to get used to using a wheelchair, she could also used a frame to walk but she couldn't walk far without being breathless.

After 30 days in the hospital Melon was discharged and she went to live with Yoshiki, her auntie was already becoming old and frail and unable to take care of her, Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki visited her auntie very often, her auntie also gave some of belongings to Yoshiki and told him that Melon liked sweet foods a lot.

Melon was actually living in Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki's house but Lee Jun Ki was always away so it was really Yoshiki's house. Melon noticed that Yoshiki didn't have many possessions except for that expensive looking watch. He wore once.

Whilst Lee Jun Ki had expensive clothes, a skateboard with his name inscribed in it, lots of gadgets like PlayStations, Xbox 360, a Karaoke machine. She also noticed a stack of Manga in the livin room, Bakuman, Bronze, Lovely Complex, Otomen, Yotsuba and ! and to her suprise makeup tutorials and magazines.

In Yoshiki's wardrobe, was the most exotic outfits, bright colours and hair extensions in his room, tweezers and brushes, creams, gels and mousses, he had a stack of very old books by his bed, his duvet was a dark blue colour, his pajamas laid neatly on his bed. The most expensive item in Yoshiki's room was his computer, the screen was encrusted in gold Swaroski crystals, Rubies and Emeralds decorated the back of the moniter.

"Some water and noodles?" Yoshiki asked.

Melon jumped, "Ah, sorry I was being nosy, yes sure!"

"No, it's alright, a lot of people say I have weird stuff," Yoshiki said.

"No, not at all, where am I going to be sleeping?" Melon asked. My bags were outside on his sofa.

Yoshiki led Melon to a spare bedroom, it was fairly big, a big bed laid in the corner, a cupboard and table was also in the room. Yoshiki carried my bags and helped me to hang up my clothes, he put my bag at the top of the wardrobe.

"You don't have many items or clothes, we should go clothes shopping, one time eh?" Yoshiki asked.

"It's okay," Melon said placing my t-shirts and plain clothing back into the wardrobe. Three pairs of shoes were put into plastic boxes, my stationary and soft toys were put on the table and bed respectively.

My laptop was put on my table, it was pink and it had some cute stickers stuck on it.

That night, I slept with ease, exhausted and tired I just fell into a deep sleep, the next morning Lee Jun Ki went off to work whilst Yoshiki took the day off, he gave my medicine followed by a simple breakfast of strawberry flavoured yoghut, some soft bread and a glass of grape juice.

After breakfast, Yoshiki took Melon into the living room to watch my favourite Anime 'Lovely Complex' it was so magical, the scenes were also very funny and Melon laughed a lot. Yoshiki was laughing quite a bit as well, he was smiling a lot, this was the most Melon had never ever seen him being animated than ever.

"I want to go out?" Melon wailed.

"Sure," Yoshiki switched off the television, he took out a rickshaw and made me sit at the back, I was still recovering so he made sure, I wasn't over-exhausted.

We stopped off at Park 'N' Shop and eat some ice cream, Banana and cream flavour for Melon and Strawberry and Peach for Yoshiki. After the ice cream, the two enjoyed the view in the park opposite the supermarket, tall trees filled with beautiful pink flowers swayed and dance in the wind.

"It's so beautiful" Melon said.

Yoshiki placed his hand on mine, and a tingle went down my spine, my eyes blinked furiously, my cheeks were blushing furiously red.

~Olympic Special Screensaver~

So right now, my screensaver is Yoshiki Hayashi of X Japan, I think it was one of his pictures for his Vogue photoshoot, he's wearing a Leopard patterened gown, some jewellery (silver rings, bangles etc) and he's wearing black eyeliner, it's a simplistic image but I love it very much, it's artistic and oh he's like lying on a sofa or something, he's not standing up. ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

Sorry, a kinda bad descripition maybe I should create a collage of all of my favourite Jrockers, Cpop Artists and Kpop Artists, BUT I'm very bad at using Paint, any suggestions on how to make a cute picture, I want to make it super Kawaii!!! Or should I just use one picture, maybe I'll pick a good picture of Yoshiki or Kamijo and edit those.... :/

I'm sorry for my poor editing skills, that I asked for some help~ :'(

~X Japan Fan Cafe~

I'm going to sound like a real fangirl here right now but oh well.

Last year, I went back to Hong Kong and my auntie Victoria (on my mum's side) had cut out places to go in Hong Kong, I noticed one of the advertisements, the logo of 'X' of X Japan was on it, I was like 'Hey, isn't this X Japan?' and my auntie said 'Yes' and she asked if I would like to go.

Of course, I couldn't hold my excitement (I wasn't as big of a fan as I am now) anyways, the little cafe was located in Yuen Long, Hong Kong if I remember correctly, it was hidden away and we got lost (my auntie called the shop owner to get directions), it was fairly dark inside but the walls there were framed photos/concert posters of X Japan, the tables two of them had Yoshiki and hide images, it was really great, sadly I didn't see this until I was walking out of the cafe, I can't remember what I drank, hot chocolate probaly.

The images on each of the tables were so nicely chosen and presented, the owner actually seemed a very shy kind of person, not exactly the stereotypical rocker kind of person, but he did a great job.

The best part was the X logo on the coffee machine, I even think Heath, Sugizo, Toshi, Pata, Yoshiki, Taiji and hide would all be very honoured if they could see it!

I guess this band is old and the members are a lot older than me, but I have a lot of respect for them and I also really enjoy their music, BUT I do like some younger bands (I mean that they are closer to my age) like An Cafe, SuG, Versailles but I also love Gackt... I <3 the song Ghost... it's such a funky song with robot dances but a weird PV, a caretaker mopping glass up? lol

Okay that's it for now~ take care~ check out the next part of Prince&Princess too.


Today, I went to the local shopping centre, and I also dropped off another letter for a job, it was very nerve-racking, it makes me nervous sending in all these applications but I'm going to cross my fingers and hopefully I will get a job, so I can buy a bass guitar for myself, so I can learn how to play it, I also want to buy some X Japan and Versailles Guitar Picks, maybe if they have a Kanon Guitar Pick, I'll buy one too!

Anyways, another time I'll disscuss merdise, I don't really have much compared to other fans, just Posters, a few magazines (all Kpop though) and CD's/DVD's.

Afterwards, we as in my sister and my mum and me, went and bought Kimbap, Ongiri (Bulgogi flavour), Red Bean chewy cake/pancake like thing, it was bought in a Korean Supermarket that sells Japanese and Chinese food, sauces and beverages, to accompany our food we had Rice Milk which was sooooo yummy, sweet but flavoursome at the same time, the name of this rice milk is called 'Sunshine in the Morning' isn't that a nice name? you can practically drink it as your breakfast beverage.

I know I did when I was Korea, when I was 7, the hotel room had always two 2 litre bottles of rice milk, and I drank so much~ I ate a lot of Ice Cream there too because the flavours were so inventive but that's irrelevant to this post.

Well tonight is also the Olympic Opening Ceremony, it's going to be on at 9 o'clock and I'm eating Bibimbap for dinner and my sister has made Banoffee pie my favourite dessert.

Who are you guys rooting for in the Olympics? for me, well it's China and Hong Kong since I'm Chinese!!! Let's watch it together :)

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Statistics and Today

I'm very happy, I'm new to this blogging but already I have people from across the whole of the world reading my blog, I feel very happy and honoured, some of the countries include Spain, Ukraine, Mexico, Singapore, America, Australia, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Germany, Russia etc. I hope everyone will keep this reading blog, sorry for the lack of visuals when I get some time, I will take some pictures of food and merchandise and other stuff that I buy! I hope everyone will read more and leave comments too :) 

Anyways, today the weather was extremely hot, I met my sister and we went 'window shopping' I was meant to pick up a cute Lilac Watch the same one as my blue one but it was completely sold out, I was so disappointed, but there was nothing I could do, I bought a lot of stuff recently anyways, so I guess it was meant to be, I think I'm going to make more cute bracelets tonight, my mum has some wire and pink and purple tassels~ I'm going to use them!

Note: I hope everyone will carry on reading my one-shot fan fiction 'Prince&Princess', and I hope you read my previous one as well, do you guys like it? any thoughts? someone you want me to use for my next one? =.= 

Also, I saw the new An Cafe PV and song, there not my favourite band but I like them, there my first Oshare Kei band that I liked, I listened to some of SuG's songs but maybe I just prefer An Cafe for some reason not too sure but I think SuG are doing well! and I wish them the best! Takeru is very cute with his dimples! I like their drummer but I don't know his name, I like their song GimmeXGimme.

Back to An Cafe, there song 'Amazing Blue' which a fellow blogger reminded me the name, its amazing I haven't listened to the whole song but I still like the pirate themed~ kawaii~ some people say this is nothing like Old An Cafe, they prefer it with Bou but I really like Takuya and Yuuki as well, they are very hard working too, this kinda reminds me of the situtation of Super Junior with Henry and Zhou Mi, some people still do not welcome them...they are bad fans!!! I love Ryuusei Rocket and Smile Ichiban li Onna song as well! Snow Scene is pretty cool, Bou looks like a cute girl!

My biases are Teruki and Kanon, I noticed Teruki first and I think he's awesome! and Kanon is adorable! and I love his style of playing the bass, he has inspired me to play the bass!!!

Has An Cafe been in any dramas or films? preferably Dramas? >.< Thank You in advance!

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Melon was doing a client's hair cut, when Yoshiki walked in with his warm smile and soft spoken voice, he attracted a lot of attention from the employees.

"I'm here to request a haircut to be done by Melon," Yoshiki said at the counter.

"I'm here," Melon said helping Yoshiki removed his brown overcoat, Yoshiki accidentally revealed an expensive looking watch. He blushed a little as he followed Melon's gaze on his black and white diamond watch.

"Can I get some layers and I need to re-do the dye in my hair, this time I want bright pink like your fringe," Yoshiki said happily.

"Sure, let's start," Melon said twirling the scissors into her hands, her hands flew over his hair, in beautiful gestures.

She snipped here and there and at last, she gave his hair a final brush, presenting a mirror to Yoshiki who smiled warmly.

"I'll proceed to dye your hair," Melon said.

She whipped open a bottle of dye, pouring the pink liquid into a bowl and mixing it into cream, mixing together, he created a beautiful pastel pink which she started applying to Yoshiki's hair gently, smiling warmly.

"Are you okay?" Yoshiki asked.

"Yes, I'm fine thank you," Melon replied.

"How is your family?" Yoshiki asked, he noticed immediately he touched a raw nerve, when he say Melon's expression in the mirror.

"Well after the accident that destroyed my families business, I moved in with my auntie, my parents live with my grandma, they are doing well, I've been very busy this month, I've been unable to see them recently, it's very bad, " Melon said in a mutter.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, I liked to see your parents with you one time," Yoshiki said as Melon brushed the remaining parts of his hair.

He walked outside of the hairdressing salon with beautiful, pastel pink hair, unlike the stereotypical professors of greying hair, bad fashion and smelt badly, Yoshiki was well-dressed, had a breath of mints all the time and had beautiful styled and dyed hair.

He also had a big heart too, he would pay attention to students queries and help them with their homework, he was always cheerful and patient. A truly kind teacher.

Lee Jun Ki was walking home, when he witnessed an event that would give him psychological scars, his heart would miss a beat, as he dragged himself to the edge of the road.


Hello~ I'm busy everyday for the holidays, I'm going to do some volunteering work, as I'm unable too get some work at the moment but I'm going to try hard because I really want to buy and play a bass guitar and pop violin and also the piano, O(≧∇≦)O currently I can only play the flute but I quit after a few years but it was diffcult to play, I played briefly in my school orchestra and I participated in two shows that I can remember, I was also able to play the 'Muppets Theme Tune' I don't think I can remember it anymore. 

Today, I woke up early and had breakfast at Mc Donalds, it was a special treat from my dad, I went with my mum and my sister as well, I eat hash browns, some eggs, meat and bread (it was kinda hard and crusty) and orange juice, the juice was very refreshing.

My sister and I then went to the library, to watch some Anime and borrow Manga, I'm currently watching Lovely Complex, it's such a excellent Anime, please do not be put off by the Live Action Movie, it cut off sections and missed a lot out, unless I missed some of epsiodes of the movie!

The Anime has such a lovely theme tune, the whole thing is very colourful and bright, and it does all the funny and quirky expressions that Risa has! I really love it! It's my favourite Manga, even though I haven't read all the volumes! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ::・'゚☆。.::・'゚★。.::・'゚☆。ワーイ!!

Anyways, we also played tennis with my tennis buddy Suzanna and my school friend Toby, Toby's a beginner and I was coaching him, I didn't play very well today because the sun was sorching, I was extremely hot, I had to apply sun cream twice, I completely empty my bottle of water very quickly, me and my sister bought some strawberry flavoured water at the supermarket and all four of us bought ice cream.

Play tennis! It's good fun and really worth it! My friend stepped on my racket, I was a little annoyed, but I was just joking annoyed, I love my racket a lot, it's my dad's old racket, it's a Green Prince Racket with a black handle originally it got worn out so now it had a red handle (we just apply like, I don't know what it's called but you can buy some strips of material like leather to wrap around the handle if the handle becomes worn out. )


Monday 23 July 2012


Today was 28 degrees, very hot, I went shopping with my friends Ellen, Gabriela, Toby, Andrew and Anthony, we walked around the local shopping centre, there's a shop called Obento, it sells the nicest chicken Katsu Curry but today I wanted to buy some sushi and it wasn't opened, I also dragged my friend Gabriela around for nothing which I felt bad about!

I just went to the supermarket and bought some cheap sushi, that tasted okay, the tuna one was kinda dry and I drank some Melon and Strawberry with mint drink, I was too distracted by it's exotic colours to notice the hint of mint part, it taste better than expected.

I guess you want to know what I bought, at first I didn't buy anything because I spent a lot on lunch but Accessorize was having a big sale...well at least some of their stuff and I got a trainer necklace and the laces are like real if that makes sense, I got a piggy ring because my Chinese star sign is a 'Pig' so I tend to buy pig related items, and have many piggy soft toys as a child.

I only bought two sets of elastics, red and blue and two packets of beads, a pink pearly round beads set and rainbow coloured hearts, I wanted to make my own cute bracelets, I've seen items on Cute Can Kill and all the items are very cute~ I wanted to know where I could buy beads in Teddy Bear shapes and other shapes~ I'm a really big fan of Sweet Lolita stuff but I don't own any shoes or dresses sadly~.

I have seen many cute things on the Baby The Stars Shine Bright website and Hizaki of Hizaki Grace Project ---> Versailles modelling some of their clothes whilst Kamijo of Lareine ---> Versailles modelled some clothes from the Alice and The Pirates line. The Japanese fashion is very diverse and that's why I like it.

Anthony and Andrew went home first and the rest of us went to find Toby a tennis racket, I'm just going to teach him how to play tennis, I've played for 8 years, I'm not an expert but I'm sure I can teach my friend the basic skills and to play a proper game, like with everything, I have good and bad days!

Afterwards, we went to a park, played on the swings and then we went home! Now, I'm waiting for my dinner, I'm very hungry, its been a long day~

I've eaten dinner now, my mum made Nachos with cheese, plain Nachos with Guacomole, the remaing leftovers of Colesaw, Potato Salad, Chicken and Sausages. It was so yummy, being under the sun, I think you don't realise that your hungry, until I came home sat down and start writing this post.... ^_^

Right now, me and my dad are really into a popular old Hong Kong drama called Healing Hands, I need to watch the second and third series, its a Medical drama, I recommend it! 

Sunday 22 July 2012


Today, we were going to have a BBQ in my garden, it was originally meant for Saturday but the weather was better today, exceptionally hot and sunny, I've never had a BBQ where I was so hot, we used umbrellas in the end as shade and my mum made me wear loads of suncream.

My dad was in charge of cooking the food, we had chicken wings, Frankfurtors, Polish and Turkish Sausages (they were nice, I've never eaten them before, it's always good to try new things), hash browns, potato salad and colesaw (prepared by my mum, she also marinated the chicken wings in soya sauce too).

I eat loads and drank some lemonade and Tango Apple ( I had three quarters, my sister ha a quarter).

Yesterday, me and my sister went to the library and we borrowed some manga (Beauty Pop (first and second volume)), Ouran High School Host Club (first and second volumes), I flicked through Beauty Pop and was not interested but now I am because my sister read both volumes today in the garden in between the BBQ so I'm reading it and I'm hooked.

I am also watching the Lovely Complex Anime, I watched halfway through to the third episode, I have to say this is one of the first Anime's I like alongside Sailormoon, my dad I think bought it for me and my sister, I believe my copy is in Cantonese. The live action movie of Lovely Complex wasn't that great. I'm glad I am watching the Anime.

Any recommendations? Thank You! Take care! Always happy!


As the two sat in pure silence, as they headed to the 'Aroma Authentic Chinese Food Restaurant', upon arriving a bunch of Yoshiki's students were celebrating another student's birthday, Yoshiki chatted to them briefly.

"What do you want to eat?" Lee Jun Ki asked Yoshiki.

"Anything, I don't really mind, I've lost my appetite," Yoshiki said draining his class of red wine.

Lee Jun Ki ordered a duck, some sweet and sour chicken and some fried noodles, the two of them eat quietly, which scared Lee Jun Ki.

"I'm sorry for looking at that photo," Lee Jun Ki said adruptly.

Yoshiki looked up at stared at his friend and then he looked back down at his mobile phone. "Do you want to know who that girl is?"

"Do you remember Ruki? That's his little sister, she passed away in a Motorcycle accident, she also my first love," Yoshiki said with a bright smile on his face.

"Ah. I don't mind. She just looked familiar to me," Lee Jun Ki said.

*Next Day is Saturday, the two are walking through the high street, when Yoshiki's hear someone calling his name*

"Yoshiki-san, wait for me," the voice called.

Yoshiki turned around to be greeted by a girl with a bright smile, her blonde curly hair was clipped back with pink hair clips, she had a pink neon fringe, her eyes were the darkest shade of blue, Yoshiki had ever seen, she wore a white top with a pink jacket and a tartan skirt with pink and red heart-shaped boots.

"Hi, my name's Melon Lunacy," Melon said extending her hand out.

"I'm Ruki's second cousin, its nice to meet you, I'm 23 years old and I'm a Beautician," Melon introduced herself.

"Ah, my name's Yoshiki Hayashi, I'm 27 years old and I'm a professor in Science, this is my friend Lee Jun Ki, he runs a dance academy," Yoshiki said cheerfully.

"Are you foreign?" Lee Jun Ki asked curiously at this colourful girl.

"No, I'm not, my hair is dyed and I wear contacts, lots of people ask me that question," Melon said.

"Shall we go and eat lunch together?" Yoshiki suggested.

"Sure," Melon and Lee Jun Ki chimed in.

Over lunch, they got to understand Melon a bit more, she had travelled the world and did well at school, she talked happily about her family, how she lived in a big house and wore dresses fit for Princesses. * of course, these are lies but the two guys don't know this*

They drank red wine and eat scallops, Yoshiki treated the two being the eldest, Yoshiki's birthday was in November whilst Lee Jun Ki was in April.

"Well, I'll see you around," Yoshiki said giving her a hug after exchanging numbers. Melon smelt Yoshiki's aftershave, she felt like she could stay in his arms forever.

As he walked away with his friend, Melon turned around to admire Yoshiki, he was truly handsome, like the Prince Charming, Melon read in fairytale books when she was little, truth be told, Melon believed in soul mates and she was sure, Yoshiki was the one.

Saturday 21 July 2012


Sweat dripped from his fashionable, dyed pink hair, his eyes staring sharply at the mirror, his heavy breathing echoed in the hollow dance room, his name was Lee Jun Ki, he had just finished teaching a class of students for a Culture festival in Shanghai, they were travelling from Tokyo.

His class consisted of 55 students, ranging from 3 years old to 20 years old, he was also in charge of designing the costumes for the performers, they were to be dressed in traditional kimino's, the girls would wear a pink floral one with cherry blossoms decorating the kimino, whilst the boys wore a sky blue kimino with beautiful hummingbirds, the girls would wear light makeup of white powder and some red streaks, whilst boys would have Kabuki style makeup for their performance.

The group was representing Japan and they were called 'Prince&Princess', they also decided to sing some songs, and play musical instruments as well as their explosive dance routine at the end.

Yoshiki walked into the studio, he finished his work early and he greeted Lee Jun Ki, one his arms was carrying a transparent white folder, his other hand held a comforting cup of noodles for Lee Jun Ki.

"You should eat something, you look sickly and pale these days," Yoshiki said standing next to Lee Jun Ki.

Yoshiki's plucked eyebrows, dyed red hair and his piercing black eyes was a different style of other professors but extremely clever and dedicated to his field of work, he was also popular with the female students and recieved lots of flowers and presents on Valentine's Day.

A group of female students were huddled outside, admiring the two different but equally handsome men, who were talking seriously.

"I'm gonna crash at your house tonight if it's okay?" Lee Jun Ki said as he grabbed his bag and finished tidying the studio up.

"Sure," Yoshiki said.

The two walked out of the room to the group of startled girls, Yoshiki gave a little smile and Lee Jun Ki gave them a wave.

"Bye, see you tomorrow, " Lee Jun Ki called back.

*In Yoshiki's Car*

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" Yoshiki asked his friend, as he was cruising his car casually through the winding roads, the cream leather seats and the hazelnut coloured wood clashed with the men's colourful hairstyles.

"Chinese food," Lee Jun Ki said.

Yoshiki took a left turn at a petrol station, to fill his car up, as he went to pay, Lee Jun Ki was scanning the petrol station, deep in his thoughts about the prepations for the Culture Festival in Shanghai.

He noticed a photo on Yoshiki's seat, he picked up the photo and looked at the girl, staring back at him was a girl with a bright, warm smile, she had long, waist length wavy pink hair, dark brown eyes, she was wearing a kimino and had fake tattoo sleeves on both of her skinny arms.

Yoshiki climbed into the car and grabbed the photo adruptly from Lee Jun Ki, "Please, I would prefer you not to root through my personal belongings."
Lee Jun Ki inhaled sharply, that picture was something else, he was Yoshiki's friend from birth, they shared everything.

Friday 20 July 2012


Today, I was at my friend's house, her name is Hannah, we had a really good time together, two of my friends also came Gabriela and Toby and we were playing on the guitar, piano and ukulele and well I sang badly to Tears and Endless Rain, shame....I obviously can't sing any of X's songs because Toshi's voice is too good, anyways Hannah liked the songs, I love the piano intro of Endless Rain because it's so beautiful and the lyrics of Tears is like a poem, I think I've said this before? >.<

I eat McDonalds for lunch + Sprite but it's the last day of school before the summer holidays, so I just went kinda crazy, I also had some kinda chocolate and happy hippos, its really yummy~!

I'm a little kid for liking to eat chocolate and chips and burger but I'm gonna stop soon also tomorrow I'm going to have a BBQ with my family, it's gonna be good fun if the rain doesn't spoil it but it's not meant to rain.

Anyways, I'm gonna leave with a song for everyone, 'Born To Be Free' by X Japan, enjoy~!

Take care, enjoy your day and happy summer holidays :D

Thursday 19 July 2012

A new one-shot fan fiction ^_^

Name: Prince&Princess (Sorry for the bad names)
Starring: Yoshiki Hayashi as a professor of Science, Lee Jun Ki as a dance instructor and Melon Lunacy as a ice skater.
Warnings: None (this is going to happy one)
Details: Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki have been friends since they were brought into this world, two friends with two different lifestyles, one is rich and the other is so poor, that he has moved so many times that he can't even remember his first home, however Melon Lunacy is a girl with a upbeat personality appears in their lives and she slowly falls with one of them, desperate to help hers families economic state, she pretends to like the friend with more money over the one she truly loves, what will happen when she realises, that these are all lies that she is being fed?

Character Biography:

Yoshiki Hayashi the shyer and quieter one of the two friends, developed a passion for science from any early age, indulging himself to answer some of the toughest questions that scientists faced, he is a highly respected professor at the Chiba's Science and Astronomy University where has worked since his graduation. He has also published a book about poems before becoming a professor.

Lee Jun Ki, a disruptive and troublesome high school student was expelled from a total of 9 high schools, he dropped out of education at 19 after studying Music Technology for three years, he was however persuaded by many others to finish his last year and graduate, he refused to stay any longer, he started dancing on the streets and later opened his own dance academy 'The Bullet Proof' where he parodied MJ's videos such as Billie Jean and Thriller, wrote dance music and taught students to dance. He is highly known for his parodies amongst other works.

Melon Lunacy, her family were doing well until a fire when she was 9 damaged her parents laundry shop, she became homeless and moved in with her aunt, developing an interest of music at a young age, she hoped to keep pursuing her dream in the entertainment industry, however a car crash left her crippled and unable to play musical instruments or sing.


Hi everyone, doing okay~ good, happy? good...please don't be sad........and if you are.............then get better soon okay? being unhappy too long is bad for the health ^_^

The weather in the last two weeks has been appalling, not even joking, lots of rain, a bit of wind and a little bit of sun but two weeks of rain each day is too much especially when its approaching July.

I drank some Pepsi, eat some crisps, cookie~ and feel like I put on the weight that I lost yesterday from running in tennis, I eat an apple and banana yesterday, today was a huge fail maybe because I was nervous about some school work. -.-

BUT it's okay, I'm feeling a better, little by little, actually in the last two years it seems like the way I worry has increased and sometimes it affects my health because I eat too much or not enough, I listen to music too loud and damage my ear drums and get headaches, I lie awake tired but not being able to sleep, I also get bad tummy aches but i'm trying to not worry too much if something is out of my control that's what my mum told me!

Singing is the way I deal with stress and music, I like listening to Kenny G (Saxophone) and Beethoven (Fur Elise) and Wolfgang Mozart (when I was little, I did something called Kumon, it's like a maths tutor, they also do english as well, anyways every friday I could collect a week's worth of maths papers and take it home, my concentration skills since I was little till now, are still poor but they have gotten better, my mum played a CD of Mozart's compositions whilst I was working, the music was very soothinig and it helped me to loosen up, of course Classical is not everyone, I know that none of my friends I know list Classical as a genre they listen too).

Anyways, take care! believe in yourself! Keep chasing your dreams!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

☆彡1 Year Passing of Taiji Sawada (X Japan member)☆彡

Note: If you don't like sad topics, in a bad mood or don't feel you want to feel unhappy please skip this post. Sorry. ☆⌒(*^-゚)ノ~♪see you again♪~ヾ(゚-^*)⌒☆

Death is a sad thing, a lot of songs have been created surrounding this topic but I feel that sometimes, no matter how long a person is gone, the heart, soul and mind will never heal, because the person that is gone, is someone you loved, cared and cherished for~ BUT no matter, how bad you feel, always must remember that person doesn't want you to be sad because there no longer here. Please also remember this is soley just my opinion too.

Well this is post is dedicated to Taiji Sawada, who sadly passed away last year, he had commited suicide after being arrested, he attempted suicide using the bed sheets in his cell, he hung himself, which left him brain dead and on life support, the truth is this is really sad and it makes me feel sad, that even if he did something for being arrested, was attempting suicide really neccessary, his fiancee and mother switched off his life support machine.

I hope he watches over X Japan, when watching the 'Endless Rain' MV, its quite to sad to think two people in that MV are no longer here, I don't say there not part of my life's as they are, I still listen to their music, watch interviews and try to learn more about X Japan, there music can relieve my anger, 'dry my tears with love' and make me laugh with their goofy, shy and kind gentlemans that X Japan are.

Death or losing someone, can really a kill a person, a person can feel lost and lose the feeling of living, instead they feel, they are just there physicially, but not mentally~

Credits: Wikipedia page for helping me to write certain parts of this.

Cake, cake, cake


( ´ ▽ ` )ノ タダイマァ CAKE...i've eaten too much! birthdays and my parents wanted to eat cake, has meant I've eaten three slices of three different kind of cakes over two days O(≧∇≦)O I know what your thinking, what's there to complain about, when I eat cake, and it's not my expense!

hmm...do you guys like cake? what's your favourite cake? weird question, actually right now i'm craving for chocolate cake, quite unhealthy so i'll just eat some cereal bars, apples and Chinese tea to cure my craving of chocolate cake., I have to lose some weight this summer. It's quite important that I actually do, because I feel that it was boost up my confidence, also I can wear the nice clothes, I see for 'Baby the Stars Shine Bright' and Alice In The Pirates and other nice comfy and cool and cute clothes.

Thecake was purchased from Patisserie Valerie it was so good, beauiful yet elegant and scrumptious cakes, that are also extremely light on the tummy, a sweet aroma that packs a punch~ the strawberries on the gateau that I chose was yummy! I guess i'm a kid in a candy store, very cliche but very true, I actually went off cake for some time but I guess not!

\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ  (OFFTOPIC) I wish I could find more topics about X Japan but its so diffcult, so if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. ^_^

Sunday 15 July 2012

☆彡~My idol~ ☆彡

One of the few idols of mine, Ha. My friends always say 'he's too old' 'he's ugly' 'blah,blah,blah' , he's the king of Visual Kei, his band are the pioneers of Visual Kei, X Japan describe Visual Kei as (I think) 'Psycheldic Violence of Visual Shock' best describes Visual Kei, an explosion of colours, a burst of wacky hairstyles and the beautiful and extravagent and flamboyant costumes too,  he is the drummer and the leader of this band. Can you guess who it  is?

IT's YOSHIKI HAYASHI~ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!! he's truly a great person, he dealt with many hardships along the way, his father's death (commited suicide when Yoshiki was 10 or 11, i'm sorry I need to verify that so sorry, sorry again :( shame on me!), hide's death and Taiji's death (last year) would lead to him creating the masterpiece called 'Tears' the song is cleverly written, subtle message but it makes me cry~ the song is too beautiful.

Then there's 'Endless Rain' once you hear it, the piano intro will be etched into your brain, everytime you hear the first few keys, you'll remember Endless Rain, the video is very simple but simple is sometimes the best right? ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ the intro here is kinda like their new song 'Jade' because the drumming is also etched into my brain, these two songs have very catchy openings that makes it obvious before the guitar, bass and vocalist joins in what the song is.

So you can see he's an excellent composer, musician and has great talent in the drums, piano and the guitar (if you watch Pink Spider being performed by X Japan in the hide Memorial Summit, Yoshiki's plays the guitar in this song).

As for his personality, I think he was a hard person, a perfectionist and made his personality hard to work with at times but I think he matured as he got older, I guess he's like fine wine, and tastes better when there more mature or older in Yoshiki's case.

Yoshiki's smile is amazing *:--☆--:*:--☆:*:--☆--:*:--☆--: his smile shows off all of his nice white teeth but there's this shyness and gentleness in his smile that I love...... also, if you watch Yoshiki in interviews he's incredibly shy especially when he was younger but on stage, he's so different, playing the drums in such a powerful way, it's no wonder his muscles are so musclar...after years of playing, his body looks better now, he was too skinny when he was young and also him playing the piano his magical, he kinda becomes softer when he plays the piano, that's what I think but still powerful~ also his 'drum dive and diving into the audience' I say drum dive becomes he dives into his drum kit.

In future, please take care Yoshiki, it pains me to see you being ill and with bruises and cuts, take care~ always love you~  WE ARE X, forever supporting X Japan.



O(≧∇≦)O Hey, how is everyone today? I thought I liven up this blog with a smiley emotion icon, when I get chance, i'm going to add some pictures to my other posts because I feel like people are put off when there's so much writing. I understand. I am an visual kind of person too!

The weather here is clearing up a lot, its just such a shame, thats its the end of the week, really but hopefully tomorrow will brighten up~

Okay, well I hope everyone is good, today I was at home with my mum and she made a nice lunch of yellow egg noodles, shoulder steak and bean sprouts. It was pretty yummy and I probaly ate too much, i'm trying to lose weight for the next few years and I wanted to be skinnier of course I do!

Third and Final part of my three part story.

“I guess that guy’s mother won’t like me now,” Yoshiki said warily as he walked to his local supermarket.
As he walked in, he was swamped by photographers and fans, which were clustering around for him for pictures and autographs, he took a few photos and signed a few autographs but then got up and went off to buy his groceries.
The security guard followed him, helping him, he helped Yoshiki to load his car (which Norman had got someone to drop off at the supermarket stall).
As Yoshiki drove off home, his car suddenly stopped, when a dark figure with a hood on ran to the middle of the road, the person squinted at Yoshiki making him uncomfortable.
“Can I help you?” Yoshiki asked the dark hooded figure.
The figure walked towards Yoshiki smirking, suddenly the dark hooded figure pulled down their black hood. It was Kamijo, his dark golden eyes gleaming in the moonlight, his strawberry red lips and his minty streaked blonde hair.
“Remember me, an old friend, an old acquaintance,” Kamijo said in his deep voice.
“I…remember…you,” Yoshiki said in a strangled voice.
“Well I haven’t got anyone to go, let me sleep at your house,” Kamijo said standing extremely close to Yoshiki.
Yoshiki moved Kamijo away from him, “Yeah, you can stay in the spare room,” Yoshiki said sharply.
His eyes like daggers, Yoshiki opened his silver Porsche car with Kamijo next to him.
*A flashback*
Yoshiki a lazy high school grader who only really shone in literature and languages and music, had been friends with a prince-like Kamijo, the boy who received the most flowers and chocolates on Valentine ’s Day, unknown to everyone in the school.
Kamijo only had eyes for Yoshiki, Yoshiki used to feel the same until Gackt moved into their class and Yoshiki was immediately attracted to the eccentric Gackt, whilst Yoshiki felt the three could be friends. Kamijo was too upset to accept that someone else had stolen Yoshiki’s heart.
Kamijo moved away and his and Yoshiki’s friendship became strained.
“You’ve been doing well and you still have that youthful appeal about you,” Kamijo said happily.
“What about you? Your business going well, I’ve read about your charitable works in the newspapers a lot,” Yoshiki said trying to avoid talking about his private life.
“My business is fine, I got married recently, I wanted you to be the godfather to my daughter, that’s why I came to find you,” Kamijo said softly.
The words brushed on Yoshiki’s cheeks, sending a chilly shiver down his spine.
“What’s your daughter’s name?” Yoshiki asked thoughtfully.
“Mei Zhu, her mother’s Chinese,” Kamijo said after a few moments.
“What a pretty name,” Yoshiki said parking the car.
Norman was standing outside Yoshiki’s house, completely soaked.
“Norman, why are you here?” Yoshiki asked rushing to his assistant.
Norman looked up at Yoshiki “Melon’s become really ill. She’s not getting any better. That’s what hide said the doctors said.”
“I thought she was getting better,” Yoshiki said holding back his tears.
“It turns out, she was trying to protect hide, she didn’t want him to lose her job, she’s really pale and sickly, “Norman said.
Yoshiki ran into his large, white coloured house and grab a few belongings, and rushed back out.
“Norman, let  my friend Kamijo go in and settle him in, Norman you can stay here tonight, there’s some clean clothes in my wardrobe, which you can have,” Yoshiki said jumping back his car.
As he pulled the car out of his parked space, he drove as quick as the rain was coming down onto his car as he arrived at the hospital he began looking for number 8 hospital room for Melon.
As Yoshiki turned the corner following the signs for number 8 room, he saw a crouched pink, colourful dressed figure sobbing in front of the door.
“hide, I thought you went home,” Yoshiki said calling to his friend.
“I did Jackie called me and she said that Melon was suddenly really sick,” hide said crying into Yoshiki’s chest.
A cluster of doctors and nurses opened the door and close it, they looked at hide and the next few words that he would say would shatter hide and Yoshiki’s world.
“I’m sorry, we tried our best, I’m afraid Melon passed away,” the doctor said.
hide collapsed on the floor, tugging onto Yoshiki’s trousers crying heavily. Kamijo who had followed Yoshiki to the hospital watched the events unfold, he ran towards Yoshiki and helped him to walk hide back to his car.
*Next Morning*
A song called Tears was playing on the radio, the lyrics were a painful reminder for hide of Melon’s passing, they had been together for eight years and they were planning to go to Disneyland when she came out of hospital.
“I miss her,” hide said his face fixed with a glassy stare.
Kamijo tip toed down the stairs and sauntered into the kitchen, where he eat some toast and drank some coffee, despite now knowing hide very well or Melon, Kamijo could relate to the pain of losing someone you loved.
Kamijo’s brother Yasu died from liver failure when he was nineteen years old,
“I’m really sorry about Melon,” Kamijo said to hide.
“Huh?” hide said in a dysfunctional manner.
“I said I was sorry for your loss, my brother passed away some time too,” Kamijo said.
 “I can’t understand this feeling or understand this,” hide said as tears streamed down his face.
“I need to tell her fans and her band members first,” hide said.
That afternoon, hide spoke too Hyde, Wu and Cheng delivering the sad news, the members were shocked, hide told Mae once he got through to her by telephone. The four members issued a statement and asked for privacy and to respect hide’s decisions regarding Melon’s funeral.
Yoshiki sank into depression for the next year or so, focusing on his work, three months after her funeral Yoshiki produced a film dedicated to ‘Melon’. The film centered on this young, flawless and beautiful person namely Melon who had created the popular and hugely successful visual kei band ‘Purple Rain’ after the song by Prince, their costumes were also put together by Melon, beautiful, romantic robes of each members specific colour finished with beads, diamonds and tassels (a signature trademark of theirs).
Fans were deeply saddened by the photos and videos that filled the last 45 mins of the film, fans were devastated that in their last performance with Melon at their Shibuya concert, Melon wore a wig and was actually very sick, hence the fact that her appearances were limited during the show and she also sat on the staircase a lot, she had been wired up under her costume to regulate her heart beat and breathing throughout the show.
The ending theme song of the film ‘Melon’ was composed by Purple Rain and named after her.
*Few years later*
 Kamijo and his wife had spilt up, he had designed a shoe collection for Prada and was currently residing in New York with his five year old daughter Mei Zhu, and he was on good terms with his ex-wife. hide had only just accepted that Melon was already gone but she remained in his heart, hide left Yoshiki’s label and opened his owned, training future generation stars, his company is called ‘Melon-Only For You Entertainment Company Label’, he hadn’t met anyone new yet but he was getting better each day, he moved into Yoshiki’s home and Jackie retired but regularly visits hide and he sees her when he has a day off from work. Kenneth and Natalie got married and are expecting their first child, they still work under Yoshiki’s label, Yoshiki had met someone new, a girl called Yana and they were now dating, his days were brighter, she is a fan of his work, he has been focusing on his love life more than his work and he is focusing soley on creating stories once he is inspired by true events and as for Norman, he had become a successful solo artist after Yoshiki discovered his singing talent, he works with Yoshiki still but not as his assistant instead as an artist.

Saturday 14 July 2012

A Tribute To...Leslie Cheung

In 2003, Hong Kong Entertainment would lose two of it's brightest stars, the King and Queen of the stage  Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui. This first installment of 'A Tribute To' will be for Leslie Cheung.  On the 1st of April 2003, Leslie Cheung would commit suicide by jumping from a balcony in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel located in the Central Distruct of the Hong Kong Island,  at 6:41pm (Hong Kong Time) suffering from Depression for some time, he was 46 years old at the time of his death.

A beautiful person who tragically 'traded his soul to the fates' unable to cope with his illness any longer, Leslie left a note before commiting suicide, a friend said that Leslie's 'beautiful face' had not been damaged despite the horrific fall that he suffered.

Leslie who was educated in the Eccles Hall School (a boarding school) in Britain six months later, he transferred himself to a school in Chelmsford and obtained a scholarship thus to support himself he starting singing in the weekends and working in a relatives bar, it was also during this time, Leslie chose his stage name 'Leslie' as he liked Gone With The Wind and also liked Leslie Howard, also this name was unisex, it could be a man or woman's name and Leslie liked this.

Leslie rise to fame was through a singing competition at an 'Asian Singing Contest' where he sang Don McLean's "American Pie" where he placed first runner up, he later signed a contract with Rediffusion Television.

However at the start of his career, Leslie was booed offstage, anyways, I don't want to focus on anything negative so I'm gonna say some good stuff about Leslie because he's a pretty awesome guy~ he was a flamboyant person with a warm and youthful kind of appearance, his mash up in one of his performances of 'Stand Up and Twist and Shout' is pretty cool! I really liked it, his long, waisted black hair that was swishy too is one of the reasons I liked the performance but yeah!

He was nicknamed Gor Gor which means 'older brother' in Cantonese, was such a wonderful character and looking at his performances and the way he spoke, it seems that he had such a long life to live.

 He had passed away at the tender age 46 years old, he had been suffering from depression for some time.

I truly hope his soul rests in peace~he is still touching the hearts of others with his music and his kindness during his life time~ 

Thank You for reading this, I hope I didn't make you too sad with this, he is an amazing person and can't be forgotten.

Credits: Wikipedia (Leslie Cheung's page for the introduction of this article)

Thursday 12 July 2012

The second part of my three part story.

As Kenneth, Natalie and hide got ready to start filming, the first scene showed Natalie and hide at an airport saying goodbye to each other, Natalie’s character was travelling to Hokkaido to pursue her dreams whilst her brother remained in Hong Kong to finish his studies.
Kenneth acted really well, bringing his own style and breathing life into Yuki, Kenneth was also a good team player, as Yoshiki had written Yuki’s character as someone who wore very flamboyant costumes even in his normal attire, so Kenneth had to wear clothes with feathers and beads, he also had to wear brightly coloured eye shadow and other styles of makeup.
Yoshiki gifted Kenneth with a ticket to Disneyland World in Tokyo, he had recently bought an amusement park, he was hoping to re-decorate it and open it up, and the amusement park was back in his hometown of Chiba in Japan. He gave a pearl and diamond necklace to Natalie.
“Kenneth and Natalie, thank you for your hard work, I will see you tomorrow,” Yoshiki said as he waved to Natalie and Kenneth.
Meanwhile, hide was tidying up some props, he was eating spicy kimchi and rice, and drinking Soju, Yoshiki was waiting for hide’s girlfriend to arrive, she was called Melon.
Yoshiki went over to hide, to see how drunk he was, suddenly hide got up and knocked into Yoshiki, as Yoshiki opened his eyes, hide’s face was right there, his cheeky smile and bright eyes that was looking at him longingly.
“Let’s get you home,” Yoshiki lifted hide into his silver car. He drove the car, whilst Norman assisted hide as he was sick several times.
Upon arriving at hide’s house, Melon didn’t appear. Yoshiki knocked on the front door several times before a maid appear.
“Where’s Melon? She was meant to pick hide up today.” Yoshiki said angrily.
“She’s in hospital, she’s been really sick lately,” the maid said in a confused voice, helping hide into the house.
Yoshiki put him into bed whilst Norman brought hide’s belongings. As Yoshiki exited hide’s room, he saw Melon’s room, it was immaculate very clean, all of her stationary lay on the table, and small gifts decorated her room. Then Yoshiki noticed several photos pinned to the wall, he walk inside her room to take a closer look, Yoshiki was shocked to see, a pale and fragile Melon lying in a hospital bed, hairless, hide was sat beside her, holding her hand and smiling at the camera.
Yoshiki ran into hide’s room, “Melon was sick, why you didn’t tell me?” Yoshiki asked.
“She’s been sick for a long time, she doesn’t know what to do about Purple Rain, that’s why she didn’t want me to say anything,” hide said sleepily.
Purple Rain, were a chart-topping selling Chinese co-ed visual kei group consisting of two female members and three male members, Melon was the colourful bassist known for her androgynous and tomboy style, she also sang in many of their songs alongside Mae, whilst Mae was the vocalist, who could scream, shout and hit high and low notes, Hyde was the drummer and leader, Wu the eldest member was the guitarist and Cheng the rhythm guitarist.
Melon was friends with Wu and Hyde, Hyde was also hide’s cousin that’s how she met hide, her first love and her boyfriend right now, Wu use too and still does devote a lot of attention and love to Melon, he wrote many songs for her when she was in hospital and after she came out, he wrote some more songs for her, Mae is Melon’s old classmate in primary school, Mae was a quiet girl who led a simple and carefree life, she was recruited as the vocalist just before Melon went into chemotherapy after her first diagnose of cancer, Melon was an occasional singer for the band. Cheng was a keen basketball player but his life changed when his brother was stabbed to death, filled with hurt and hatred, he turned to Japanese rock music at around this time, the band members of Purple Rain were advertising for a rhythm guitarist to complete the lineup, Cheng responded to the advertisement.
“I really miss her and it hurts me to see her hurting too,” hide said as he snuggled into Yoshiki’s arms.
“I know, why don’t you sleep now and tomorrow first thing in the morning, I’ll come by and we can visit her,” Yoshiki said patting hide’s head.
Hide looked up at Yoshiki, “Thank you,” hide managed to say before collapsing from exhaustion.
*The next morning*
hide’s personal maid, Jackie helped hide to get change and eat breakfast, he packed a bag filled with Melon’s favourite snacks, some food and pajamas, he had visited her as often as he could.
Jackie was a woman who had been taking care of hide since he was little kid, she moved in with hide and Melon when they got together, Jackie was there to help Melon take her medication and to relieve her stress.
“Thanks Jackie, you can have the day off, I’m probably not going to come to eat dinner or anything, so yeah,” hide said as he went to the front door slamming it as he left the house.
Outside standing by his car, Yoshiki was dressed casually in a white vest that accentuated his muscular arms, black PVC trousers and a navy blue belt, on his feet where plain black boots and he wore a pair of dark shades.
He smiled at hide, who was dressed in a yellow sweater with an orange fluffy lining, green trousers and red shoes, always looking brightly coloured like a packet of skittles, hide could pull almost every look, maybe it was from his modeling experience, he had an eye for clothes as well as art.
“Let’s go,” Yoshiki held the door opened for a worried looking hide.
Upon arriving at the Bluebird Ward for Cancer patients, hide opened the door that led to Melon’s private room, the pale, fragile looking girl was looking at the window, wired to tubes and hairless.
“hide, you came,” Melon said wrapping her arms around her boyfriend, she felt a lot of tears well up, every time she saw him.
“I missed you a lot, this is my new boss, Yoshiki Hayashi of Extasy Records,” hide said kissing Melon on the lips.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Yoshiki said producing a fruit basket and some chocolates.
“These are from hide,” Yoshiki said. Yoshiki had ordered the fruit and chocolates so hide was a little puzzled.
“He’s working very hard at the moment,” Yoshiki said.
“I know, I’m working hard now to get better too,” Melon said, she produced a piece of paper, where she had been composing songs.
“I hope, I can perform soon,” Melon said.
“I think your allowed to rest at home starting tomorrow, I’m gonna hire another maid to help shed the load off Jackie and I can take some time off to take care of you,” hide smiled.
Hide was a kind and so sweet boyfriend, a guy everyone wanted as their boyfriend, he was friendly and considerate, he worked many long hours to help pay for Melon’s medication, he was also always popping in to see Melon to give her company, if he couldn’t he asked Kenneth or Natalie or Hyde if they could go and visit her.
“Of course, I love you a lot, and it breaks my heart too know that you’re so sad and so far away from me,” hide said touching Melon’s hand.
*After the hospital visit*
“Hey, let’s go for a drink,” Yoshiki suggested as the two walked over to a bar.
The two ordered tequila shots and down more than 10 shots each, they also drank vodka and wine too up to 10 bottles each before becoming drunk, hide called his mother to pick them up.
Hugely displeased with Yoshiki having a bad effect on her son. She glared at Yoshiki before dragging his son to the car, hide’s mother offered Yoshiki a ride home but he turned it down.