Friday 31 August 2012


Hi. I know I haven't written a post for a week now, and no, I have not abandoned this blog~ I have just been sick.

So last friday, after writing this post in the evening I was ill, my throat was a lot worse (you know, your tonsils are your first line of defence and they warn you that you're going to be ill but I don't have them so I missed out on the warning), anyways so later on the evening I had a fever 38.8 *_* kinda high~ I know...normal temp is 37.

I was sick and then... I woke up the next morning... and I was very tired because I didn't sleep well, my tummy also hurt badly~ well what we have to understand is that! Its important to stay healthy and get better, well my throat got better but now its developed into a cold and a fingers cross it will go away.

My advice for myself (drink lots of water and rest).  ._.

Thanks for reading! Sorry this post was a little gross! BUT I'm hoping to post some makeup reviews posts! It will be my first time reviewing such stuff, I will do Clarins eye makeup remover and two different kinds of BB Cream.

Friday 24 August 2012


Well yesterday I ate spicy mushroom flavour instant noodles and Bibimbap whch is spicy, ( I know why you are asking why I'm starting this entry like this but you'll see) and I got a horrible sore throat, I don't have any tonsils so this sore throat is worser than the average sore throat.

So I took some medicine and went to play tennis with my sister and my friends as I had promised them and I hated to cancel on them anyways, now I'm drinking fresh water, staying with hard/crunchy foods or spicy foods, even though I have not eaten any 'bad' food lately. =.= So I think this bad throat comes from too much spicy food yesterday and my throat couldn't handle it.

I'm going to rest now and doing some chores! and other things!

>.< Be careful with your health.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

~Be Strong, Be Pop (LM.C Quote)~

Actually, I haven't got any drawings to show you but I wanted to draw some pictures of what I want my future band (Art Of Life) to wear, I like all the sparkly, jewel stuff that bands like Versailles where especially Teru and his white cape, I love Kamijo's shoes though!

I'll post the drawings once I've drawn them, any suggestions are welcome~ but I don't want anything too boring, after all I draw my inspiration from old and current VK bands~ always so dramatic and theatrical in their visuals.

Of course, music is most important aspect so people will buy your CD's and Concert tapes etc, right? BUT us VK fans love seeing their new costumes, new concepts and different hairstyles, I know I feel the same~ even for bands that I do not know very well like Ace or Paradeis, I enjoy seeing their new styles.

An Cafe's Amazing Blue clothes are really awesome, I think they look very hmmm what's the world, it kinda reminds me of clothes that a prince would wear, because it's elegant and sparkly ~ and I love Miku's hat. I guess Japanese people are very fashionable!

What about you? what kind of VK bands styles, do you like? >.<

Anyways a recommedation of a song that I really like 'Ghost' by Gackt !

Don't say I didn't warn you, when the song lyrics become really catchy and the dancing, well lets say that Gackt has his own style of dancing? shall we?

Please be patient and wait for my pictures, I'm very busy at the moment lots of sporting activities like swimming, tennis and squash :)

Saturday 18 August 2012


Oxfam, is a huge charity organisation, they have many stores across the world, they have one closed to where I like (15-20 minutes walk, roughly) so I went there and asked them about volunteer work, and they gave me a form, I filled it out and gave it back in, no reply for perhaps two weeks and I was actually a little worry ( I have a tendency for worrying about things that are completely out of my control) so last week, I recieved a reply through mobile, saying which day was I free to come in for training (teach me, how to work out the store, where things go, and go through health and safety) of course, some things were very logical and I just needed common sense.

Yesterday, I went in for about 1hr and a half and just learnt everything, I can't use the steamer because I'm under-18 which I believe is a good thing because it seems hazardous. The other people there were very nice, it seemed like a friendly environment, somewhere to get an experience, to give back something, yes? >.<

I was nervous about using the till and just scanning stuff and pressing the buttons, but the customers were very nice and polite, as I obiviously took a little longer since I was trying to sort out the till and then someone used a credit card and I almost face palmed because I was kinda nervous about using the card, plus I spoke to the customers in a really quiet voice.

Hopefully, things will go better and I'll be more confident, my first shift is on monday, so please wish me luck, as I'm both excited and nervous.

^_^ Take Care everyone!

☆ Candy ☆

A sweet pick me up!

Something to look for towards the end of the day!

A hard boiled sweet filled with a burst of sherbert!

A chewy sweet that lasts a few seconds!

The best candy for me is most defnitely the ones from Japan, with it's colourful and cartoonish packaging that attracts the attention of every kid or every kid inside an adult and flamboyant flavours.

 For those, who have eaten or seen Japanese snacks will know that the Japanese focus hard on packaging and it's not even just confectionary or food, its stationary and makeup (e.g.Dollywink), Japanese are perfectionist when it comes to the artistry of presenting/presentation of things.

Lately, I've been fascinated by candy making kits after seeing them on someone's blog, a free fussy but enjoyable way, which I believe kids would enjoy, I'm not a kid but I want one of these candy making kits, I want to buy one if I get a chance in the holidays!

And I really want to try Pocari Sweat, I used to walk past it in the shops because I thought it was WATER ( I know, what your thinking, how can a sweet, fizzy soda resemble water but it does). It's clear and didn't seem fizzy, the packaging is very simple (blue), it's meant to help people who do sports replace vitamins loss through sweating hence the name.

There's some sweets, that are the flavours of drinks in Japan. If I get them again, I will post a picture, one of the flavours of the sweets are this cute orange drink and CC Lemon. They are also my favourite flavours!

What kind of candies, do you like? hard or soft? Do you think packaging affects whether you buy the product?

Friday 17 August 2012

☆The Trials and Tribulations of Contacts☆

So basically my optician offers trials for a week for contact lenses, you can keep trying contact lenses until you find the perfect and comfortable one! It also free, so doesn't cost my parents or me anything! Of course, the actual contacts will not be free! ha ha ha~

Moreover, this week trial allows me to feel comfortable in the lenses, of course in the week I do different things e.g. sports, shopping and just resting at home so it allows me to know if the vision and comfort is 100%.

I'm already on my third trial, it's very irritating actually, the first pair was not very comfy, and I decided I didn't want contact lenses after the trial, this was last year, so a year on I tried a new pair of lenses this was last week or the week before? Sorry, I can't remember but the lenses didn't sit on my eyes very well and kept sliding down my eye when I blinked=poor vision, because the contact should sit on the pupil but my contact was half on and half off.

Now, my third pair is feeling more comfy, it seems like it sits on the eye better, I really hope this pair of contacts are the one, I feel embarrassed for myself and the optician when the contacts don't fit plus the optician has to order mine because I have astigmatism! Nothing serious just means the contacts need to be order in.

 For me the eyeball is shaped differently like a rugby ball which results in distorted images at a close distance/I think also the refraction of light also does something as well. I'm not too sure.

Tell me what are your opinions? stick to glasses or contacts? contacts are better for my tennis lessons >.<

Good Day :D


Have you guys heard of F4? Which version do you prefer, Jap, Taiwanese, Korean or Indonesia version?

I guess Korean F4 is pretty popular with Kim Hyun Joong, Lee Min Ho, Kim Joon and Kim Kibum.

I don't know the names of stars of the Indonesian version, sorry! You can let me know their names in comment box if you want.

Japanese version, all I know is Oguri Shun and Matsumoto Jun are two of the four members of F4.

And the Taiwanese version which is my favourite F4 (Van Ness Wu, Jerry Yan, Vic Chou, Ken Chu), also particularly like the OST of this...

Mmm. I wanted to talk about the Taiwanese band F4 in this post, they are a little underated because of bands like Farenheit and outshined by the likes of Jay Chou/Show Luo.

To be honest, Meteor Garden story is boring, I only watced the second one. I've also only watched the Korean version besides the Taiwanese version, so I can only compare these two.

I think the Korean story is set in a modern place but with a traditional story, lots of elements of fairytale story, apparently there is only 7 stories in the world! So basically, I've completely recycled my stories like a hundred times if I written so many stories. BUT now I shift towards fan fiction~ because I think it will attract more people.

Anyways, back to F4. Who is your favourite F4? Should I watch the Japanese version? >.<

A few cute things I own.

 I want to describe some of the cute/kawaii stuff I own.

There is no limit of Kawaii-ness it can exist anyway and on anything right? stationary, clothes, the food we eat, sweet wrappers, motifs etc.

Well here you can see of my favourite and super cute things~ first is a picture:

Of rubbers, two picures actually cute minature stationary style ones and adorable scented ones in little milk cartoons (a birthday present from my sister) but I didn't really use it, the rubbers are coloured cube shapes inside the milk cartoon package.

Which one is your favourite?

This second picture, pencil cases (cute, deco and little 3D thingy's going on).

First one, it's a Hello Kitty red pencil case and the material is spongy, I didn't know this when I was buying it because it was packaged and I thought that the staff might not like it if I opened the packaging of their products.

Second one Pom Pom Purin pencilcase, I love Pom Pom Purin at one point and I still do but one summer in Hong Kong, I went mad, I got a NDS Lite Pen and glow-in-the-dark stickers that are sparkly, the pencil case I use a few years ago and the netting at the back but it's still good. And I always use it half way through the year if I feel like changing the stationary.

                                  See it's so cute, Pom Pom Purin is hiding behind the tree!

Fifth Picture is a little blurry but I guess you can see what it is a chocolate key ring, you can also snap it back and forth, it's probaly my favourite one..

Sixth picture, pens but these are used to decorate photos, they are originally from Japan but I think the person who bought for me, bought it in HK, there's Japanese writing at the back! I haven't used them to decorate any photos yet, but I've used them to decorate cards and other things instead.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Music Review-Super Lover/Bomb, Bomb, Bomb by MISSter

So this is a music review on a Tomboy (adrogynous) Taiwanese Girl Band 'MiSSter' they consist of five girls Jin, Chiao, Chris, Carol and Milk. Although, Jin left recently, I think back in July, she has decided to become an Artist Manager in Lady Emperor and she also promises to help guide the company to a successful future. MiSSter is not disbanding, they are currently looking for a replacement for her position.

The members have talents in other things besides singing they can dance, some can play instruments, speak more than one language etc~ Its hard to find information about MISSter, Wikipedia should really create a page, anyways I'm sure if you search through the internet you'll find out more.

'Super Lover' is a fast, up-tempo song with catchy lyrics, the MV also has the use of a lot of bright colours specifically Orange, little cartoon animations are used as well, a choregraphy with easy to follow steps (which I believe makes it for fans like me to follow), the band are clothed in simple t-shirts and trousers with colourful jackets that seem to be very popular currently, I think there style allows once again fans to follow because some musicians where fancy clothes that are expensive and not locally sourced in certain countries, for example as much I love Visual Kei it's kinda hard to find the clothes of similar styles to your favourite bands for cheap price right? So I like MISSter's fashion style here.

Let's be honest, how practical would it be for me to wear Versailles costumes like Kamijo or Yuki's or Massashi which I think is a little less complicated and a little fuss-free then Teru ( I need a washboard stomach for that), Hizaki's (gigtanic flowing dress can get in the way), Jasmine beautiful yet eccentric accessoires are not the most convient things~ or the tall hair that X Japan used to have!

I think Taiwanese artists, are also not as popular as Kpop/Jpop but sometimes I think they have more originality, of course everyone has different taste doesn't mean we all love the same music. Just my opinion, I am an avid Kpopper and a devoted Visual Kei fan!

And Bomb, Bomb, Bomb actually I came across this song right at the start of discovering of this song because the song title was not very captivating, but I feel bad for brushing off this song now, its up tempo again, fast-paced with water effects this time, the members are dressed in suits with fashionable acceossire and stylish hairstyles, they also smile warmly and have an edgy dance, the lyrics here are really catchy, both songs contain rapping, which is performed by Jin I think and someone else, it might be Carol? Anyways Carol is my bias, she has kinda soft wavy hair, quite bold eyes and a lovely warm smile!

I'm sorry this review is not great, considering I didn't write a lot about the music, the sites below will have information regarding more about the band, if you like MISSter's music style and dress sense, check out Jing Chang, another female Tomboy/adrogynous female performer of Taiwan, if you want to hear MISSter performing a ballad song then check out 'Clear'.

In order, not to scare anyone, MISSter do have very boyish styles in clothes and hairstyles, minimal makeup, nothing like bright eyeshadow and in the Clear MV Jin has shaved sides on her hair, they are all female and as far as I know, basically respect them!
Credit to the websites, as they allowed me to learn more about MISSter, there is more information on these sites about MISSter especially the first one, the second one explains about Jin leaving.

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Basically, today I played squash with my dad and sister, have you ever played it? It's tiring and gets your heart pumping, sweaty and red-faced but it helps to burn calories and lose fat, so if you want to lose weight, squash is the sport is the way to go? what kind of sports do you like?

BUT I think Badminton and Tennis are good sports because these sports don't require lots of people, two people is enough yeah? four is okay too? and for me six is max on a court! but another sport I like is basketball but you need a group of people to play, so yeah is out of the question for me because my friends don't like it. Which is a pity! Plus I have no basketball.

What sports do you guys like? =.=

Do you enjoy sports or just do them to keep fit?

The next chapter of my story Prince&Princess will be posted soon ^_^ Please look forward to it :P

Monday 13 August 2012

A little snack review!

I got this idea from NEO magazine, I don't buy the magazine but I read the magazine in my local library, they always review a Japanese snack at the back of the magazine.

I'm dedicating this post to my favourite snack the Cuttlefish snack by Nongshim, it's crisps flavoured cuttlefish, it's pink one side and light brown colour on the other side, if your familiar with Nongshim and other Japanese brands, you'll know that Japanese snacks are like the taste of heaven, their innovative and kawaii packaging is bedazzling for the eye.

So this snack has a simple packaging, orange in colour and has the picture of the actual snack plus a cuttlefish being cooked on a BBQ stand thingy, the flavour isn't too strong (so even non-fans of Seafood can try this), the actual snack is soft and crunchy.

Personally, I wish there was more in the packet but it's really not bad for it's price!

Other brands of tasty snacks to watch out include

-Nongshim of course

Also, I saw on someone's blog, that name I can't remember unfortunately who wrote about candy making kits (Japanese ones), the packaging is so cute, colourful and the candies are adorable! I want to buy one of these candy making kits too.

What's your favourite snack? Do you like Eastern or Western snacks more?

Off topic: Has anyone ever tried Dim Sum before? It's truly scrummy! (Sorry for the lack of vocabulary)

Weston-super-Mare :P

Weston-super-Mare is a seaside town, we stayed for three days, two nights, from Thursday to Saturday!

So yeah the opening is not the greatest but basically, it took almost 4 hours by train to get to Weston-super-Mare, I was actually feeling queasy and unwell by the time I arrived at our destination despite taking some medication for Travel Sickness (for those, who don't know what Travel Sickness it is, basically its when you feel sick, dizzy, unwell on journeys (usually long ones like an hour plus) by transport (bus, train, aeroplane, tram, car etc). Yeah, which is pretty irritating which means I never enjoy the journey to and fro or at least be in a comfortable state~ my auntie suggested every time I feel nervous before these long journeys just to kinda laugh it off, shrug it off because it's likely that I would be more comfortable *positive thinking*

The Chinese takeaway where we got a super yummy
second dinner from.


Arcades, Amusements and the Grand Pier, I guess there something you should know about me, I love very traditional things such as the Carousel, snow globes with cute scenes like Christmas captured inside the snowy globes well I really like the Grand Pier.

As far as I remember, as I child the Grand Pier was a just a long, steady wooden bridge, a few amusements perhaps, but really I just ate ice cream (whippy ice cream in a cone with a chocolate flake) on the pier (I dropped one of my ice cream cones when I was little on the pier, I think my dad bought another one for me).

This was drawn on the side of a sweet shop!

So I was pleasantly surprised that there was a yellow/green/blue train ride that rode around the pier (one end to another end) for little kids and their families (well that's what it look liked). At the end of the pier, was a room (I say room, it's not really a room but I can't find the word to describe it), crammed with rides and arcade machines, there was even a Guitar Hero machine with 6 guitars, I can't remember exactly, it was a little expensive to play this game. And I'm not very good at this games because my reflex skills are poor, it takes a lot  of time to react to things so by the time, I see the colour of the button I should press, it's already gone pass thus making mistakes by pressing the wrong key. I've never played this game but this is what happens when I do the dance mat game, which my cousins are very good at.

But I really enjoyed this game, where its a speedboat and the handle can be lifted up and down and the boat tips really far from the left and the right side which actually feels like you'll fall off that how's I felt when I first played this game, this game/machine created by Namco, the boat was pink and white colour and I played on this game twice. I really enjoyed the game!

I wrote Super Junior (ELF), X Japan and Yoshiki Hayashi
into the sand, my sister drew the heart into the sand.

Also, hmm I wanted to pick up some Rock, its ike a traditional sweet that you can see being sold at sweet shops in the seaside but my mum doesn't like me eating it, because A) I can't and definitely will not be able to consume all of it before it's needs to be tossed in the bin, B) Because hard boiled sweets are usually left in the mouth to be sucked which will all the sugar being in your mouth is bad for the teeth and what not. LOL. Not really a laughing matter but yeah~

Instead, I ate some toffee sundae at McDonald's and for the last day, for lunch we ate sweet stuff, ice cream sundaes x2 and pancakes x1. I know what your thinking there's four people and only 3 food stuffs, well my mum ordered the pancakes, three pancakes stacked on top of each other with chocolate sauce and some icing sugar, I didn't taste the pancakes but I think for their price it was a reasonable but they should of added more chocolate sauce in between the pancakes, for me plain pancake are dry and not very tasty.

My sister ordered the 'Don't Wait Till Aftereight Sundae which had brownies (apparently they didn't taste very nice so I didn't try any), chocolate sauce, mint chocolate ice cream and an Aftereight chocolate square on top of the ice cream scoop, hence name of the sundae after the 'Aftereight mint chocolate'.

                                         The menu for the place we went too for lunch, very colourful
                                          and eyecatching!
I ordered the 'Smartie Party' I really like Smarties, shame they don't last very long but the colours made the dessert so pretty, the colourful studded smarties into the fluffy whippy cream, I don't really like whippy cream but was really torn between the Maltesear and the Smartie sundae, both had whippy cream... but I chose Smartie in the end, I was lucky that the fluffy whippy cream was just a thin layer and it was the Vanilla scoop of ice cream underneath which in the picture gave me the idea that the whippy cream was a huge scoop on top, which if it had I would of scraped off, I'm not a person to waste but the cream is unhealthy, I do not like it and it was also make my tummy queasy on my journey back home anyways. =.= The sundae had vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream, strawberry sauce at the bottom with a pit of Smarties at the bottom. So yummy, so good, so fattening ^_^

(Sorry for my poor editing skills =.=)

We stayed at B&B basically they are Bed and Breakfast places, essentially they provide a room with a en suite (we stayed at family room) a double bed with bunk beds, and a full English breakfast between 7am to 9am and they have to vacant the room by 10am, the downside is having to wake up early to eat a breakfast, I can't really stomach because I'm half awake, my sister was sick on Friday, she woke up with a painful migraine at 6am, was sick twice and couldn't come down for breakfast, so it was just me and my parents, I ate scrambled egg on bread with butter, one hash brown, baked beans the next day I ate baked beans, tomato, two mushrooms (little ones), fried bread, hash brown, sunny side up egg, sausage and bacon, the bacon was a little salty, I also had some coco pops (chocolate puffed rice) breakfast cereal, two glasses of milk or three? and three glasses of orange juice. Yeah, that's a big breakfast, I hate leaving food on my plate, so I finished everything on the second day, the first day I left a teeny, tiny square of toast on my plate.

I did a lot of walking to and fro from the B&B to the town centre, on Friday we ate Fish&Chips for dinner, well my mum and my sister and I did, my dad had Doner Kebab, we ordered fishcakes, scampi (they were burnt to be honest), cod bites and two plates of regular chips.

On Friday, I ate MacDonald's for lunch, we were given vouchers at Weston-super-Mare, I ate fillet-o-fish, drank Sprite and add medium fries, I bought a toffee sundae afterwards, my dad bought fish&chips, my mum had a toffee sundae and apple pie (my mum stays so skinny because she exercises and ate less foods especially junk food). My diet of this fried foods is giving me a breakout, I've gotten a lot of spots recently. O_O which is truly unfair because usually even without putting lots of cream and stuff my skin stays fine. Not too dry or oily or spotty!

Then for dinner, we ate Chinese takeaway it was so good or I was too hungry, super Delicious and super scrummy, I chose the Orange chicken (I've only had Lemon chicken before, it's crispy cooked in a lemon sauce with tender chicken), the orange chicken was lovely, fragrant, sweet and super tender <3, we also had Sweet and Sour pork wit vegetables (peppers, onions etc), stir fried rice with peas, BBQ pork (I love BBQ pork especially in Char Siu Bao (BBQ pork bun)), Singaporean Vermicelli noodles, prawn crackers (for free because I think if you order a certain amount of food, then they give some prawn crackers on the house, I only took a few because I didn't want to have a sore throat or continuous coughing throughout the evening), there was also some stir fried noodles as well. I drank some orange flavoured Vitamin Water with my dinner.

My sister, dad and I won many things at the arcade, the games where you put coins in to push some coins out, I got lots of cute stuff, my sister got a really cute bear key ring and she gave it to me! I really liked this but it looked too diffcult to win. The picture below is all the stuff we won!

I won six items, a black car, three shoes (black, green and yellow), a yellow Jelly-Bean key ring and a duck key ring. Which item do you like the most? I personally like the yellow Jelly-Bean key ring because I think its really cute!

My sister and I played a few games and we won a bunch of tickets on a basketball game because the machine had malfuctioned, the person fixed it for us and he just basically pressed a button so the tickets would come out, he walked off and the remainder 700 tickets, we played some more games and we roughly finished with 800 tickets roughly and I chose two things.

I chose the 'Starry, Starry Night' which is like glow in the dark (stars, comets, planets etc) and you stick them on the ceiling, the key ring in the middle is the key ring that my sister gave me, cute right? and the other item is a glow in the dark whistle, it comes with a piece of flimsy black string so you can wear it.

The trip was good fun and I throughly enjoyed it!

Sunday 12 August 2012

'Welcome to Rosie Hopkins Sweet Shop of Dreams' by Jenny Colgan

This is just a short review on a book, that I am currently reading and really like, my sister chose this book to buy at a bookstore at Weston-super-Mare, I went there for a trip, hence why there's a lack of posts in the last few days ^_^ I will talk about the trip in a seperate entry!

The book that I want to review and talk about is called 'Welcome to Rosie Hopkins Sweet Shop of Dreams' by Jenny Colgan. My sister already liked and enjoyed reading one of her other works 'Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe' which I did not read but I believe is about a cake shop.

This book is about sweets, traditional sweets like Gobstoppers, Humbugs, Sherbert Lemons, the pink and green striped paper bags and the shops filled with glass jars of colourful, mouth-watering sweets. The fact that the book is about sweets already had me intrigued.

Are you a chocolate or sweet fan? usually I'm a chocolate fan but once in a while I prefer the hard-boiled kind of sweets but my mum says there bad for you because the hardness of hard-boiled sweets damages your teeth or something similar =.=

The book starts with a foreward by Jenny, then it goes on to progess with short little facts or information about sweets in every new chapter before the story continues Rosie is an auxilluary nurse who lives with her boyfriend Gerald in a grotty flat in London, the bustling city that Rosie loves and adores.

Until she has to move to Lipton, the countryside to take care of her Great Aunt  Lilian Hopkins, whose had an accident and needs a hip replacement so she needs someone to take care of her crumbling, sweetshop~ This is basically how far I've got so far with this book but since I thought it had a nice opening and was enjoyable that I would review it, I haven't read a lot of books recently, so I'm using the holidays to make time to read more books and more material to expand my knowledge and also make my own stories more interesting. You never stop learning :D

Tuesday 7 August 2012


So with the Olympics going on and everything, McDonalds is doing 2012 Coca Cola glasses with wristband (comes in different colours; red, green, black, white, yellow, blue etc), you can get this glass if you have a large meal or salad, so I went with the large meal (6 Chicken nuggets, large fries and large Coca Cola, honestly if the glass didn't have the 2012 Olympics logo, I wouldn't of eaten a large meal because it's super unhealthy and this is the first time, I eat the large meal), my mum bought for me. Thank You Mum! Moreover, I got the glass but they only had the black or green wristbrand, so my mum chose the green wristband for me!

She also bought me some more of my skin care product 'Eucerin' which is pretty much finished, I use it to wash my face, twice a day (morning and evening), I like the fact that this product is partially bubbly so when I rub into my face, I know I have covered all the areas of my skin, if you cover your whole face its like a white bubbly mask. >.< right now, I can't use the BB Cream or loose powder, I mentioned in a previous post 'Yesterday, Today, Gets, Contacts, Squash' because it might be making my skin irritant.
:( I hope not~

I bought one small thing, a powder brush because the one that I am using isn't very good quality , I hope when my skin clears up, I can start using this brush and seeing if it's any good ^_^

~Okay, I have a question, has anyone read the Bakuman manga? It sound really good, but since manga is a little expensive for me to buy, I wanted to hear what other people had to say? Thank You for reading, enjoy the rest of your day~

Sorry, one last final question, I'm seeing a lot of banners on people's blogs with their blog name like personalised with imagery and pictures and cool stuff and I wanted to know, How can I make one? For people, who don't know what 'Dai Gar Hoi Sum' means, its phonetic Cantonese for 'Everybody be happy' this is just a rough translation! I explain it better in my first ever entry on this blog. Thank You again.

Edit: Does anyone know how to make Gifs? Do I have to use a special software?

Monday 6 August 2012

My Hobbies

Hi, I just wanted to share with you my hobbies, they are a significant part of my life, there are three things although the last one, I've kinda stopped now, Music (Dancing and singing and playing instruments), writing stories and collecting stamps.

I know what your thinking 'collecting stamps' something really boring and not interesting or cool or whatever...your wrong!

I have a huge purple book, bought by my dad in Hong Kong, the book itself is nice, I had stamps of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, Ancient Chinese characters one, there's even some cute Christmasssy ones, ones that spell my name 'Gabie' and there so much... but I've kinda stop collecting, I should carry on? maybe? what do you guys think? =.=

Writing stories, I can't stop, lately I've been trying fan fictions, what do people think of 'Prince&Princess' so far? Is the plot a little too boring? I'm a little worried :'( before I did any style of fan fictions, I used to write many stories when I was little, this could be one of the reasons why I still acquired a lot of stationary like notebooks (I hate small notebooks because I cannot write many things in them, however lately I have change because I found a cute notebook in Hong Kong that comes with a little pen, I can carry it in my bag all the time, one side is like an address book, the other side is filled with cute decorated sheets of notepaper, usually I just jot down small things, like train station names or something).

Singing&Dancing, well I guess some people know that I enjoy Karaoke and stuff, I don't think my voice is great, it's probably really bad to be honest but I enjoy singing, I also enjoy singing in Korean, Mandarin and Japanese besides English of course, I used to be more confident in dancing when I was younger and was reasonable, I used to go to stage school and sometimes my class (we're all very friendly and maybe it had just 20 students) would just put some music on and dance! I enjoy freestyle the most because you can do whatever you like depends on the music, I enjoy watching break dancing, which I could do that but then I could have to build up muscles and that would mean the gym 0_0...

I say this but I probably end up going to the gym when I go to university to keep a better physique, I really hope, I will be able to start a band in Uni. Its hard to find people that like Visual Kei in the first place, I really want my band to be based of visual kei style, visual looks but I don't want to make music that is too heavy or dark~ one or two songs is okay but not every song in an album (If I ever did get to that standard).

I also really like the name of X Japan's song 'Art Of Life' I would like to call my band that because to me Music is like Art and its the Art of Life, if you understand that, I know it's sounds really cheesy but I think this name would have a better meaning than just adding random words together or a favourite colour or someones name and that etc. Although, I have nothing against that! I'm also inspired by X Japan, I want to make a band that will open a gate for aspiring Chinese Visual Kei performers, I read a lot on the Internet and see people saying that Visual Kei is only a Japanese thing but why is it?

Seremedy (sorry if I spelt the name wrong), a Swedish Visual Kei band seem awesome, I like Yohio songs, I'm sorry I can't remember which one. So surely, Chinese and other races of people can do it too.

What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing? =.= I'm going to practise drawing when I get a chance.

What are your dreams? Of course, the band is a dream that I would like to make it real!

Would you like to show you the pictures of my stamps? I have to take it out because it's being kept away at the moment.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Food Fanatic, Entry Number 2

Here's some pictures of food that I have been eating this week, it's not very healthy but its the holidays, I make it up by doing twice the amount of excercise, its the holidays, you feel like letting go and just resting and not doing much? Am I right? >.<

This is well half eaten lunch which I shared with my sister
 because I forgot to take a picture
when it was first bought out, it contains, pork goujons
(breaded stuff on the side of the plate and in the bagel
at the back, the front bagel has salmon and both have cream
cheese in them I think, I also had some juice, orange juice I think!

The lunch I eat the next day, consisting of the pork goujons again
with onions, rice and curry sauce, I was starving so I eat so quickly
I managed to avoid the hot temperature and the spiciness of the
curry sauceI'm not very good at eating hot foods, its one of the reasons
why I love Japanese curry as it's not spicy like other curry.

Samyang a Korean instant noodles brand
is one of my favourite brands, recently I stopped eating
this noodles to try other brands like Sapparo Ichiban and
eating one of my long favourite brands Nissan Ramen noodles
anyways, I eat this yesterday for lunch before meeting my friends for shopping,
I eat it as breakfast/lunch, sometimes I put little sausages, eggs or ham on
top it tastes great though! but Instant Noodles are very unhealthy. >.<

What's your favourite brand of Instant Noodles? What do you like to put on top of them?
What's your favourite flavour? Mine is usually Seafood >.<

~Yesterday, Today, Gets, Contacts, Squash~

Sheesh, what a long title, I'll write everything according to the title, so you can skip through parts/paragraphs that your not interested in.

Yesterday, was a big excercise day I did a power walk with my mum and we just walked around where I live, I woke up at 8:50 and left at 9 something, I was meant to wake at 8 ish but I was too lazy and tired because went to sleep at 11, I eat some chocolate flavoured cereal, small portion with Soya Bean milk ---> if you haven't tried Soya Bean milk, I recommend it, it's very nice, slightly sweeter than cow's milk but not as a sweet as rice milk, Rice Milk is my favourite the brand that I drink is a Korean brand and is called 'Sunshine In The Morning' it comes in small, medium and large sizes, the small one is a glass bottle with a cute blue lid, medium is bottle in a plastic bottle with a blue/white cap, large is like those 2ltr's water bottles.

Today, I went shopping with my friends, Toby, Andrew and Ellen, which is very rare, a very few of us, we went somewhere different to shop today, it was two bus rides away, I eat Instant Noodles (Samyang Udon noodles) before we left so I didn't eat a 'lunch' I bought some chips! Which I shouldn't of but I was too hungry, we were in hurry to go Primark and McDonalds is just before it.

I bought a very cute pair of shorts with a design of London assiocated cartoons, it's very cute it was on sale, which meant I saved money, I bought quite a new things since the sales, a new watch, jewellery (bracelet, necklace, ring, charms,) and a pair of shorts.

I also bought these cute pair of socks, I think they are very cute, the colours are soft and not harsh on the eyes, I used to love bright Neon coloured clothes, and I had Neon striped socks, leg warmers and bracelets I think of bright Neon colours.

What do you think of my new items? Do you like it? Which do you prefer Neon or Pastel Colours? (For me, after discovering the Sweet Lolita style, I prefer pastel colours now).

Contacts, I have very poor eyesight (-5 roughly for both eyes), I'm on a week trial well its actually 6 days but that's almost a week, I have monthly contacts because I won't wear them everyday, maybe just 2 or 3 times a week, once for my Tennis lesson, and twice during the week if I wanted to show off any nice eye makeup or something or I just feel like it :), I didn't have much diffculty in putting the contacts into my eyes, it took me ten minutes to do each eye, some people take a very long time, up to hours when they first too, I guess its how comfortable you are with touching your eye.

Squash, is a sport I wanted to play for ages so yesterday I finally got the chance, we (as in me and my sister) had to pre-book a court, so we could play, my sister had played several times before, either on the other hand had never played, squash is physically demanding because unlike tennis and table tennis the ball doesn't bounce on the floor, giving you a chance to wait a little, judge the landing of the ball and hit, in Squash the ball will not bounce because you are hitting against a wall, it can bounce off other sides of the walls which makes it harder than Badminton, my sister gave me some pointers to help me start, she told also the rules, I wasn't too bad which was expected, after all I do have 8 years of experience in playing tennis, so being able to start a simple game shouldn't be too diffcult, I already knew this. >.<

What sports do you guys enjoy? Me, of course it's Tennis but Squash is a close second followed by Badminton and then Table Tennis, I also enjoy Swimming, Basketball, Cycling too :D

Lately, I've also been wearing some makeup, my mum gave me two of her makeup products, that she doesn't really like or use any more, the first one is Clinique 02 Powder, it comes in a big tub, as opposed those little compacts, my skintone is actually paler than my mums but it looks okay, it gives a shimmer into my skin and covers some of the redness of my spots and Estee Lauder's BB Cream, it seems like my mum isn't a big fan of this product because she find it too thick in consistency, I like it though!

Lovely Complex Anime Review

Hi everyone,  I love this Anime so much at the moment that I wanted to give a short review, so lets start with the basics of this Anime, the is a love and comedy Anime about a tall girl (170-172 cm) Risa Koizumi and a short boy (150 something) Otani Atsushi, they are known as a Japanese comedy duo 'Hanshin and Kyojin' which is also what their teacher and classmates call them, the story is set in

It also includes their friends Nobu (more outspoken of the three and a kind friend, extremely fashionable) and Chiharu (a timid and shy girl) (Risa's Friends) and Nakao and Suzuki (Otani's friends), the opening of this Anime is very warm and eases you in.

The expressions and funny dialogue between the characters is very amusing and keeping with the Manga 'Risa's Fish faces and other expressions' are put into the Anime which makes me laugh a lot, so I'm glad its kept in the Anime.

So I'm going to quickly remove Ep 8, I understand it's a little random but its the epsiode I'm on right now and I took some screenshots this time whilst watching it, I can by request to review any of the previous episodes too~ Maybe you guys want episode 1? so you can decide if you want to watch it or not? =.=

Anyways, in episode 8 Risa tells Otani she likes him, but he sees it as a joke, and just laughs it off, she is then goes and curses him for the whole week, she is a ghost for the haunted house ( I think there school is holding a festival or something) and she chases and says bad things about Otani.
Risa  Koizumi

Otani is by far the dense guy, you'll ever read/watch in any programme, totally obilivious despite the numrous hints that Risa and her friends keep dropping them, anyways she eventually blurts it out, that the guy she likes is him but Otani asks for time to think about his answer.

Anyways, there's no time to think about the answer, as there's a school trip and both Risa and Otani over-sleep, they miss the bus that takes the students to the airport, then they over sleep on the coach despite Nobu trying to wake them up ( in the manga) she says "I even stuff their mouths with snacks." lol. Also, in the manga the image shows a Pocky box in Otani's mouth. It's quite funny! :)

They also ride a rickshaw ride and they are laughing and looking so happy, they get off the ride and chat happily, and then Nobu mistakenly says "So everything's fine then." and immediately the awkwardness sinks back in. So funny~ okay, so I hope you'll watch this Anime, sorry that the flow of this is a little choppy.

Risa and Nobu

Credit: To the owner of this video, where I got my screenshots for this epsiode 8, also you can use this link to see the previous and after epsiode 8, it's English Subbed for those  of you like me, who has no Japanese vocab, a beginnner etc. 

Thursday 2 August 2012


This isn't going to be a post of my artwork, because I am no artist, I cannot draw, sketch, paint, I can't even colour well, and I've never try to ink any drawings, I've done because the drawing itself is an epic fail, my drawings are too cartoonish and small, and out of proportions.

BUT recently, I saw some pretty impressive drawings on other blogs, there so beautiful and delicately drawn, there's something I envy of artists, the little books they fill up, the pastels, oil paint and crayons they buy, its because I love stationary, ever since I was little, I owned so many pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, cute pencil cases etc.

I just wanted to say, I hope those people with carrying on drawing so I can admire their beautiful pictures, maybe you realise that I enjoy writing stories, but writing stories is not as exciting as drawing pictures... *sobs*

I wish I can draw a picture of X Japan or Yoshiki but I'm afraid, I would ruin their faces, even if I could draw well, my colouring would destroy it.

Okay, another random post, full of my ramblings, SORRY :/

~(^∇^) Sun Yang, The Amazing Chinese Swimmer~

I admit before the 2012 Olympics, I did not have any idea who Sun Yang was, I wasn't really paying attention to the swimming events, firstly because I was at a family friend's house and was playing and therefore I didn't watch the Olympics swimming events, but later in the evening, I noticed two Asians and alongside another competitor waiting to recieve medals, years ago, the Chinese had no chance of winning Gold Medals in the swimming events.

Now in 2012, Sun Yang aged 20 years old has acquired a Gold and Silver medals and is also the first Chinese Male swimmer to win a Gold, and he hasn't hit his speciality which is the 1500, I hope he does his best and I hope he wins Gold.

Sun Yang the handsome and tall (he is 6ft 6inchs) with a kind face this Chinese swimmer is worth watching in the Olympics, I believe we will hear more about him in the future too, when he appears before the competition, he has a cool and very composed look. He also not as musclar as his other competitiors, BUT to do not judge a book from it's outside same goes to Sun Yang's physique.~

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Yoshiki smiled at me, he wiped the ice cream off my hand, I blushed a little, I was just thinking ahead. "Lets go out for dinner tonight?" Yoshiki asked in a cool voice.
"Sure," I said. Yoshiki's aftershave smelt of Vanilla.

We arrived at a beautiful Thai restaurant the interior was decorated with gold ornanments, scrolls and traditional paintings, next to Lee Jun Ki was a another younger looking guy, he had short, blonde hair and a kind face, he smiled warmly as we walked over and shook our hands as we sat down.

"My name's Yasu," the guy said.

"Hi Yasu, my name is Melon, " Melon said.

Yoshiki and Yasu were cousins and chatted warmly, about family events and caught up, Yasu was a model and was very popular in Japan, he had opened shows such as Armani and Gucci and D&G, he was also a style icon and was always in Fashion Magazines.

Melon did not read many magazines especially Fashion ones, and I didn't watch a lot of television otherwise she would of been aware of Yasu.

"Melon, what would you like to eat?" Yasu ask in a very gentle manner.

"Hmm," She said as she studied the menu.

"Let's eat some noodles and seafood," Melon said.

"Sure," Yasu said, he clicked his fingers and a waiter appeared dressed in red and white uniform, he had a little notebook and wrote quickly copying down Yasu's orders.

Yasu ordered Chicken, Noodles (Ramen, Udon and Soba), Seafood, Pork and Beef for everyone and Lemon tea for everyone.

"So what are your plans, whilst you are in Japan? Yasu?" Yoshiki asked.

"I need to buy some face cream and other cosmetics, I am also opening a show in Japan for Sex Pot Revenge and doing some work for Alice In The Pirates and Cute Can Kill, I plan to go shopping, swimming and relax," Yasu said.

Yasu ran his fingers through his hair through his blonde hair, he smiled at Melon with his kind face.

"I want to see everyone and you too Melon, Lee Jun Ki's been telling me a lot about you, I hope you recover from accident soon," Yasu said in a soft voice.

"Thank You," Melon said.

The food soon arrived and the waiter refilled their glasses with more Lemon Tea, the four of them ate quickly as they were starving, Yasu eat a moderate amount despite being a model of a very skinny build, he eat many pieces of pork, chicken and beef and three bowls of noodles, he clearly loved Soya Sauce as he drizzled over all over his noodles and meat.

After dinner, Yasu took everyone to a Japanese Bakery and bought every Vanilla flavoured cream pancakes, he himself had a green tea flavoured one as well.

"This pancake is my favourite, my mother gave it to me when I first worked abroad in China, Taiwan and Korea, she gave me this Vanilla flavoured cream filled pancakes and they are truly yummy," Yasu said explaing to Melon who was in awe of him.

Suddenly, a group of fake lookinig girls clambered around Yasu asking for his autograph and photos, as they walked away a girl grabbed Melon's bag and ran off with it, Yasu and Yoshiki sped ahead to catch the thief whilst Lee Jun Ki comforted her.

As the two men came back, Yasu was carrying the bag, he handed it back to Melon with his same warm smile, she saw when they first met each other.

"Stupid fan girls," Yoshiki muttered under his breath.

"Let's go home," Yoshiki said.

Yasu was staying at Yoshiki and Lee Jun Ki's house too, he slept on a matt in the living room, everyone washed and then sat in the living room on the sofa and chairs, they drank some ot tea and then just relaxed before going to sleep.

"Melon, what do you do in your spare time?" Yasu asked.

"I'm a beautician and I make music," Melon said answering Yasu.  She was in awe of him, she had idolised Yasu for a long time and used his hairstyles and makeup on her clients as well at work.

*Next Day*

Melon was going to play at a live house, she was carrying her pink bass guitar to the 'Rocket Box' concert hall, where her band 'Art of Life' were going to play a string of famous Japanese Rock songs plus her newly composed song, 'The Glam Box' which would been included in their single that they were giving out.

Art of Life consisted of Meiji on Rhythm Guitar, Melon on Bass guitar, Kera on drums, Takuya on guitar and Luna on vocals, the band are co-ed with Melon being the leader, she is not the oldest though, she also designs costumes, stage props and does all the hairstyles/make up the band have.

Today, they are all dressed in Victorian dress with boys Takuya, Kera and Luna wearing theirs with lots of bows, ribbons and lace, the girls have beads and bows too. They also had dark, smokey makeup and wore rings and capes and hats too.

Because of the accident, Melon sat on top of the grand piano that Rocket Box had, she played her bass guitar while she sat there, she didn't want anyone to know that she was crippled because it was her dream to play in a major band.

Meiji and Kera always acted as MC's for the performances, as their talkative and kind pleasent voices, they were always fluent in 5 languages between them minus Cantonese, Meiji grew up in London, where she picked up basics in French and Spanish as well, whilst Kera grew up in Poland, Russia and the United States of America (New York) allowing him to pick up Polish, Russian and American English, this also leads to the two members baring foreign accents despite being 100% Chinese.

Rocket Box performance was a huge success and all their CD's were handed out, the band who had been performing for three years now, were pretty desperate to recieve some sort of record deal otherwise they won't have much money left to fund their tours and lifestyles, (almost all the members minus Meiji and Melon do smoke or consume a lot of alcohol).

Red Lip Tint+ Pink Lip Gloss

Lately, I read a post about 'Ulzzang Gradient Lips' and I really want to achieve this look too, the gradient lips is when the inner of the lips is darker than the outside of the lips (this is what I got from the pictures anways), I actually don't have a lot of money to spend (I want to save up, until I get a job), so I might not buy the 'cute skirt' for now, because I bought some clothes a while ago, and my mum buys me clothes too and there will be sales after Christmas so I can buy one then.

I think if I buy a good quality Red Lip Tint and Pink Lip Gloss, it will cost between eight to ten pounds, its kinda expensive to buy stuff here, I probaly buy it from either Superdrug or Boots, as I have irriated skin and other problems, I don't want to buy cheap makeup and get an reaction.

I also have to purchase some makeup brushes, this is quite important actually, since I'm using a Clinique O2 Powder, it belonged to my mum but she has a different powder and I was using it before, so I think I will use it from now on, it gives a light shimmer and also covers the redness of my skin.

Luckily, for this Ulzzang Gradient Lips, I already have multiple lip balms, so I can save money on buying a new one, in future I might buy a Plum lip tint too~ not sure... we'll see how it goes, my makeup skills aren't great because I don't really wear much, but I am also thinking of getting black liquid eyeliner because it, I like the smokey eye makeup! and I already have dark eyeshadows, dark eyeliner colours (brown, grey (seems of gone missing but I know its here, It still has its wrapper on it :/) and black), I don't wear mascara because I don't like it that much and it also leaves marks on my glasses (I have really poor eyesight --0-0-- (that's meant to be like glasses) :(

Okay, anyways I'm going to go back to finishing my homework and then I'm going to re-arrange all my posters, my friend is also giving me an X Japan one, so I'll have to select a picture for the poster,  my mum has already prepared a really scrummy lunch of curry, rice, goujons (like breaded chicken or pork, today I'm having pork and it's not too hard or chewy), I really like this kind of food, hopefully my mum hasn't made it too spicy, this is one of the reasons why I love Japanese curry, my favourite flavour is the Apple one, it comes in really cute packaging, I think its made for children, that's what I used to eat and I'm going to fill my house with them when I'm older.