Sunday 3 June 2012

Chapter 2- Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Endless Rain' by X Japan

I could feel the bright lights shining on my face, it was our saturday gig, dressed in black leather pants, a white shirt with a collar constructed of feathers, pink creepers, a hairpiece made out of pearl beads and chains. I smiled sweetly, the microphone suspended by a red cable hung from the low ceiling.

My hands reached out to the microphone, I turned to my left with Kenneth on the guitar smiling at me, he nodded at me, whilst Sammul behind the drums started banging his sticks together to let me know to start singing.

I closed my eyes and started singing 'Tears by X Japan' when I opened my eyes, I expected people to be bored but they were crying and smiling at me, some of them held banners with words of encouragement, glowsticks and small candles lit the live house. I climbed onto the bar, as the song reached it's climax and I threw the microphone and swiftly caught it as it swung back.

The audience clapped making me feel happier, after Tears ended we proceeded with a more cheerful song and sang hide's 'Rocket Dive' I sang the song quickly with lots of energy, I ran towards the crowd shaking the hands of the audience.

Even though in the live house there was only 50 people, I sang as if i was singing to 100,000 people, each person was important and after our last song 'Love Letter' by Gackt, we bowed and gave an impromptu speech to the audience.

After the show, we headed back to our homes, we parted our ways, Kei took me home as Kenneth had to sort something out with his girlfriend Haruna, she was a little angry with him for not taking her out for a full birthday celebration. Sammul had no room in his car because of his drum kit and amplifier that he leant to Kenneth.

"How was the live house?" Kei asked me. He was a bassist, who was in search of a new band.

"It was good, I mean i've never played in a live house or put on a proper concert," I said full of happiness.

I was unaware that I had arrived to Kei's parked car, as he leant inside he produced a bowquet of red flowers, he handed them to me.

"It's a celebratory gift for your first concert," Kei said.

"Wow, thank you, have this," I said. I removed the thin silver chain on my wrist and gave it Kei.

"Thank You," Kei said shyly, he held the little silver chain.

As he drove me home, we talked about music and we stopped off at Korean BBQ Restaurant where Kei bought me some BBQ beef and pork to eat. I also drank some tea and eat some rice.

"Mmm pickled cucumber," I said as I eat it.

"Kimchi?" Kei asked me as he looked at the menu.

"No, thank you but you can have it, oh by the way, i'll pay for this dinner," I said.

"Too later, I pre-paid we can eat up too 500 Hong Kong Dollars worth of food," Kei said.

"Huh, that's so much," I said as waiters loaded our tables with more meat, vegetables and rice.

Kei touched my head kindly. He was the same age as me, Kenneth's in the year above but for some reason, he was more mature and his natural smile soften his otherwise harsh face. Kei was very friendly and open, he was popular too and always wore colourful clothes. Unlike Kenneth, Kei had always liked music and because of this, his lack of a social life meant he didn't have a girlfriend or many friends.

"Tonight's cold, " I said as we stepped out of the restaurant, just then a car drew quickly passed us, at that moment Kei grabbed me and held me close to him, I could smell his vanilla scented cologne, his huge eyes and spiky, black hair brushed against my face.

"Yes, I agree it's cold. My heart is cold," Kei said as I stepped away from him.

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