Thursday 21 June 2012


This post is a little weird basically it's about 'Handwriting', I've always had the weirdest handwriting, not exactly messy, scribble-esque, i-can't-read-it-kinda-writing, it's not that bad, you can read it! I promise you!

I've been writing less in the fast few years because of my school subjects have become more computer-based and I've become really embarrassed about it because my friends all possessed really lovely handwriting, or never me re-phrase it, when you see a piece of their work, you know who it belongs too.

BUT I don't have a handwriting that says this is mine, it changes sometimes, I want to have styles similar to other people that I like, so I try to mimic their writing which epically fails of course XD I mean why I bother explaining myself, I will never know :/

Anyways, what i'm trying to say, does anyone else have this problem? also my hand hurts after writing very little, I mean little like 1 1/2 or 2 pages of writing, I didn't have this when I was little because in Primary school, all school work is done in books and only ICT is done on computers, that likes 50 mins on computer during the day, whilst at home, when I was a kid there was no social networking sites, I didn't use MSN basically a computer was for 3 things, Arthur Maths Games, Skype and emailing.

I do a lot of writing on Microsoft, I used to write stories in notebooks, nice cute ones, now I use the wonderful software called 'Microsoft Word' where I write all my stories, so there must be a one hundred stories uncompleted of course~! I tend to get writers block half way through and then get a new idea :(

Anyways, just a random post here! Take care! Stay Happy and Healthy!


  1. My handwriting is very ugly (;v;) but I can write a lot and my hands don't hurt (>_<) Maybe it's because I write a lot at university (・ω・)(?)

  2. I'm sure your handwriting is NOT ugly, maybe it is because you're at university, my hand aches really quickly ^_^
