Sunday 10 June 2012

Taiwanese Music

Currently, Kpop and Jpop is spreading through this world very quickly, and Jrock too with their cute clothes, powerful music and beautiful looks, it has gained a never before wider audience into Asian Music, I strongly believe that Taiwanese music is just as good.

The music is packed with original artists with a league of their own, some of my favourite bands include Lollipop F formerly known as Lollipop, Van Ness Wu/F4, Misster, Jing Chang, Khalil Fong. Of course, there was is someone very famous and has lots of fans over the world his name is 'Jay Chou' personally i'm not a huge fan of this guy, I find his prounication very hard to understand, but i'm not hating on the guy or his fans, don't get me wrong. His pretty boy looks and warm smile is very pleasent.

Nerdy but sweet Khalil Fong is one of my favourite Taiwanese singers, his apperance is not your typical porcelain skin, red lips and beautiful, lustful hair but instead his small face with big eyes that are framed with black rimmed glasses and his small nose and mouth bring a whole level of cuteness, his warm smile and genuinely lovely personality makes really happy, his cover of all-time hit 'I Feel Good' by James Brown, it could of gone horribly wrong as the song packs a lot of charisma and charm with minimal effect but Khalil Fong got full marks and it's beautiful voice reach the high and low notes well making it enjoyable to listen too. Khalil Fong has released numerous albums and also covered the songs 'Nothing's Gone Change My Love' and 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton, listen to the latter to hear how well Khalil's voice is it shines the best when he solely concentrates on just singing. He is very loveable.

Adrogynous girl group 'Misster' a complete different style to bands like 'Kara' or 'AKB48' who tend to use their beautiful faces and cute gestures (plenty of Aeygo) to attract their fans, not saying their talentless or anything, I personally like Kara very much, I haven't listened to AKB48 myself before but i'm sure they are very good too, otherwise they would not be popular now. Anyways, Misster dress in a more 'Tomboyish' fashion of suits, shirts, black and dark coloured trousers but still have that cuteness about them, their short haircuts and boyish features make them more convincing as guys, until you notice the lack of an 'Adam's Apple' lol :)

BUT on that note, I love this band because the members are talented dancers, musicians and are also good at other stuff too besides the dancing/singing part as well, their song 'Super Love' is the song that got me, the catchy lyrics, eye-popping colours and matching clothes and lovely singing voices made me want to join in despite my lack of knowledge of the language. ^_^

Jing Chang is really a great person, she is very determined and works hard as you can see in some of her english subbbed videos, her vocal range is extensive thus allowing her to sing many songs well, she covered Lady Gaga 'Poker Face' I think there's a video on YouTube of her singing a 'ballad' kind of version of the song and strumming along to a guitar whilst an assitant is playing the piano, Jing Chang's song 'Black Skirt' is one of her songs that I really like, I have to find some other of her songs to listen too, her voice goes really high but then goes really low again, oh I forgot to mention Jing Chang is another Adrogynous singer, she has a short haircut and wears shirts/trousers etc, she's very good-looking in my opinion, she has a charming face and appeals well to both females and males.

She also briefly collobrated with Ao Quan of Lollipop F for one of her songs, not sure which but she stated that dancing was a weakness of hers and she had to dance in this song, I think this is what she said, i'm sure you overcome her lack of dancing skills with an amazing and talented dancer like Ao Quan, i'm sure her dancing skills were perfect after dancing with him. Both very determined and talented too.

Lollipop F, formerly known as Lollipop/Bang Bang Tang were a six member boy group, the members were winners of a show that I can't remember the name, Lil Jay's little brother was also a participtant in the show but lost out when he was knocked out of the competition after one of his dancing routines (went wrong or something?), anyways the members 'Lil Jay' 'A-Wei' 'Fabien' 'Prince' 'Ao Quan' 'Wei Lian' made their drama debut alongside 'Hey Girl' members in Brown Sugar Macchiato, playing the parts of six brothers who come together after learning they share the same father and that they are entitled to a large inheirtance if they follow a series of rules, the fun, madness and laughter soon ensues as these very different brothers must live together alongside their cute house keeper, love also blossoms at the same time as well. :P

Some of their popular songs as Lollipop include 'Sutra Chamber' 'Wo Men Zhi Jian' 'Multi Coloured Lollipop' oh my .......I haven't listened to a bunch of their songs and I can't remember some of the names, if I get time, I will so update! For sure, because they were my favourite first Asian band!

As Lollipp F, one of the first songs you should check is 'Holiday' the upbeat and sunny MV will put a smile on your face, even if it's a thundery night and you are by yourself. Sadly, Lil Jay and Prince already left the band before Holiday so they aren't in the MV, instead alongside Choc7 member Mao Di, Prince's little brother the trio formed 'JPM' and released a series of songs! Sorry, for the lack of remembering the names!!!

Last but not least the legend of F4, Vic Chou, Ken Chu, Jerry Yan and Van Ness Wu, four handsome men that formed the legendary Taiwanese group, their sauve personas and lovely smiles were sure to take the world by storm, both Ken and Van Ness could speak fluent English, whilst Ken could speak  fluent Cantonese as well and all four could speak Mandarin meaning they could communicate with their fans.

I haven't listened to F4's songs/singles but I really like Van Ness Wu's solo song 'Love, Faith, Live' very upbeat and catchy lyrics make the song very good ear candy for me. >.<

I'll update more later! Bye Bye~ :D

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