Monday 4 June 2012

Chapter 5- Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Art of Life' by X Japan

Once we all agreed on going to Tokyo together (we had to persuade's Hyde mother we would take care of her son, and also enroll him into a high school in Tokyo to finish school), this was another problem since Japanese schools did not allow it students to work in the entertainment industry.

It was unlikely Hyde would ever finish school, anyways on the 18th of May 2012, we travelled to Tokyo, I was sad to leave Tavia and my other friends back at university but this was our dream. Now that 'Beautiful Dolls' had a complete lineup, a new, more practical name was needed.

So after many arguements and different suggestions, eventually everyone agreed on the name 'Art of Life' the name of X Japan's 29 minute song, the legendary song of a legendary band, the name was chosen as the band members believed it would give them lots of luck.

As the days, drew closer to the 18th of May, we started packing our bags Tavia was going to move in with some of other friends, and our apartment was already sold. I had to dispose a lot of my belongings, I carried a red rucksack and a pull along case filled with clothes, shoes, books, CD's/DVD's/Vinyl Discs, and some other small trinkets that I didn't want to throw away.

Luckily for me, Tavia let me keep some of my clothes in her new house. I also had to leave my new motorcycle with Tavia as well. As I left the keys on the table, my eyes were feeling watery, so many years and funny memories were kept in this apartment.

My first day, as a new student I was shy and worried and I didn't know if I could accomplish my dream, then I met Sammul the quiet and introverted drummer who packed a lot of passion in his drumming skills, there was playboy but sweet and funny Kenneth who was the ultimate Floweboy, the envy of all girls and guys, for his althetic built and his warm smile. Kenneth was a year older than me, and our meeting was a moment of luck, I was late for my saxophone lesson and Kenneth had just arrived back on campus. I rushed straight into him, causing both of us to fall to the ground. Luckily, he found it funny and we soon became friends.

Then Tavia was always in classrooms, next to me I knew she was clever because teachers and students alike were always singing their praises about her. She helped me when I was lost on my first day, her sister had been a student whilst her mother was a teacher here, so she knew the grounds very well despite being a new student. Unlike me, Tavia was a realistic student who was  a hardworking, medical student, who always greeted those with a bright smile, her whole family were successful, her brother was a plastic surgeon.

My first meeting with Kei was a strange one, I was on a 'fake' date with Kenneth because he wanted to get away from all the screaming girls on our campus for Valentine's Day and since he found it was my birthday, he proposed this idea. Kei turned up at the Korean BBQ Restaurant with his best friends, one of them, now that I think back must of been Hyde.

Kei was a trendy student, who wore colourful clothes and equally elaborate hairstyles, I thought Kei was originally a girl. His dainty face was not too be mistaken for his skills as Bassist were the best, his slim hands gently graced the strings of the guitar. His warm smile the same as Kenneth's could win over girls in an instance.

Since I met Hyde recently, I felt that I  knew Hyde the least but he was very mature for his age, knowing he had to tidy up and do his share of the work, he wasn't some freeloader, but again Hyde's face was decieving the cute, kiddy look that Hyde had quickly tricked those around him for he was a talented guitarist. He was a force to be recognised with. He wore beads in his hair and his fringe was always plaited and held by little coloured elastic bands.

*Back to the Future*

"Let me help you with your bags," Sammul said as he grabbed my case, he touched my hand as I pulled it away.

My heart was beating really fast and my face was feeling hot all of a sudden, I grabbed my rucksack and sat in Kenneth's car. Hyde and Kei were already in the back seats, chatting happily whilst Kei offered me a piece of candy and Hyde greeted me friendly.

I was wearing a white shirt, red trousers, purple trainers and green hat, my style had always been pretty loud, my clothes were another dimension, an extension of myself. Just like my music.

Sammul sat next to me and Tavia sat next to Kenneth who was driving the car, everyone talked besides me, I was too engrossed in my own thoughts as the black Jaguar pulled out of the drive, I waved goodbye to the familiar house and this familiar setting.

We were heading to Tokyo, with only one thing set in our minds, to be the best and the most amazing Chinese Visual Kei band.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared at the front of the car, he was dressed in all black clothes and wore sunglasses and a scarf obscuring his face, Kenneth had to suddenly brake, jolting everyone in their seats. I wonder who this person was.

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