Monday 18 June 2012

Goldsmiths University

I went on a taster course for Media and Communications for Undergraduate students at Goldsmiths University, it was a long trek just to get there because I lived out of the area, I had to wake up super early *5:30* to be precise and left at 6:15, and  I boarded a total of four buses luckily I had my dad with me, I was quite nervous had I, had to go by myself for many reasons, one of them being it was my first long journey by myself plus being disorientated and sleepy in the morning, I might miss the bus stop where I am suppose to interchange for the next bus then I would be truly lost and have to call my parents for help :'( It took a time of 3 hours and 15 mins, however I gained confidence in travelling at long, journeys by using buses ( in case of train problems/strikes), and I felt extremely comfortable when making the journey back home, I took the bus from Goldsmiths to the train station where I boarded a train and then another bus and was home much quicker, however the second bus I had to wait for 45 mins which I was deeply disappointed and very annoyed because I was tired and hot from the  sun shining on me.

I would of remove my coat but I had a lot of coins in my pockets and I didn't want to risk spilling all of the coins into the road which would make me feel very embarrassed.

The actual event was very intriguing and informative, it was very well prepared event despite some technical issues at the start of the event. When I got back to the train station, I also bought some McDonalds French Fries and some Milka Daim chocolate~ mmm.... I was feeling hungry and tired after this long day.

When I got home, I was truly lazy I just ate some prawn crackers and drank a can of Coca Cola, not very healthy, i'll make it up tomorrow with a super healthy diet, who am I kidding?! ^_^

Good Night~ gonna watch the football match~ with my little sister and my parents, okay everyone stay healthy and happy.

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