Tuesday 26 June 2012

Today ^_^

Hmm...sorry guys, it's gonna be a super short post today but I just wanted you guys to know how my day went, I hope yours was less tiring and just more happier not that I wasn't happy!

I had four lessons today, double media and double business, I had the morning off (but I did some work and stuff >.<) and I had come in at 8:45am for an assembly!

However, I still got lots of work, this year is already looking really daunting and next year will be university so everything's just gonna get harder, until I start working but I really doubt it will be any easier than now!

I got 5 pieces ^^ business and media work+ plus every media lesson we have to bring in a media-related story and discuss it in class~ I also need a topic for my english project for next year, anyways got any ideas becaue i'm really stuck.

Also, some people have some really cute symbols on their blogs, how do I do that. Thank You for any comments ^_^ Have a happy day~! Take Care~ Always Happy :p

Monday 25 June 2012

Food Fanatic- Entry Number 1

Besides Music, Singing and blogging. I also love FOOD. Yep. You Heard Me.

I've never been a fussy eater, I hated peppers and pig's liver when I was little but now I like peppers but I still don't like pig's liver, but I like pig's lung soup, its meant to be really good for the human lung, I eat a lot of things, as long as they have medicinal properties, I guess too other people pig's organs sounds a bit unpleasant, I guess this kind of soup is really normal in Chinese culture or should I say 'medicinal soups'. My parents are always boiling some of kind of soup, Chinese 'soup' aren't the same as Western kind of soup, their consistency isn't as thick, it's more runny, the colours also depends on what it's used, one of my favourite soups uses 'dried figs' and 'almonds' that are boiled for some time, the colour is darkish, chocolate brown, so the colour isn't the most appealing...but it's sweet taste its really lovely and very healthy for you because the natural sweetness comes from the dried figs, dried figs are also a healthy and nutritious snack.

Drink of the week: Ice Cold Sodas ^^ because of the hot weather this week.

Snack of the week: hmmm Cuttlefish Nongshim snack.

Food of the week: My dinner tonight, tomato sauce on rice with seafood mixed together.... :)
Basically, this post won't focus on a particular cuisine but in my next follow up posts, I shall mention my favourite cuisines which include Spanish, Japanese and Thai food, snacks and street food too ^^ so please look out for those. :) Also, don't forget to comment on the comment box, about your favourite food, drinks and snacks^^ recommendations are highly recommended... personal opinions are throughout this blog.

Today ^_^

Today was my first day back at school, last night I decided to do my nails, I haven't done this for a while (I mean painting my nails) and I wanted to look nice, it wasn't anything fancy, I did a base coat, and then a clearly sparkly blue glitter and some bigger blue circles (looks kinda like minature confetti) anyways, I keep admiring them, even though they are simple, they look very nice, I think! I also watched a very funny movie '27 Dresses' i'm not a big fan of films, so for me to sit and watch this was a miracle, I just prefer dramas.

My first day at school was super boring, we just talked about what I would be studying next year (A-Level) and i'm not looking forward to it, there's nothing I can do, so I'm just gonna work super hard and stay on top of my work, that way I won't feel so anxious or stressed or worried. :D

On a happier note, my auntie will be mailing my Korean CD's she bought on a trip to Korea, she bought me two Korean CD's a Lee Jun Ki one (he still has his buzz hair cut style from when he was at military service, he recently got discharged) and Marry Me Mary/Mary Stayed Out All Night soundtrack ( I think). She also got me a photo card thingy of Jang Geun Suk!

Thursday 21 June 2012


This post is a little weird basically it's about 'Handwriting', I've always had the weirdest handwriting, not exactly messy, scribble-esque, i-can't-read-it-kinda-writing, it's not that bad, you can read it! I promise you!

I've been writing less in the fast few years because of my school subjects have become more computer-based and I've become really embarrassed about it because my friends all possessed really lovely handwriting, or never me re-phrase it, when you see a piece of their work, you know who it belongs too.

BUT I don't have a handwriting that says this is mine, it changes sometimes, I want to have styles similar to other people that I like, so I try to mimic their writing which epically fails of course XD I mean why I bother explaining myself, I will never know :/

Anyways, what i'm trying to say, does anyone else have this problem? also my hand hurts after writing very little, I mean little like 1 1/2 or 2 pages of writing, I didn't have this when I was little because in Primary school, all school work is done in books and only ICT is done on computers, that likes 50 mins on computer during the day, whilst at home, when I was a kid there was no social networking sites, I didn't use MSN basically a computer was for 3 things, Arthur Maths Games, Skype and emailing.

I do a lot of writing on Microsoft, I used to write stories in notebooks, nice cute ones, now I use the wonderful software called 'Microsoft Word' where I write all my stories, so there must be a one hundred stories uncompleted of course~! I tend to get writers block half way through and then get a new idea :(

Anyways, just a random post here! Take care! Stay Happy and Healthy!

Jin left Misster

This so sad, I just found out today, like 45 mins ago and i'm so sad, for all those out there who don't Misster, they are an adrogynous girl group that debuted from Lady Emperor (which is founded by Jin, leader of Misster) anyways the girls appeared on the Cpop music scene (I need to find the date) so sorry about that.

Misster break the stereotype of cute, girly, pink dresses, ribbons and cute clothes instead the five members: Jin, Qui Qui, Carol, Chris and Milk don black or dark coloured suits, trousers, shirts, hi-tops or boots, many of their outfits even when not in suits appear to be of a more masculine style ( which is similar to my style, I mean the shirts and stuff  >.<) anyways, to complete their look they also have 'male' style hairstyles, short, choppy or shaved sides, they also wear very little make up, or dark colours basically what i'm trying to say, is that you wouldn't see them with pink eyeshadow/pastel coloured or lip gloss. lol

Their fashion style is so cool, Misster originated from Taiwan, but their members are fluent in countless languages meaning that you don't need to know Mandarin to understand, i'm sure they would try to speak the language in the language of the particular country. I'm sorry, if i'm wrong, I haven't had a chance to see one of their interviews, i've only seen little snippets of videos with the members. It hard to find information on this band but I don't know WHY? they are amazing~!

Jin whose english name is Diana, has departed Misster, since she left she decide to work behind the scenes for Lady Emperor and she is also helping Misster from behind the scenes, she is working as an Artists Manager~!

Listen to 'SUPER LOVER' by Misster, a truly amazing song :D

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Going back to school ^_^

Currently, i've been on a study leave for at least 5 weeks but I think it might be 6 weeks actually so almost two months, I did have exams in the first week and the last five weeks, I have been busy, so its not like I sat on my butt all day doing absolutely nothing.

:] however i'm extremely sure that i've put on weight, since the days I don't go out and stay home by myself, I am consuming fizzy drinks, crisps and instant noodles, not together and not at the same time but still ^^ gah...I must excercise more in the future.

I also need to tidy my school bag, sort out my pencil case (my pencil case that i'm gonna use when I go back to school is a smallish Hello Kitty pencil case, a lot of my lessons are 'computer based' so I just carry a small notebook and pens just for my English classes, Korean classes and Mandarin classes, I have an addiction to buying stationary, so I own numerous notebooks, A4 folder and fistfuls of pens of different colours. So now you know how I spend my money, stationary + food.

I also buy manga, some clothes, I bought a grey hooded sweater from Uni Qlo recently it was kinda plain but I really liked it.

Okay, gotta go now...take care ^_^ hopefully, i'll have time to come back later on in the evening. :D

Monday 18 June 2012

Goldsmiths University

I went on a taster course for Media and Communications for Undergraduate students at Goldsmiths University, it was a long trek just to get there because I lived out of the area, I had to wake up super early *5:30* to be precise and left at 6:15, and  I boarded a total of four buses luckily I had my dad with me, I was quite nervous had I, had to go by myself for many reasons, one of them being it was my first long journey by myself plus being disorientated and sleepy in the morning, I might miss the bus stop where I am suppose to interchange for the next bus then I would be truly lost and have to call my parents for help :'( It took a time of 3 hours and 15 mins, however I gained confidence in travelling at long, journeys by using buses ( in case of train problems/strikes), and I felt extremely comfortable when making the journey back home, I took the bus from Goldsmiths to the train station where I boarded a train and then another bus and was home much quicker, however the second bus I had to wait for 45 mins which I was deeply disappointed and very annoyed because I was tired and hot from the  sun shining on me.

I would of remove my coat but I had a lot of coins in my pockets and I didn't want to risk spilling all of the coins into the road which would make me feel very embarrassed.

The actual event was very intriguing and informative, it was very well prepared event despite some technical issues at the start of the event. When I got back to the train station, I also bought some McDonalds French Fries and some Milka Daim chocolate~ mmm.... I was feeling hungry and tired after this long day.

When I got home, I was truly lazy I just ate some prawn crackers and drank a can of Coca Cola, not very healthy, i'll make it up tomorrow with a super healthy diet, who am I kidding?! ^_^

Good Night~ gonna watch the football match~ with my little sister and my parents, okay everyone stay healthy and happy.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Chapter 7- Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Dancing Out' by Super Junior

As we approached 'Tokyo Central Club' we all stood outside admiring the rugged, Vintage feel of the club, it had a red door with brass handles, it didn't exactly feel like the place where we would have a Rock 'N' Roll breakthrough show. As we stepped inside, the feeling of the interior of the club was completely different inside multi-coloured disco styled lights hung from the low, metal ceiling, a disco flooring covered the whole club, a bar serving different coloured cocktails lined up the cute brown Oak bar. The whole club had a 'retro' feeling.

Instead of playing our rock and ballads kind of music, we decided to try some other songs instead such as our Jazz song 'LoveXLove' this song would allow Sammul, to show off his smooth saxophone skills whilst Kenneth would play the piano, Kei and Hyde did not need to be in this song so they would sit out, of course I sang the song, other songs that we chose was 'Tears' 'Endless Rain' 'My Logo' 'Wonderful Tonight' 'Nothing Going To Change My Love' the arrangements were slightly different.

Adorning retro and vintage styled clothes, we looked the part at least, I wore a red velvet shirt, white pants with a gold belt, I wore white platform shoes designed with transparent material giving a 'glassy' feel, huge cocktail gold and jewelled rings adorned my fingers, a large shiny beaded necklace also decorated my neck. The crystal adorned microphone, shimmered under the lights, I smiled at the audience and open my mouth to sing the lyrics of Wonderful Tonight.

Our version was more punchy and faster, from a smooth ballad to a fast-paced dance song, I jumped around the stage, kicking and punching the thin air in front of me, I smiled at the audience, however there were some people booing at us, they didn't like the arrangements of our songs, they didn't like our clothes or the fact that our limited Japanese meant we couldn't communicate very well with the audience.

Kei who knew a little bit more Japanese than me, went to make an impromptu speech, after an audience member threw a banana at me I was a little shaken but I still carried on singing 'Endless Rain' but of course, Kei who was a little feisty was angered and had a bashing at the audience member who did this prank.

We were forced to finish our show at 11, with no fee because of the incident we had skip dinner that evening, we needed the money for our bills anyway and one less meal wouldn't do much harm.

Actually, I was a little disheartened of course I knew 'the journey to stardom' was a not an easy nor simple journey but I really didn't think it was going to be this hard, we had put so much thought into our clothes, makeup, hairstyles, songs, musical arrangements but one stupid prank ruined the whole thing for us, I was truly quite sad.   

Anyways, my mood soon changed because on our official website, some of our fans had posted comments saying our performance at Tokyo Central Club, a fan sent me a private message showing a picture of her cosplaying my outfit from one of my shows back in Hong Kong, I was dressed in a silk silver shirt, a large choker made out of pearls, green and gold swirled trousers, red velvet boots and chains in my long, black hair. My eyes wore blue contacts and white powder on my face, red lips.

This was from one of our performances just outside our campus, back then we were just 'Angst' and it was just me and Sammul. Back then even the visual appearance was important to me. A chuckled a little at the cute girl with her long, black hair and large eyes, when I wore the assemble, I looked kinda scary, the girl  looked adorable, very sweet-looking.

I posted the cosplay picture onto my blog after asking the girl if that was okay, I told the girl I was extremely pleased with her cosplay and that she should come to our shows more in the future, apart from this, I also posted a picture of myself posing with Kei and Hyde, with all our makeup removed, our pale faces and piercing eyes scared some people.

Fortunately, a flood of positive comments were left, fans commented how beautiful Kei and Hyde and I was naturally, some fans said I should wear less makeup, Kei and Hyde possessed very beautiful skin no doubt to their extreme beauty routines to keep their skin clean and porcelain liked.

"Good Night," Kei said shaking Hyde's hand.

"Good Night," Hyde said back giving his friend a pat on the back.

"Hey, Melon you were good tonight," Sammul and Kenneth said in unison. They both gave frosty stares at each other.

"Thank You, so were you," I said smiling back. I opened the door and turned the door handle, just as I opened the door, I felt someone give me a hug.

"Good Night, take care and rest that voice Melon," Kenneth said in his husky voice which was similar to that of famous entertainer Gackt Camui.

"Thank You, you take care too, tomorrow I will make a truly scrumptious breakfast for everyone," I said slightly uneasily.

As I stepped inside my room, I closed the door and sighed with relief, how long how could I hide my own feelings, I switched on my computer and immediately I carried on with watching one of my all time favourite movies 'Moonchild' featuring Hyde, Gackt, Leehom Wang. 

I kept in contact with Gackt, and we exchanged conversations regularly, he helped me a lot with my house work, despite this, he was very down-to-earth and played a large part in my life. Right now, the scene on my compute screen was that of Gackt dying from bullet wounds, lying in Hyde's arms, he died dramatically, he was like that in person, a bit of a diva. 

"Gackt," I said as I Skyped him.

"Melon, what's wrong?" Gackt said rubbing his eyes, I clearly woken him from his sleep.

"I miss you," I said.

"Honey, I'm right here whenever you need me," Gackt said in a serious tone.

I smiled weakly.

"A bad show? boyfriend troubles?" Gackt asked in an amused expression.

"I do not have a boyfriend, and yes, a bad show," I said.

*We chatted several hours before he suggested that I should sleep*

The next morning, I woke up rubbing my eyes and glancing at the beside clock, I was half a sleep, as I stuffed my feet into the cute pink bunny slippers, a present from Gackt. I walked out of my bedroom, it was 7am and I went to the kitchen opening the cupboards, and taking out bowls, plates and forks. I quickly made a pancake batter and then went back to sleep, at approximately 8am.

I cooked the pancakes with butter, maple syrup, bacon, eggs and mushrooms, I served different varieties of pancakes at the centre of the table. I poured orange juices into tall tumblers and I poured bowls of coco pops for everyone.

I went from room to room, waking Kenneth first, then Hyde and Kei who shared the largest room together, then I went to Sammul's last. Before, I woke him up, I just gazed at his soft face, his cute dimple face, his soft brown hair and his red lips. I stroked his hair softly.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Erm, wake up Sammul, breakfast's ready," I said as I ran outside of his room and shut the door. My heart was beating, Kenneth was standing right outside.

"What's wrong?" Kenneth said.

"Er, nothing, let's go and eat," I said cheerfully.

Gackt arrived 10 minutes later and everyone eat and chatted happily together.

"Can I help with anything today?" Gackt said smiling, dressed in a plain white t-shirts and combats and a cute girly pink apron on, mixing cake batter and wearing heart-shaped slippers, Gackt looked really kawaii.

"No, you just carry on baking your cake," I said.

"How's your girlfriend? Aimee Chan was it?" I asked moving the flour into little piles on the floor.

"We broke up, she got back with her ex boyfriend," Gackt said smiling.

"Ah, the first love, but what about you," I said.

"Gackt, I want some chocolate," Kei said laughing happily. The bouncy, kiddy and overly smiley Kei was dressed in grass green coloured tracksuit, a white Nike t-shirt and hair in bunches of pink elastics.
Kei and Hyde were taking a day off and they were planning to go Hong Kong to visit some of their school friends, they were planning to head down to the beach and have BBQ dinner before coming back to Tokyo.

Whilst I was staying in Tokyo with Gackt and sorting out my belongings and baking cakes, Kenneth was going to go fishing whilst Sammul whilst going sight-seeing hopefully to help him get some ideas for his lyrics.

"Bye Kei, see ya," I said waving, Gackt came out of the house and whispered something to Hyde making him burst out into laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked curiously.
"It doesn't matter," Gackt and Kei said.

*In the evening*

Gackt took me to the beach to wind down, it was a very hot evening, so we eat ice cream for dinner and brought grape flavoured sodas to the beach to quench our thirst, I ran around the beach playing happily, I was dressed in blue shorts and a red polo t-shirt.

I splashed salty water onto Gackt's face, Gackt did the same before long both of our hair was soaking, my lips had become blue as I was becoming cold, Gackt came me his white fleece jacket and we walked to a cheap noodle bar near the beach, where we both eat Kimchi udon and shared a pork cutlet between us, Gackt also ordered hot herbal tea for me whilst he drank some beer.

"This tastes really good," I said helping myself to more pork cutlet, since we moved to Tokyo, we wanted to save money so we cut back  a lot on food etc. I drank water or juice usually to fill myself up in between meals.

"I haven't eaten this much in ages, it tastes so good," I said slurping up the noodles.

Gackt who was a exercises maniac, eat very slowly and very little, his only weaknesses were alcohol primarily beer and ramen, he had only 5% of fat on his body, I really needed to work out.

After we finished our noodles and I paid for the meal, Gackt bought me a very cute white heart phone strap, as he had noticed my old one was very worn out.

"This should be your lucky charm," Gackt said bending closely to me looking at my eyes.

I blushed a little. "Of course, I will take very good care of it, thank you," I said happily attaching the phone strap to my mobile.

I put the old one in my jean pocket, it was a present from Sammul, when we had just met.

Gackt took hold of my hand and we strolled along the road enjoying the view.

* 5am in themorning*

"We're home," Kei and Hyde said jumping on top of me.

"C'mon, we brought back some of our favourite snacks of Hong Kong, you have to eat it with us," Kei said joyfully.

Hyde who was a little calmer and a little shy, pulled Kei back and smiled at me. "Would you like a taffy candy instead?" he asked.

"Sure," I said taking a taffy candy from his blue and white striped tin.

"How cute," I said admiring the packaging.

"Get up," Gackt said strolling into my room, he had slept on the sofa, he still looked extremely handsome despite his casual attire of blue tracksuits (Kenneth's) and a white vest top (Sammul's), his tall and muscular physique made every girl weak at the knees.

As I got up, Gackt who was impatient just picked me up and took me into the living room, where colourful packages of snacks and other girls including body lotion, cosmetics and knit wear strung around the living room.

Gackt put me down onto a chair, "Your mum was concerned about your health, so she made us carry these vitamin pills and warmer clothes for you to wear, she also bought some yummy snacks for you," Kei said.

"And your mother made a very nice dinner which I enjoyed very much," Hyde said smiling warily.

"Well thank you for taking this stuff back, I hope it didn't take up too much room," I said.

"We got a performance tonight," Kenneth said bursting from the front door, then quickled followed by Sammul from his own room.

A look of horror appeared on my face, did that mean Sammul knew that Gackt and I went to the beach together and watched a movie at home together.

"Good Morning," Sammul said rubbing his eyes that appeared red and swollen.

"We get to perform at a club called 'Honey's Darling' it suppose to be a very popular place for rookie musicians/bands.
Kenneth held a black flyer which had some details of the time of our performance, who else would be performing and that we were entitled to a complimentary dinner and unlimited soft drinks.

"WOW, there some other rookie bands performing that I have heard of 'Cello's Heart' and 'The Hippodrome' and I love An Cafe, there suppose to play a string of their hit songs, because Miku or something is friends with the person in charge of the club," Gackt said quickly.

"Gosh, we better get practising," I said happily.

After breakfast, we headed down to the park under the Cherry Blossoms with our new manager Gackt to sort out promotional flyers to hand out.


Friday 15 June 2012

Music vs Baking

Music would represent me whilst the 'baking' represents my sister Geri, whilst we are sisters and hold a very, strong, healthy relationship with each other, when it comes to our hobbies we couldn't be much different, my sister loves cooking, she especially likes baking, making macaroons, cookies, everything that is known to mankind, whilst I go around belting out my favourite songs, regardless if their in Mandarin, Korean or Japanese, apparently when I was 3 years old, I was singing a song by Teresa Tang (a very famous in fact a huge legend in the Hong Kong music scene, her untimely death from Asthma whilst holidaying in Thailand, left fans across Asia and the rest of the world devastated), she had the typical 'girl-next-door-image' and had a clear, beautiful singing voice which was enjoyable to listen too. Anyways, my dad said I used to substitute my own 'Mandarin' words into the song and the amazing thing was apparently it actually worked, the words fitted in.

Anyways, nothing has changed, I still go around singing the same song, except now I know the actual lyrics of the song, as opposed to my 'own homemade lyrics'. I enjoyed dancing as well, so it's no wonder I know some of the truly popular dance songs of all time, such as YMCA (Village People), She Bangs (Ricky Martin), Twist and Shout (The Beatles) etc. When I go to Karaoke, I just sing and sing, honestly I haven't been to Karaoke places many times but I do at home and at my relatives home and they join in too. It's so much fun, dancing 'Sorry, Sorry' with my auntie and cousin!!!

I think at the end whilst me and my sister are close with each other and hold a strong bond, we also have strong interests that lie in totally different things. For me, music is my life and every birthday/Christmas, a CD/DVD will be there, I will print out lyrics of special songs and paste them into notebooks or arrange them into folders, whilst my sister in her birthdays/Christmas, she will ask for a cookery book, if there is one she wants, i'm glad its like this because it would be irriating to have to share the CD player!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Taiwanese Music

Currently, Kpop and Jpop is spreading through this world very quickly, and Jrock too with their cute clothes, powerful music and beautiful looks, it has gained a never before wider audience into Asian Music, I strongly believe that Taiwanese music is just as good.

The music is packed with original artists with a league of their own, some of my favourite bands include Lollipop F formerly known as Lollipop, Van Ness Wu/F4, Misster, Jing Chang, Khalil Fong. Of course, there was is someone very famous and has lots of fans over the world his name is 'Jay Chou' personally i'm not a huge fan of this guy, I find his prounication very hard to understand, but i'm not hating on the guy or his fans, don't get me wrong. His pretty boy looks and warm smile is very pleasent.

Nerdy but sweet Khalil Fong is one of my favourite Taiwanese singers, his apperance is not your typical porcelain skin, red lips and beautiful, lustful hair but instead his small face with big eyes that are framed with black rimmed glasses and his small nose and mouth bring a whole level of cuteness, his warm smile and genuinely lovely personality makes really happy, his cover of all-time hit 'I Feel Good' by James Brown, it could of gone horribly wrong as the song packs a lot of charisma and charm with minimal effect but Khalil Fong got full marks and it's beautiful voice reach the high and low notes well making it enjoyable to listen too. Khalil Fong has released numerous albums and also covered the songs 'Nothing's Gone Change My Love' and 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton, listen to the latter to hear how well Khalil's voice is it shines the best when he solely concentrates on just singing. He is very loveable.

Adrogynous girl group 'Misster' a complete different style to bands like 'Kara' or 'AKB48' who tend to use their beautiful faces and cute gestures (plenty of Aeygo) to attract their fans, not saying their talentless or anything, I personally like Kara very much, I haven't listened to AKB48 myself before but i'm sure they are very good too, otherwise they would not be popular now. Anyways, Misster dress in a more 'Tomboyish' fashion of suits, shirts, black and dark coloured trousers but still have that cuteness about them, their short haircuts and boyish features make them more convincing as guys, until you notice the lack of an 'Adam's Apple' lol :)

BUT on that note, I love this band because the members are talented dancers, musicians and are also good at other stuff too besides the dancing/singing part as well, their song 'Super Love' is the song that got me, the catchy lyrics, eye-popping colours and matching clothes and lovely singing voices made me want to join in despite my lack of knowledge of the language. ^_^

Jing Chang is really a great person, she is very determined and works hard as you can see in some of her english subbbed videos, her vocal range is extensive thus allowing her to sing many songs well, she covered Lady Gaga 'Poker Face' I think there's a video on YouTube of her singing a 'ballad' kind of version of the song and strumming along to a guitar whilst an assitant is playing the piano, Jing Chang's song 'Black Skirt' is one of her songs that I really like, I have to find some other of her songs to listen too, her voice goes really high but then goes really low again, oh I forgot to mention Jing Chang is another Adrogynous singer, she has a short haircut and wears shirts/trousers etc, she's very good-looking in my opinion, she has a charming face and appeals well to both females and males.

She also briefly collobrated with Ao Quan of Lollipop F for one of her songs, not sure which but she stated that dancing was a weakness of hers and she had to dance in this song, I think this is what she said, i'm sure you overcome her lack of dancing skills with an amazing and talented dancer like Ao Quan, i'm sure her dancing skills were perfect after dancing with him. Both very determined and talented too.

Lollipop F, formerly known as Lollipop/Bang Bang Tang were a six member boy group, the members were winners of a show that I can't remember the name, Lil Jay's little brother was also a participtant in the show but lost out when he was knocked out of the competition after one of his dancing routines (went wrong or something?), anyways the members 'Lil Jay' 'A-Wei' 'Fabien' 'Prince' 'Ao Quan' 'Wei Lian' made their drama debut alongside 'Hey Girl' members in Brown Sugar Macchiato, playing the parts of six brothers who come together after learning they share the same father and that they are entitled to a large inheirtance if they follow a series of rules, the fun, madness and laughter soon ensues as these very different brothers must live together alongside their cute house keeper, love also blossoms at the same time as well. :P

Some of their popular songs as Lollipop include 'Sutra Chamber' 'Wo Men Zhi Jian' 'Multi Coloured Lollipop' oh my .......I haven't listened to a bunch of their songs and I can't remember some of the names, if I get time, I will so update! For sure, because they were my favourite first Asian band!

As Lollipp F, one of the first songs you should check is 'Holiday' the upbeat and sunny MV will put a smile on your face, even if it's a thundery night and you are by yourself. Sadly, Lil Jay and Prince already left the band before Holiday so they aren't in the MV, instead alongside Choc7 member Mao Di, Prince's little brother the trio formed 'JPM' and released a series of songs! Sorry, for the lack of remembering the names!!!

Last but not least the legend of F4, Vic Chou, Ken Chu, Jerry Yan and Van Ness Wu, four handsome men that formed the legendary Taiwanese group, their sauve personas and lovely smiles were sure to take the world by storm, both Ken and Van Ness could speak fluent English, whilst Ken could speak  fluent Cantonese as well and all four could speak Mandarin meaning they could communicate with their fans.

I haven't listened to F4's songs/singles but I really like Van Ness Wu's solo song 'Love, Faith, Live' very upbeat and catchy lyrics make the song very good ear candy for me. >.<

I'll update more later! Bye Bye~ :D

Makeup and keeping my skin nice and healthy-looking ^_^

Actually, I don't wear that much makeup (big shock, I know right?) ._. , infact i've never worn foundation, bronzer etc. I wear concealer for my school portraits, I always get spotty when I get my photos taken...not good. I've been blessed with relatively good skin so I really want to maintain this.

Anyways, I used to wear blusher but since my cheeks naturally have a flush of colour I decided not to wear it anymore as I didn't really need it. I don't like mascara that much so I don't wear that either.

I wash my face with Eucerin and then use Cetaphil cream afterwards to keep my face looking healthy and spot free too, anyways i'm allergic to fragrances so none of the stuff that is applied to my skin is fraganced or has perfume in it. Also, less oily foods, sweets, chocolate can reduced spots, stress also brings me out in spotty skin and also lack of sleep.

I like Shu Uemura eyeliners, I really like the 'Pearly pink one' at the moment but the silver and black one is equally as good, very soft and silky it applies well, and doubles well as an eyeshadow if you want to carry less but look good on the go. ^_^

I apply it at the bottom of my eye, in the corners of my eyes and add onto my eyelids as an eyeshadow it smooths very well and looks very good too, it brightens the eye and I also wear it for when I want to appear cute, so if your a Sweet Lolita fan like me, you'll like to do this eye makeup.  Even though, I don't own any Sweet Lolita style clothing, I really like this cutesy, girly, child-like themed fashion style, so when I want to be girly, that's part of my eye makeup.

Afterwards, I take a Barry M sky blue eyeliner (Barry M? I think it's that) and run it undereneath my eye lid, the corner of my eyes and a bit on the eyelid, I enjoy mixing the two different colours together, the eyeliners also blend well too, the Barry M eyeliner is much cheaper and easier to get hold off than the Shu Uemura eyeliners. The eyeliner is very smooth and easy to apply, the colour is also very pretty and if you don't like sky blue, there are a range of other colours to pick and mix and match together for a different look.

The actual eyeshadow I use is dark blue and silver eyeshadow pallete by Max Factor, Clinque gold, pink, and olive green eyeshadows (there is six colours altogether those are my favourite).

I use minimal makeup, I used to wear a lot until my mum suggesting wear slightly less, and I agree, I look much better now.

Usually, I just use lip balm in assorted flavours, but Paul and Joe have an orange and silver lip gloss in a swirl pattern, it kinda smells like the fizzy beverage 'Fanta' and I apply a little bit of it onto my lips.

I generally just wear makeup for special events though. ^_^ Thank You for reading this post!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Chapter 6- Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Dry Your Tears With Love' - Tears by X Japan

The guy who was standing at the front of the car, suddenly walked to the side of car that Kenneth sat by, Kenneth rolled the car screen down and the guy pulled his mask and glasses off, it was Ruco Chan, his dark eyes gazed at Kei and then at Kenneth and then back at Kei.

Kenneth got out of the car followed by Kei who both walked a little distant away talking to Ruco.

"Wow," Hyde exclaimed.

"I don't get it, what's happened?" I asked.

"Thats Kenneth and Kei's elder brother, he like completely vanished 10 years ago, he just packed his bags and left Kenneth and Kei behind and their parents," Hyde said. "I remember Kei coming to school crying because Ruco had disappeared and Kenneth isolated himself a lot at that time."

"Yeah, I heard about that," Sammul said after thinking for some time.

"Gosh, no wonder Kenneth doesn't like Kei discussing about their family life or childhood then," I muttered.

As Kenneth whose face had darkened walked back towards the car, Kei slipped in quietly and was quickly back to his normal, upbeat and cheerful personality. Kenneth didn't speak a word as we headed to Hong Kong Airport, at the airport Tavia bought us spaghetti and Coca Cola for our last meal together for some time.

Can the passengers of flight 5 from Hong Kong to Tokyo, please board the plane now an announcement board bared this message behind us. 

I hugged Tavia for a long time before grabbing my rucksack, Kenneth and Sammul hugged Tavia and so did Kei, Hyde just waved goodbye to her and gave her a piece of his milk tea candy.

"Let's go," Kei said as he grabbed my hand and Hyde grabbed my other hand and we rushed down the stairs and towards our terminal, a surge of adrenaline made my heart beat faster.

I smiled at Kei, the skinny and friendly kid, and his best friend Hyde, equally same size and same skinny frame. As we boarded the plane, I looked out of the window engrossed in my thoughts.

"What you're thinking about you?" Kenneth asked.

"That person that appeared from no where," Kenneth continued. "He's my brother, and the eldest son of the family."

"Really, but you seemed unhappy to see him," I said proceeding the subject with caution.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to see him," Kenneth said as the air hostess interrrupted us to ask what beverages we would like.

"Tea," Kenneth said.

"Black Coffee please," I said.

"I want orange juice," Kei said followed by Hyde who requested "Pineapple juice."

"What about you, Sammul?" I asked.
"Erm, I will have a glass of wine," Sammul said clearly occupied with something.

As everyone drank their beverages and eat their food, as we landed in Tokyo, it was the evening, it was 6pm, we checked into a hotel and then left to eat.

When I went to collec the invoice, the expenses I noticed had been paid by "Ruco Chan" Kenneth's elder brother.

"Kenneth's here's the invoice," I said giving it to Kenneth.

"Let's go to a bar and drink," Kei said smiling happily.

"I think you're already drunk," Hyde chuckled loudly.

"Let's go," I said putting both my hands on Kei and Hyde's shoulders.

All three of us walked out of the hotel room happily, whilst Sammul and Kenneth talke quietly and walked behind us.

"Melon, come here a second," Kenneth said taking my hand and holding onto it.

"I want to tell you something about my brother, he disappeared for 10 years, and I just found out why," Kenneth said pausing a little.

"Why?" I said ushering him to carry on.

"He was kidnapped, he had secretly got married and wanted to go and live with his new wife and start a family in Osaka, but she was the daughter of some sort of gang or something, and Ruco only just escaped, he had been working for him against what he wanted to do," Kenneth said a little anxious.

"Wow, that seems kind off..." I said not knowing what to say.

Kenneth took my hand and smiled.  Just as we arrived at the restaurant, and I sat in between Sammul and Kenneth, I ordered Lemon Fried Chicken and beer, I ate quickly but Kenneth and Sammul and Kei kept piling food onto my plates and Hyde kept giving me more beer to drink.

"Guys, are we trying to make me fat and drunk, so you can replace your vocalist?" I said jokingly. It wasn't really obvious that I was the only girl in the band because I was in a shirt, trousers and a dark blue blazer and green flip flops.

"Nope, you just seemed kinda down, since we left Tavia and the others back in Hong Kong," Sammul said smiling.

"Yeah, lets toast to our success," Kenneth said raising his wine glass.

Everyone toasted happily and wished each other success.

Back at the hotel, they slept on the floor and beds, I slept in a seperate room by myself, Kenneth and Sammul and Hyde and Kei slept in two seperate rooms but Kenneth stayed with me until I fell asleep, when I woke up, I was faced with Sammul.

I turned around so I wasn't facing Sammul's face but he cuddled me anyways, I couldn't stop laughing and my heart was beating really fast, like super fast.

Eventually, I got up and got dressed and walk downstairs to the breakfast area, to be greeted by Kei dressed in a cute pink shirt and white trousers, his black hair in a ponytail and then Hyde was a little toned down, he wore a white t-shirt with a silver shark and red trousers and cute Smileyface sneakers purchased from Smileyworld.

My eyes then fell on Kenneth, he had dyed his hair last night, there was blue streaks throughout his black hair, apart from his alarmingingly bright hair, his assemble of clothes was very casual. I wore a pink dress and pink shoes that could tied together to form a bow on my ankles, I didn't want to wear this dress originally but Sammul asked me too.

He even put red heart hairclips in my hair, I sat down quite nervously as I wasn't used to dressing like this. It was different on stage when adoring flamboyant and elaborate costumes, I considered part of my work and my visual effects of concerts. Thus I was not too worried to dress like that.

However, coming downstairs to a simple, casual breakfast, I was a little nervous.

"Good Morning," I said nodding to everyone.

"Sit down," Kenneth said pulling a chair out.

"What do you want to eat?" Sammul asked me.

"Honestly anything plus a coffee or herbal fruit tea," I said getting up.

Kei and Kenneth had gone outside to smoke, Hyde sat in the corner of the table awkwardly smiling at everyone, he was playing on his PSP totally absorbed by his game.

"Hi guys, sorry we just stepped outside to sort out some issues, I got a phonecall for a local club. Here they will have us play today," Kenneth said.

"Right, that's fine. No problem." Sammul and I said in unison.

"What time? Where?" Kei asked immediately.

"Its at Tokyo Central Club," Kenneth said "6pm to Midnight."

"We won't be paid but it will help us get hyped, people will notice us, so we can climb our way up," Kenneth said.

"I think we're gonna have to find part time jobs to pay for bills, when we move into our apartment," Hyde said in a serious tone.

Their apartment was located just outside central Tokyo, needed some final touches to be done before they could move in.

"Hi Tavia, I miss you sooooooo much, everything so different here," I said as I talked to Tavia on Sammul's phone.

"Your going to waste Sammul's credit, if we carry on speaking," Tavia said back in Hong Kong where she was having her lunch break.

"I don't think he will mind too much, I can always pay him back," I said cheerfully.

As everyone left the hotel to go to Tokyo Central Club to talk about our gigs, since it was tonight, we would playing songs that we had practise many times, so that we could give off a good impression and also make waves in Tokyo.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Future Fan Fiction

I kinda just had this idea for this Fan Fiction, it will be called 'Would You Like To Yum Cha Together?'

Since Yum Cha is a stable is an important part of Hong Kong lifestyle, it felt kinda appropriate to add into the story.


Melon Liu is a friendly and cheerful person, she is also the second child of a family of well-known Plastic Surgeons throughout Asia, her father's and mother's company 'The Healing Hands' where her cousins, uncles and aunties have also worked in saving lives not just for beauty, some patients that come to The Healing Hands have suffered burns. Others, just want to become more beautiful. She is 17 years old.

Kenneth Ma is the son of a family of Barristers, Police Officers and Lawyers, throughout his life, he has just wanted to bring justice to the lives of the innocent, he works hard at school and is also extremely popular with girls for his flowerboy looks and with guys for his skilled basketball techniques.

Van Ness Wu is the son of a family of performers, his dream is to dance in the infamous 'Swan Lake', his dream of becoming a world class ballet dancer, sends him away from his hometown of Taipei to London to hit the big time.

Kenneth and Melon meet when their parents arrange for a ‘future wedding’ between the two, to bring the two families together, Kenneth and Melon both refuse this proposal and because of this, Melon’s father sends her to London, hoping she will study well and become a successful Plastic Surgeon, Kenneth by chance is also sent to London, to a Police Academy he applied for a few weeks prior to their meeting, which has granted him a placement. Sammul and the rest of the Hong Kong Philharmonic travel to London, hoping to perform in a series of festivals and carnivals, whilst Van Ness Wu travels to London, to achieve his dream of becoming the world’s best Male ballet dancer. On the way, the glitzy and bright lights of Broadway Shows almost shatter his dreams of becoming a ballet dance and Melon mysteriously disappears for some time. Kenneth is the trainee police officer sent to deal with this case of finding Melon and unfortunately, Sammul becomes injured in a car crash and his left hand is damaged forcing him to resign from playing in the Hong Kong Philharmonic. Kenneth, Van Ness and Sammul slowly fall in love with Melon but they must also deal with one final problem that lies ahead of already their troubled lives.
Additional Information

The contents of story is fictional, all the characters, events and story linked to any real events is  pure coincident.
*Let Me Know If You Would Like Me To Start Writing This Story Besides The Other One*
I will post the first chapter to give everyone a taste of this new story.

 Okay, please take care everyone and thank you for reading this... :D

Monday 4 June 2012

Chapter 5- Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Art of Life' by X Japan

Once we all agreed on going to Tokyo together (we had to persuade's Hyde mother we would take care of her son, and also enroll him into a high school in Tokyo to finish school), this was another problem since Japanese schools did not allow it students to work in the entertainment industry.

It was unlikely Hyde would ever finish school, anyways on the 18th of May 2012, we travelled to Tokyo, I was sad to leave Tavia and my other friends back at university but this was our dream. Now that 'Beautiful Dolls' had a complete lineup, a new, more practical name was needed.

So after many arguements and different suggestions, eventually everyone agreed on the name 'Art of Life' the name of X Japan's 29 minute song, the legendary song of a legendary band, the name was chosen as the band members believed it would give them lots of luck.

As the days, drew closer to the 18th of May, we started packing our bags Tavia was going to move in with some of other friends, and our apartment was already sold. I had to dispose a lot of my belongings, I carried a red rucksack and a pull along case filled with clothes, shoes, books, CD's/DVD's/Vinyl Discs, and some other small trinkets that I didn't want to throw away.

Luckily for me, Tavia let me keep some of my clothes in her new house. I also had to leave my new motorcycle with Tavia as well. As I left the keys on the table, my eyes were feeling watery, so many years and funny memories were kept in this apartment.

My first day, as a new student I was shy and worried and I didn't know if I could accomplish my dream, then I met Sammul the quiet and introverted drummer who packed a lot of passion in his drumming skills, there was playboy but sweet and funny Kenneth who was the ultimate Floweboy, the envy of all girls and guys, for his althetic built and his warm smile. Kenneth was a year older than me, and our meeting was a moment of luck, I was late for my saxophone lesson and Kenneth had just arrived back on campus. I rushed straight into him, causing both of us to fall to the ground. Luckily, he found it funny and we soon became friends.

Then Tavia was always in classrooms, next to me I knew she was clever because teachers and students alike were always singing their praises about her. She helped me when I was lost on my first day, her sister had been a student whilst her mother was a teacher here, so she knew the grounds very well despite being a new student. Unlike me, Tavia was a realistic student who was  a hardworking, medical student, who always greeted those with a bright smile, her whole family were successful, her brother was a plastic surgeon.

My first meeting with Kei was a strange one, I was on a 'fake' date with Kenneth because he wanted to get away from all the screaming girls on our campus for Valentine's Day and since he found it was my birthday, he proposed this idea. Kei turned up at the Korean BBQ Restaurant with his best friends, one of them, now that I think back must of been Hyde.

Kei was a trendy student, who wore colourful clothes and equally elaborate hairstyles, I thought Kei was originally a girl. His dainty face was not too be mistaken for his skills as Bassist were the best, his slim hands gently graced the strings of the guitar. His warm smile the same as Kenneth's could win over girls in an instance.

Since I met Hyde recently, I felt that I  knew Hyde the least but he was very mature for his age, knowing he had to tidy up and do his share of the work, he wasn't some freeloader, but again Hyde's face was decieving the cute, kiddy look that Hyde had quickly tricked those around him for he was a talented guitarist. He was a force to be recognised with. He wore beads in his hair and his fringe was always plaited and held by little coloured elastic bands.

*Back to the Future*

"Let me help you with your bags," Sammul said as he grabbed my case, he touched my hand as I pulled it away.

My heart was beating really fast and my face was feeling hot all of a sudden, I grabbed my rucksack and sat in Kenneth's car. Hyde and Kei were already in the back seats, chatting happily whilst Kei offered me a piece of candy and Hyde greeted me friendly.

I was wearing a white shirt, red trousers, purple trainers and green hat, my style had always been pretty loud, my clothes were another dimension, an extension of myself. Just like my music.

Sammul sat next to me and Tavia sat next to Kenneth who was driving the car, everyone talked besides me, I was too engrossed in my own thoughts as the black Jaguar pulled out of the drive, I waved goodbye to the familiar house and this familiar setting.

We were heading to Tokyo, with only one thing set in our minds, to be the best and the most amazing Chinese Visual Kei band.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared at the front of the car, he was dressed in all black clothes and wore sunglasses and a scarf obscuring his face, Kenneth had to suddenly brake, jolting everyone in their seats. I wonder who this person was.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Chapter 4-Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Greatest Day' by Take That

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY," I screamed, as I rushed out of my room. I was staying in a basement kind of flat, hybrid thing with Kenneth, Sammul and my best friend Tavia Yeung, she was working as a doctor.

Tavia gave me a huge birthday cake and presents, the gifts contained some money, new pens and lots of material and paper for when I was designing our costumes.

"Thank You so much Tavia," I said happily and gave her hug.

Sammul was cooking a birthday breakfast, the warmer, sweet aromas filled the kitchen, I gave Sammul a back hug, he smiled softly at me. He was wearing a yellow top and grey sweat pants, he wore his red and black coloured glasses and adjusted them nervously.

"Happy Birthday Melon," He said. "My present is in my room, go and take a look."

I rushed into Sammul's room, before I noticed my present, I noticed how clean and immaculate his bedroom was, everything neatly stacked and lined up. On his bed, a beautiful pink wrapped present in a box shape sat on his bed.

I grabbed the present and ran out again, straight into Kenneth who had just finished washing his hair.

"Whoah," I exclaimed as I fell on top of him.

"Sorry," I said a little too excited. I grabbed Kenneth's arm and helped him back to his feet.

I got back to the kitchen and stood next to Sammul and Tavia as I opened the present, it was the cutest mobile phone ever.

"Wow, this is truly my best birthday ever. Thank You, you noticed that my mobile phone was old and broken," I said to Sammul as he blushed a little.

I pinched his cheeks and smiled at him.

"Your welcome sweetie," he said.

"I guess, it's my go. Here's a present from me," Kenneth said taking the package from the table in the living room.

"What a cute looking box," I said as I removed the packaging. Inside was the most beautiful silver ring. It wasn't a girl's style, but a boy's style, the band was thicker and it was a very simple.

"Also, I have a bigger present outside but you better look outside," I looked outside.

Outside was a a beautiful plum coloured purple Harley Davidson motorcycle, with a huge red bow. I smiled as I grabbed my sneakers and ran down a flight of stairs.

"The motorcycle was Kenneth's idea, he contribute the most but me and Sammul did pay a decent amount and other people contribute Kei and even Hyde," Tavia said warmly.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, I looked at the motorcycle, and then I looked back at the mobile phone in my hand. I knelt down and started crying. I had been away from my parents trying to chase my dream, it was a long and tiring road ahead.

"Don't cry," Sammul said as he wiped my tears with his sleeve of his grey pajama top.

"Let's go inside and eat," Tavia said. "Otherwise, I will be late for work."

"Yes, let's go inside," I said half walking and half leaning on Sammul as went back inside.

Sammul had cooked a truly scrumptious breakfast, my favourite ramen topped with seafood and little fast food potstickers and other dim sum treats as well.

What a wonderful birthday. I smiled happily as I got dressed, I was heading to a coffee shop near the park where we were planning on jamming today.

Hyde and Kei had gone to school to hand in some assignments so it was me, Sammul and Kenneth sorting out the instrutments, amplifiers and other pieces of equipment. I cycled to the park because as much I wanted to test out new motorcycle, I needed to take lessons and such.

I bought everyone some coffee to lift their spirits, a few children were in the playground playing, as I removed some loose papers from bag, and looked at the lyrics of the songs 'Endless Rain' 'Vanilla' and 'Pink Spider' we changed the arrangments so that everyone was comfortable with it.

"Happy Birthday Melon," Kei and Hyde said in unison as they produced a bunch of birthday balloons and another birthday cake.

I could feel my tears welling up again.

"Thank You so much, it means a lot, to me," I said hugging Kei and Hyde warmly.

*Wednesday Club Performance*

"Ladies and Gentleman, as a special treat because it was my 19th birthday on Monday, we will be handing out free demo tapes to everyone here tonight," I said in a croaky voice into the microphone.

As the song Vanilla started playing, my heart beated fast as Sammul smashed the drums with his cool drumming skills, Hyde and Kei got the girls in the audience chanting their names with their cool swag on their guitars, whilst Kenneth was the 'Mr.Cool' guy playing the Bass in the background, he was a little quiet that night.

I opened my mouth and started singing, I jumped onto chairs and tables and onto the bar and danced to the energtic song because of our popular choice of songs, majority of the audience members would sing, dance and chant along with us.

We had everything we ever wanted in Hong Kong, as the weeks went on, each week we packed in more concerts and missed out on our lectures, we agreed to talk to each other and see if everyone wanted to travel to Tokyo. This was a new fresh start for us.

Chapter 3-Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'smile ichiban ii onna' by An Cafe

"What do you mean by this?" I said.

"I need someone," Kei said. "I've been by myself all these years."

"My songs all about guys who have happy lives with girls and lead romantic lives, whilst my real life is so different, I had many love confessions through high school to university but I never found someone, my soulmate," Kei said.

After that evening, I laid in bed my head filled with a lot of thoughts. After tossing and turning, I eventually fell asleep, the next morning I was woken up by a mobile phone ringtone, the ringtone was 'Mr.Simple' by Super Junior, I leant over and answered my phone.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi, can you come to class a little early, so I can discuss something with you?" Kenneth asked.

"Hmm, I guess I could come. I'll be there in 20 minutes," I said as I hung up the phone.

I threw my pastel blue decorated unicorn, cupcakes and angel wings duvet cover and got out of bed, my head slipped into teddy bear slippers and I went to the bathroom. I brushed my thick black hair, and applied some cream to my face, I wore a little bit of makeup, got dressed and brushed my teeth. I sprayed some perfume on myself and rush towards the music rooms.

"Hi," I said again as I sat down on a chair next to Kenneth. Sammul was there too and so was Kei, and there was another boy with curly, golden brown hair and a cute, kiddy face.

"Today, we thought we auditioned Kei and Hyde for the positions of bassist and rhythm guitarist," Sammul said.

"Right, and Hyde is?..." I said.

"Sorry, Hyde is my best friend, we've known each other since we were babies, our mothers are friends too," Kei said. He smiled at me. That smile was so sweet and cute. It instantly made me blush a little.

Hyde smiled at me and I extended my arm to him, shaking his hand and smiling warmly.

"Let's start with Kei," I said.

Kei wore a pink neon top and low-slung jeans, he wore red trainers and his hair was brushed loosely, he put his bass strap around his body and plugged the amplifier in. He held his trademark sky blue coloured guitar pick, and he started strumming lightly and then he got to the chorus of Pink Spide and threw his head back, his arms swung the bass violently, his legs were jumping and moving about, his whole body was into the song.

I jotted some notes down.

"Okay, let's try Hyde," I said.

Hyde wore a blue top and white trousers,orange sneakers, he had little plaits that were held together by small coloured elastic bands. Despite his cute and kiddy appeal in his face and because of his small height at 5ft 3inchs.

He could play exceptionally well, his arms were musclar and his body had great rhythm, the song he chose was 'Jade' by X Japan, he strung quickly and demostrated his skills on the guitar.
"Thanks Kei and Hyde," I said as the two sat back down.

"I think, we can accept you," I said after agreeing with Sammul and Kenneth.

"So let's start a formal introduction," I said. "My name's Melon Li and i'm 18 years old, i'm vocalist and leader, I also play the saxophone, bass and electric cello, I also design many of our costumes on stage."

"My name's Kenneth Ma, I play the guitar and i'm also the song writer and also the person who is in charge of everyone's schedules," Kenneth said. "I'm 19 years old."

"I'm Sammul Chan, I play the drums, I am also the person who communicates with our fans, I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean and a little bit of Thai," Sammul said. "I'm 18 years old. I'm a few months older than Melon actually."

"My name's Kei, my real name is Bosco Wong, I play the bass. I'm 17 years old, my brother is Kenneth and I also have another older brother as well, I guess I would be in charge of makeup because I am taking exams to become a certified beautican just like my idol hide," Kei said.

"My name is Hyde, my real name is  , I play the rhythm guitar. I'm 17 years old. I'm younger than Kei. I guess I would be in charge of hairstyles, since I did many work placements at hair salons and I wanted to be a hairdresser if I couldn't be a musician," Hyde said.

As everyone introduced themselves, it cleared out the heavy atomsphere especially for Melon and Hyde, since they only just met.

"Well, I think we gotta concert coming up this wednesday, from 7pm to Midnight, it's at some local club in Hong Kong," I said.

"Kenneth, we should sort out the song list," Kei said.

"Yes, we should," Kenneth said as everyone wrote down a selection of their favourite songs after much debate.

Ten songs were selected: 'Vanilla' by Gackt, 'Ryuusei Rocket' By An Cafe, 'GimmeXGimme' by SuG, 'Love Letter' by Gackt, 'Junk Story,' by hide, 'Tears' by X Japan, 'Jade' by X Japan, 'Goodbye' by hide, 'Endless Rain' by X Japan, 'Filth In The Beauty' by The Gazette.

The songs were chosen which allowed each member to show off their skills e.g. Jade (Sammul- Drums), Tears (Vocals-Me), Junk Story ( Hyde, Kenneth and Kei-Guitars/Bass).  We then had to practise, and design our costumes.

The next week, we didn't attend any of our lectures and put all our time into practising, Kei and Hyde excused themselves from their school lessons and came over to practise, of course there was arguements at time, the group had 3 days left to rehearse. Today, was sunday evening and so everyone was busy and tired to say the least.

The older members were drinking beer and smoking cigarettes minus Melon, who sipped some juice and eat some sweets, whilst Kei and Hyde were eating takeaway pizza.

"Okay, lets do one more rehearsal and then we can go home," Sammul said as he ushered everyone back to their 'stage'.

"Noooooo, my arms want to fall off," Hyde and Kei exclaimed.

"Go," Kenneth said to Kei sharply.

Hyde and Kei got up and went to their respective instrutments.

"Hey, what's the first song again?" I asked.

"Junk Story, then Vanilla, Love Letter, GimmeXGimme, Filth In The Beauty, Tears, Ryuusei Rocket, Jade and then end with Goodbye," Hyde suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.
I proceeded to open my mouth, swallow a little saliva before singing the opening lines of Junk Story, I wasn't really focusing on the song, since tomorrow was Valentine's Day, also my birthday. I was a little worried.

Chapter 2- Happiness, Friendship or Love?

'Endless Rain' by X Japan

I could feel the bright lights shining on my face, it was our saturday gig, dressed in black leather pants, a white shirt with a collar constructed of feathers, pink creepers, a hairpiece made out of pearl beads and chains. I smiled sweetly, the microphone suspended by a red cable hung from the low ceiling.

My hands reached out to the microphone, I turned to my left with Kenneth on the guitar smiling at me, he nodded at me, whilst Sammul behind the drums started banging his sticks together to let me know to start singing.

I closed my eyes and started singing 'Tears by X Japan' when I opened my eyes, I expected people to be bored but they were crying and smiling at me, some of them held banners with words of encouragement, glowsticks and small candles lit the live house. I climbed onto the bar, as the song reached it's climax and I threw the microphone and swiftly caught it as it swung back.

The audience clapped making me feel happier, after Tears ended we proceeded with a more cheerful song and sang hide's 'Rocket Dive' I sang the song quickly with lots of energy, I ran towards the crowd shaking the hands of the audience.

Even though in the live house there was only 50 people, I sang as if i was singing to 100,000 people, each person was important and after our last song 'Love Letter' by Gackt, we bowed and gave an impromptu speech to the audience.

After the show, we headed back to our homes, we parted our ways, Kei took me home as Kenneth had to sort something out with his girlfriend Haruna, she was a little angry with him for not taking her out for a full birthday celebration. Sammul had no room in his car because of his drum kit and amplifier that he leant to Kenneth.

"How was the live house?" Kei asked me. He was a bassist, who was in search of a new band.

"It was good, I mean i've never played in a live house or put on a proper concert," I said full of happiness.

I was unaware that I had arrived to Kei's parked car, as he leant inside he produced a bowquet of red flowers, he handed them to me.

"It's a celebratory gift for your first concert," Kei said.

"Wow, thank you, have this," I said. I removed the thin silver chain on my wrist and gave it Kei.

"Thank You," Kei said shyly, he held the little silver chain.

As he drove me home, we talked about music and we stopped off at Korean BBQ Restaurant where Kei bought me some BBQ beef and pork to eat. I also drank some tea and eat some rice.

"Mmm pickled cucumber," I said as I eat it.

"Kimchi?" Kei asked me as he looked at the menu.

"No, thank you but you can have it, oh by the way, i'll pay for this dinner," I said.

"Too later, I pre-paid we can eat up too 500 Hong Kong Dollars worth of food," Kei said.

"Huh, that's so much," I said as waiters loaded our tables with more meat, vegetables and rice.

Kei touched my head kindly. He was the same age as me, Kenneth's in the year above but for some reason, he was more mature and his natural smile soften his otherwise harsh face. Kei was very friendly and open, he was popular too and always wore colourful clothes. Unlike Kenneth, Kei had always liked music and because of this, his lack of a social life meant he didn't have a girlfriend or many friends.

"Tonight's cold, " I said as we stepped out of the restaurant, just then a car drew quickly passed us, at that moment Kei grabbed me and held me close to him, I could smell his vanilla scented cologne, his huge eyes and spiky, black hair brushed against my face.

"Yes, I agree it's cold. My heart is cold," Kei said as I stepped away from him.