Sunday 30 December 2012

Sorry ^_^

Its been such a long time, I blogged and I'm truly sorry about that. I've been really busy with school work and studying and I also sprained my ankle a few days ago *face palm* and I cut my knee as well. The swelling has gone down a lot and it wasn't bad as the sprain, I had 2 or 3 years ago, when I fell down the stairs and my whole foot was swollen and the side was purple *ouch*.

Anyways, I'm hoping to be able to do a christmas present and show the things I got for christmas...... it was a really lovely day and I ate waaaayyyy tooo much ! as usual, on boxing day my family went to a family friend's house and ate lots of delicous foods including Asian snacks and salmon sashimi!

Tomorrow, its New Year's Eve and then it will be 2013. I have a new year's resoultion which is to work harder, in my studies specifically and to maintain this blog too!  Can someone tell me what Minna-san means? I know it's to do with the word 'Everybody' thank you.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

How I started blogging?

Okay, my 'n' button on this keyboard is really playing up, so if there's a 'n' missing, that would be the reason why.

Here comes the really odd story as to how I came to blog besides wantig to share my opinions and my boring life. =.=

Well, I became an An Cafe fan specifically a Teruki fan and I basically was searching for loads of information about him and An Cafe and I was creating a new screensaver when I accidently clicked on one of Sarah's photos instead of the Teruki picture next to her's (the internet was being slow and I was being well not patient) (her blog is here:) and I saw her blog and I started reading her posts and I was really interested by her blog and I wanted to comment on it.
I also found Ashley's blog through Sarah's blog and I started reading both blogs but without an account, I couldn't comment.

 I got interested to share my opinions and things and after my exams last year. I had a month of doing nothing besides helping my dad, so I decided to start blogging.

At first, I shared random stuff but now I tend to add some fan fics, what I did that day and JROCK help!

I think I would catergorize the blogs I follow, one of them is beauty bloggers They do a lot of reviews on circle lenses which will be useful for cosplaying (not for me but in general) for me to have different coloured eyes for fun and the only catergory is someone who blogs about different stuff so their lives, hauls and anything else.

I hope everyone likes my blog and would share me, how they started blogging if they don't mind? :P

Secret Santa

Have you guys heard of Secret Santa?

Its basically when everyone is participtating in Secret Santa has their names written down on pieces of paper and the paper is folded up. Then everyone takes it in turn to pick a person's name out of the hat. Whoever's name, you've got is the present that you are buying for.

My friends and I did this, this year because it also saves money, as you only buy one gift.

Well, tomorrow my friends and I will be exchanging gifts, I also hope the person I'm giving my present too likes it and I will like my present. So excited and on friday, we finish school at 12 instead of the normal time of 3:20. I'm going to go shopping with my friends, I don't want to spend any unesccessary money but I know I will, so I gotta stop spending after New Year.

Although, there is something I really want to buy, which is just a plain silver ring. Usually, you can find them in the men's section but they are usually out of small and it's medium to large which is obviously too big for me.

Take Care!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Wake up! It's a new day!

Yo, Prince Happiness is here.... *argggghhhhh* I'm so bad at writing the introductions and saying goodbye or finishing things off. So lets pretend. I had a really cool opening like the blogs I read *facepalm* re-wind the time....

It's less than a week till Christmas, what are your plans for christmas? Do you celebrate christmas? What do you eat for christmas? Does your country have special things you do? =.=

What do you guys like to do when your older? I keep adding things onto what I want to do when I'm older, is this just being overly ambitous lol.

Okay, this post makes no sense and has no point, its just pointless.

Before I go, any recommendations of "Christmas themed" visual kei songs!

There are some cute pictures on the internet of hide and Yoshiki in santa costumes, I don't know if its photoshop but its still very cute :P

Good Bye for now!

Friday 14 December 2012

A special package

My mum's eldest sister, so my auntie sent us (my family) a package, it was filled with Japanese snacks (including two packets of Matcha choco chip cookies), me and my sister already ate a packet when I got home from my shift at Oxfam.

I got some nice things, I think they are Christmas presents but it wasn't wrapped up, so we could already see what it was, so me and my sister just opened our packages.

I got some Rilakumma marshmallows (x6), I gave three to my sister.

I got a Rilakumma bag, its so cute! It can be my cosmetic bag for on the go, touch ups.

I got Honey Bee hand cream by Etude House, the packaging is really cute right? The hand cream is in the bottom compartment, you unscrew the top part. I tried some already (applied it to my hand), its not as soft as typical hand cream but has a very, subtle smell.

The last items, I recieved was Minamize Pore mask and Pink mask, by The Face shop. Again, the packaging is kawaii <3.

Do you like my new things?

I also got a body shop Satsuma body butter but I use as a hand cream, it says its for normal skin and I have sensitive skin but being me, I had to try stuff that everyone else is trying so yeah. LOL

Thursday 13 December 2012

~Happy Birthday hide~

Today (13th of December) is hide's birthday!!! I really miss him such a kind soul that is already not in this world. Well, if you like VK you don't have to heard hide or X's music not to know who he is. This pink haired and shy smiled dressed in flamboyant costumes.

My favourite thing about hide, he helped a girl who was born with a illness, that was extremely rare, her name is Mayuko Kishi (she already passed away in 2009 :'() well hide donated his bone marrow to her, the long and short of it and she ultimately out-lived him. She was at his funeral, where Yoshiki comforted her despite his heartache.

The internet has some articles taken from her diary, floating around and you can read it. Then you can fully understand the extent the kindness that hide was.

Everyone, imagines him as a being very tough and "macho" but he's really shy and sweet, actually all of X Japan are.

Here are some song recommendations from me:

"Pink Spider" - I guess that hide's most famous song. Apparently, it was the nickname that Yoshiki gave hide, who originally didn't like the nickname but I guess, he grew to like it (?). I'm not too sure, you can correct me in the comment box.

"Beauty and Stupid"- incredibly catchy, fast-paced song, very 'hide' like.

"Rocket Dive" - again so freakin catchy, the MV of this song is cool.

"Eyes Love You" - hide has white hair and is wearing a white outfit.

"Goodbye" - is probaly the only ballad here, where hide just plays a guitar wearing simple clothes.

"Junk Story"- fast paced, guitar solo *thumbs up*. --->>>> this is my favourite song.

Thank you for reading XD My next post will be about my favourite blogs, so basically, the ones I follow but I'll share with you, why I decided to follow these blogs.... *comeback to read next post especially if I follow you*

Sunday 9 December 2012

Skincare Routine!

How do you guys keep your skin looking healthy?

My skin has a lot of pimples and spots recently, but its got better now that I've removed a lot of junk food from my diet :'(

In Japan, Collagan (which is meant to make skin plumper and smoother) is put into drinks and sweets over there *sigh* and I can't eat these sweets! Which is a shame.

Aloe Vera juice is also very good for the skin, my dad grows Aloe Vera plants around the house. It helps my ezcema, it makes the skin heal better and smoother (that's my opinion), I got lots of ezcema scars.

Do you know what ezcema is? Its just a skin allergy thing, its very common. My friend at school also has it but I think her's is not as bad as mine or maybe she doesn't itch like I do?

I wash my face with Eucerin + Cetaphil if I'm wearing heavy make up or something and then pat Hada Labo into my face afterwards, I like to think that my skin needs to drink water too *rehydrate* and Hada Labo does that (its a cheap Japanese drugstore skincare/makeup line (?) I think). I use Eucerian day or night cream to follow.

On a happier note, Teruki, Miku and Kanon of An Cafe starting following me on Twitter! I'm really happy, I know that Teruki and Kanon follow all of their fans but still. :)

Thursday 6 December 2012

10 Interesting Things about me

I say its interesting but maybe it isn't...... I don't know, here we go:

1. I've played tennis for 8 or 9 years, I like my coaches and the friends that I have made there.

2. I don't really like computer games, movies or games on consoles like Xbox 360, Playstation. Sometimes, I play on the Wii but I prefer to read manga or watch dramas instead.

3. I speak two languages fluently (Cantonese and English ---> of course, otherwise we couldn't communicate).

4. I played the flute and quit after three years because I was no good, I'm also no good at Art.

5. When I was little, I used to fall over a lot and walk into lamp post and things, I was very clumsy, I'm a lot better now.

6. I strongly dislike mathematics.

7. I originally wanted to be an actress when I was little and then I found out I was very scared and suffered stage fright.

8. I do not like horror movies or horror anything... books/games etc.

9. I love Sweet Lolita, Fairy Kei and Visual Kei fashion, a lot. (I like a different style but I forgot how to spell it).

10.  My favourite colours are pink and white.

I'm really happy that I started blogging and that people look at my posts. :P makes me very happy.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Today, I woke up and my sister was leaving the house it was snowing and she was like 'Je' (Jeje= Its what a young person calls a older female), it's snowing and I stumbled at out of bed honestly. I didn't see anything because one it was dark and two I wasn't wearing glasses and half asleep but when I got up, I saw the white blanket of heaven and it was so white and bright (?)

Anyways, it melted quickly and I got to wear my new black hi-tops because my old Lacoste also black with some pink and the bottom was broken and so my feet would get wet on rainy/snowy/non-dry days. So my mum bought them for me, it was on sale 50% off, I think I'll go back next weekend and hopefully, they will have my size in creepers :D I'm not a massive fan of creepers but I think they would look nice with my clothes and some shoes look better once worn compared to on the shelf. Creepers are becoming really popular, huh? I knew it was popular footwear with Jrock fans. :)

I think I might of caught a cold thats going around at school, so I'm trying to wear warm clothes and basically not get sick because I would be frustrated and very annoyed, if I get sick in the upcoming weeks because its almost Christmas. *Yeah, get well soon to me, what is this like my third post about being ill*

Schoolwork is really heavy this year and its making me feel really stressed and pressured, because I have to do well. I want to succeed and do many things in my life. If you read my profile, you'll know I got some ambitious dreams!

Tell me, what do you do at Christmas time? :P

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Favourite Jrock bands and why?

Tell me your favourite Jrock bands and why? I want to see which bands are the most popular, lately I've listened to Dog in the Parell World (I was shocked by how deep the vocalists voice is), Acid Black Cherry (Yasu's blonde hair makes him look even more handsome) and more of An Cafe/SuG/The Gazette.

I'm interested in Panic Channel, Nightmare and Plastic Tree, of course I love X Japan, I love all of there songs, I also like their drive and how they pursued when they had nothing. Did you know originally Toshi was on guitar and Yoshiki was on vocals, however Yoshiki's voice was weak and high-pitched. Obviously, no records could be sold on such a interesting singing voice lol........... Yoshiki is talented in so many other areas, he doesn't matter that he can't sing. There were two other members originally and then the left the group... I can't remember their names :/

Anyways, tell me. Your favourite bands, songs and why?

In X Japan, my favourite member is either Yoshiki Hayashi, Hideto Matsumoto or Sugizo

In An Cafe, my favourite members... why don't you go on my 'Prince Happiness An Cafe's 30 Day Challenge' and find out. Its my other blog, so just go to my profile :P and choose that blog!!!

My favourite member of The Gazette is Uruha and Kai.

On a light note: It's almost Christmas and what does everyone wish for? What kind of celebrations, do you like about Christmas?