Friday 21 September 2012


Tomorrow, I'll post a post with foods, gets and other things that I have to show you during this week, sorry for the lack of posts but there's not much for me to say and also I got lots to do, the only thing making me feel better is that my break out is getting better (I used Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Blemish Gell recommended by my mum and it works) and the sun coming out each day.

Otherwise... not much has gone on~ although, I bought some Lindt white chocolate for me (I eat like 3?) and gave away 7, I gave 1 to my tennis buddy, and 2 each to my dad, sister and mum because I think they needed the energy boost.

Well, my mum is making one of my favourite dinners tonight 'Chowder' (I'll post a picture tomorrow) and my dad bought instant noodles, we ran out of them and Rice Milk. Just slurping away the rice milk+ also I'm getting used to my new liquid eyeliner, all my classmates/friends comment on me wearing makeup and wearing contacts.

How has your week been? Eat any nice foods? Do anything nice? Well remember to stay healthy and warm when its cold!

Lately, everyone has been ill including me, I think I got something off my friend since I went to sleep at like 9:10 on Wednesday.

Please come back and read tomorrow's post!

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