Saturday 29 September 2012


It's been a long time, I've blogged using the 'Today' title and I thought I should share with you what I did today.

Today, is really sunny the whole week the weather has been a little 'iffy' and well not that great! One day is sunny the next day is pouring with rain etc. So I think tomorrow it will rain. I hope not!

For tomorrow, will be both an happy and sad day, a happy day because all Chinese people will be celebrating 'Mid Autumn Festival' it's when you eat mooncakes and children play with lanterns! and a sad day because Leeteuk (leader of Kpop band Super Junior) will be going into military service for two years. I will update more about Mid Autumn Festival tomorrow.

Back to today, sorry LOL. I eat Korean sushi with my sister and mum, it was super tasty. Moreover, they add sesame oil which I believe makes it smell more fragrant and aromatic? >.< Okay, I like Sesame Oil, clearly.

Also, I got to try a drink that I wanted to try for a long time called Pocari Sweat, is it a Japanese or Korean drink? I think its Japanese but the packaging says 'Product of Korea'. My sister didn't like it but I think it has a nice refreshing taste but perhaps not suited to everyone. From, what I have read and heard about Pocari Sweat, it works like an energy drink to put back what you lose from work or sport activities but Pocari Sweat says it also help you to wake up in the morning. So it's great, I also like the blue and white packaging it's simple but still looks nice. All these years, I wanted to try this drink and I never did. Ha. LOL.

And I went to Oxfam and that was great, just doing my usual stuff and it's nice to get some experience even if it's not a paid job but volunteering makes you feel good.

See ya guys, I tried to find Purple Rain in Vinyl, didn't find it >.< LOL now I have KFC for dinner!

Saturday 22 September 2012


What are your thoughts on music?

Recently, I've been more into Japanese Visual Kei than Kpop/Cpop and I have been listening to a lot of An Cafe (Maple Gunman, The Hero without a Name, Cherry Saku Yuuki, Smile Ichiban li Onna, Ryuusei Rocket etc), Gackt (Ghost, December Love Song (Engrish version)) and Vanilla), hide with Spread Heaver, X Japan etc.

I always like the old stuff and numerous other genres, I love Kenny G, and I really like Ludvig Van Beethoven's song 'Fur Elise' and Teresa Tang, Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung and Danny Chan (legendary Hong Kong/Chinese entertainers who have all passed away (2 from illness, one suicide and one just didn't wake up from a coma) :'(

Also, I wish bands still released material on Vinyl, okay there's no use for them but I love to go to a shop and buy a Vinyl disk or a cassette (cause there kawaii<3) with music that I LIKE. But when I see Vinyls, they are either bands I don't listen/ever heard off or it's Prince/Bowie. Actually, if I found Purple Rain by Prince on Vinyl and it wasn't overly pricey. I think I would buy it. Got to add that too my list.

Ah. Vinyls. Oxfam that I volunteer at has a stack of Vinyls. I should of checked them out. I completely forgot. I will check out next week =.= I have no money. ARGH >.<

Okay well for my birthday/Christmas, I'm creating a list of purely just Cd's so I can shortened this ever growing list...GRRR.....


I'm going to go and listen to Purple Rain.

Week Long Entry

As promised yesterday, today I present you with 'Week Long Entry' just meaning, I'm going to cram into little details and spam with photos about my week + some photos from the Summer holidays, well the 'main hours of my week' was school which is okay, I mean I dream about being this showstopping bassist of a really cool Visual Kei band during my time at school. LOL. I haven't started learning the bass either.

Firstly, I'm going to start with food pics(food pics also cover some of the foods I eat in the summer), so if you haven't eaten lunch or feeling hungry and go grab some snacks and come back. Actually, I'm kinda hungry too, *thinks* nah. It's almost dinner. I will wait. Are you back? good, lets go?

Hash browns with cheese, crispy, unhealthy and cheesy! Very tasty and I think that's chicken next to it.
The cookies I bought by Lotte a Korean brand, the cookies were really nice, like the Panda ones where it's filled with chocolate/strawberry or vanillas, this one was chocolate filled. Probably, the most popular flavour. I can eat these all day, every day.

My dad's homemade pie and cheesy potatoes (gosh, every ones going to think I'm really unhealthy, I'm not). This dinner was very nice.

This my Cannelloni pasta tubes stuffed with ricotta cheese and spinach and there's tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, I think. Well it was served piping hot and very tasty, it was my dinner at Pizza Express after coming back from Little Hampton (seaside).

And my dinner last night, Chowder which had some double cream, butter, milk, potatoes, onions, smoked haddock and some other things that I am not too sure what it is.

Now onto pictures that are unrelated to foods LOL?

Bloom makeup cosmetics, I think they are cute and girly, I always wanted to try 'powder' eyeshadow and 'gel' eyeshadow, now I have tried powder, I want to try a gel based one. The powder in the pot also came with a little brush which I put next to my other brush that looks like a silver pen.  Have you ever tried them before? I also got an orange scented lip balm and eye brush which looks like a silver pen. Do you like them?

Last but not least Maybelline BB Cream and Liquid Eyeliner, I sing praises for this BB Cream, I've not used any Asian brands so far. The first one, I tried was Estee Lauder's, it was my mum but she didn't want it. It was like a heavy paste if I been honest and they got rid of the Whitening formula in theirs.  Not that I need it, I got quite pale 'Milky' skin. Anyways, this BB cream is the second one I tried, it's small (30ml bottle) and kinda pricey but it was a present from my mum. The liquid eyeliner is like a pen and I'm not very good at using it, it is after all my first time using Liquid Eyeliner but my sister is very good. I like it though, I think it's very nice.

Now, I'm going to end with a lot of word free pictures of cute rubbers, stationary and other things I own.

Thank You for reading! Please feel free to leave a comment. :)

Friday 21 September 2012


Tomorrow, I'll post a post with foods, gets and other things that I have to show you during this week, sorry for the lack of posts but there's not much for me to say and also I got lots to do, the only thing making me feel better is that my break out is getting better (I used Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Blemish Gell recommended by my mum and it works) and the sun coming out each day.

Otherwise... not much has gone on~ although, I bought some Lindt white chocolate for me (I eat like 3?) and gave away 7, I gave 1 to my tennis buddy, and 2 each to my dad, sister and mum because I think they needed the energy boost.

Well, my mum is making one of my favourite dinners tonight 'Chowder' (I'll post a picture tomorrow) and my dad bought instant noodles, we ran out of them and Rice Milk. Just slurping away the rice milk+ also I'm getting used to my new liquid eyeliner, all my classmates/friends comment on me wearing makeup and wearing contacts.

How has your week been? Eat any nice foods? Do anything nice? Well remember to stay healthy and warm when its cold!

Lately, everyone has been ill including me, I think I got something off my friend since I went to sleep at like 9:10 on Wednesday.

Please come back and read tomorrow's post!


Do you know what 'astigmatism' is? It can be both a minor and major problem, although most people have it and can be corrected by special contact lenses or glasses, very few people need to have surgery to correct it.

Well since a lot of people don't know what it is, I will write a little post about it.

It's the simplest way to explain it, Astigmatsim is with the person when they are born, but of course babies cannot tell you that they have 'double-eye vision' or sometimes when they look at things they are unclear, right?

So I guess a parent or the child will not know until the first eye checkup, the optician uses lights and such to check the healthiness of the eyes, I guess they will notify you whether you have it or not, I do and I didn't know much about it until recently.

Some of the symptons that can occur include:

-Double Eye Vision (when you see two of the same objects, I think).

- Instead of light entering your eye at one point i.e. the retina, it scatters across the eye instead. I think it causes me discomfort when its sunny.
-Objects too close as well too faraway can be blurry as well.
-Can result in Short-sightness or Long-sightness. (I am short-sighted, incase you're interested I'm -5).

So take care of the health of your eyes, its very important, after long hours at the computer, stretch your legs, don't watch flashy tv/play games in a dark room, read in well lit rooms.

Go to your optician's regularly, and wearing glasses is not bad, its better to wear glasses then let your eyesight deteoriate. Now, I am trying contacts, 'Toric' Contacts they are used to correct Astigmatism.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Favourite Holiday Destination?

If, you could pick anywhere in the world...where and why?

I know Japan and Korea are hugely pop because Kpop and Jpop/Jrock etc, I think if you are a shopping person... Hong Kong is a really great place, Mong Kok and the shopping malls can keep you busy for hours, for food lvoers there are many restaurants serving everything, Thai (Banana Leaf), Dim Sum restaurants, Japanese sushi/udon/takoyaki, noodles, street food etc.

Too top it of the scenery in Hong Kong is beautiful, multi-coloured lights over a blanket of darkness (night time), during the day you'll notice a lot of tall buildings, the streets are extremely crowded too. There's also this amusement place that I've been going too since I was a little kid called Jumping Gym, actually a lot of people as in young adults and little kids go because there are arcade games, shooting basketball hoops, dodgems, ball pit (some of them) and the tickets can be exchanged for super kawaii stuff like stationary (Hello Kitty, Little Twin Stars, Bad Badz Maru) and other stuff.

I got a Minna No Tabo clock there that has birds chirping and singing as it's alarm ringtone, I love it, it has a light and is truly awesome. U can store away ur leftover tickets and next time you can just play again if I remember correctly!

:) well I hope if you stop by in Japan/Korea, you would considering coming down to Hong Kong, you'll pick up lots of nice things too~ like clothes etc.

Thursday 13 September 2012


Firstly, I like to apologise for the lack of posts but between school work and studying and playing tennis, I have been tired and completely shattered that I can't blog. ^_^

Well I just wanted to post a short post, how does everyone deal with stress? I'm very bad at dealing with stress and small things can trigger me off, and this is a real bother for me, so I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can try to deal with my stress but it's really bad sometimes and I don't eat a lot during the day and I feel unhappy or sick.

What about you guys, do you get this when you feel stressed/worried? But once, I'm happy again like the summer holidays then I'm really happy like sitting on Cloud Nine!

Well anyways, give me some tips on keeping your worries at bay, I listen to a lot of music because it helps to calm my nerves and also helps to forget my troubles~ Lately, I've been listening to a song of The GazettE's Nil album called 'Silly God Disco' it's terribly catchy and was recommended to me by my friend.

Thank You for reading this!!!

Saturday 8 September 2012

~Some Random Stuff~

Music..... it seems like my taste is very different to my friends whilst perhaps I like wider genres of music (Classical, Jazz, Pop, Hip Hop, Heavy Metal) it seems that my friends would prefer smaller and more specific types of genre of music like Screamo which I don't like (just an example) =.= It doesn't matter right? As long as I like it.

Well incase you are wondering some of my favourite artists are: Super Junior, X Japan, Jange Geun Suk/Lee Jun Ki, Khalil Fong, Misster, Lollipop F, Gackt and hide with Spread Beaver just some of them. Otherwise, we be here for the rest of our lives if I listened out all my favourite musicians, what about you? What are your favourite artists? Stick to one genre or mix around with different artists and genres? >.<


Yesterday, I tried 'Potato Noodle Soup' by Nongshim (Korean brand) all Korean brand instant noodles are partially spicy even if its not listed or a spicy flavour, anyways I will quickly review this product.

Honestly, I was a little disappointed, my dad said it tasted nice, it was moderate in taste, although I don't know the price my dad said it wasn't cheap (it was purchased at a Korean/Asian Supermarket), well the noodles are supposedly made out of potato therefore the noodles appear softer and chewy.

Well, the instructions on the packet made it too soft for my liking, I think 2 mins or 2 and half minutes was more appropriate than 3-4 minutes. It was just spicy and lacked in taste overall, I was hugely disappointed my favourite all time brand is still Nissan Ramae/Sapparo.


I eat a small packet of M&M's and I got a slight allergic reaction to the food colouring, which is irriating because I like the fact that 'dark blue coloured sweets' can make your tongue blue~ well I already knew this but I though it be okay, also its the limited edition pack with just white, blue and red for the Olympics!

Friday 7 September 2012


School started on Wednesday and this will explain the lack of posts, there are two reasons, firstly I am busy with school work and studying and going over new things I have learnt, secondly my days will not be as interesting as the summer, as I will be doing the same thing pretty much every week!

I am sure, no one would like to read five posts about the same thing, right?

Well, I'll do my best to update but school work is important this year, I need to work hard and do well so I can then go to a good university~ I wish to study Tourism and Hospitality~ I know people are always suprise when I say this because I want to be in a band and make music right? =.=.

BUT I must be realistic whilst I'm chasing my dreams, I'll need somewhere to eat, sleep and practise my music. Also, I hope I can get a job so I can buy a bass guitar! that's the only thing I really want, I don't need any new clothes or anything.

Well goodbye, lets work hard together! :D

Sunday 2 September 2012


Last night, I had a dream that I was doing work experience (when you spend a week at a workplace instead of school, you don't get paid, it's just s chance to experiment what its like too work) with Kamijo of Versailles. I was kinda upset, I woke up before the actual work experience.

He's like one of my Japanese biases~ I have three Yoshiki (X Japan), hide (X Japan/Spread Beaver) and Kamijo (Versailles), I am fairly new to Versailles or Versailles-Philharmonic Quintet in America, they consist of six members, 5 on this planet and 1 watching over them, the five of them are Yuki on drums, Massashi on bass, Hizaki on lead guitar, Teru on guitar and Kamijo on vocals and Jasmine You who was on bass, I watch some of the episodes of their drama 'Onegai Kangete' (Grant My Wish Versailles) on YouTube, a lot were unsubbed and poor quality, instead I watched some of the 'making-of-scenes' of this drama and it's so funny and well heart-warming.

Kamijo and Hizaki look like brother and sister when they are playing with the swings and wheelbarrow, it's really cute~ and there's an epsiode when Yuki rides like a zip wire thingy and breaks a bulls eye that Teru and Massashi are holding on to it, and Kamijo was like 'You better not hurt Yuki, otherwise i'll hurt you kind of thing' and it's 'aww', I guess Kamijo is like daddy of the group~! and Hizaki is the mum! (Just my opinion of course)...

Anyways, I need some recommendations for their music because I've only listened to 'Reverant Choir' but I really liked it, I listened to the song in one of their live performances and also when they performed at the 'hide memorial summit' concert as well.

Overall, I really like this band and I doing more research about them, I kinda upset that they gone on a hiatus because I really liked them. >.< Lets hope that they will get back together soon! Once, they have completed any solo activities! ^_^