Tuesday 6 June 2017

Sissy That Walk (new fan fiction)

Hi, long time I haven't posted on here but by request. I'm suddenly writing fan fiction again and therefore, posting on this blog. This is only my third time writing fan fiction. Also because of my absence due to my personal life,  I have decided I will make this a fan fiction blog. Since, Ive entered university and graduated. I don't have time to document my life and some parts I want to remain private. So I decided to write fan fiction instead. Of course, all real names have been changed for privacy reasons. Let's get into the introduction of the characters and plot summary.

Sissy That Walk


Punk That Dinosaur, a new and upcoming rock band are taking Asia by storm, known for their flamboyant costumes, medical themes and energetic performances, they have sold out 55,000 seat Tokyo Dome, a whopping 10 times. They are set for world wide domination, however when they are preparing for their America and Europe debut, their vocalist Valentino reveals that he's been in love with their bassist Carter for the last year, who is already in a long term relationship with his girlfriend and their socially awkward drummer Prinxe is threatening to leave the band. It leaves their guitarist Grace trying to hold everything and everyone together but as their debut tour comes closer, it seems unlikely that the four piece will appear together to perform. Could this be the end, before it even started? Will Punk That Dinosaur fade into oblivion before they reached the stars?


Valentino a 25 year old ballet dance major turned rock vocalist of Punk That Dinosaur. He is known for being charming and sweet-talking,  known for his handsome looks, and the most popular member of the band, he has the most fans and was widely speculated to be a model before he became a vocalist. He has never had many long term relationships despite this, he is sure that he can find his love one day.

Carter a 25 year old engineering student who only pursed engineering to satisfy his family, his heart has always been in music and he has played the bass for over 15 years. He is witty and humorous, he is also the song writer of the group and all lyrics are credited under Carter. He also occasionally composes the melody for some of their heavier songs. 

Grace, a 25 year old music major and the guitarist of Punk That Dinosaur who was friends with Carter since back in high school, she was recruited by Carter to form the final lineup of Punk That Dinosaur. She is also essentially the manager of the group, as during their Indie days, she was in in charge of their schedule, she was the one who dealt with logistics of the group before they hit it big. She is hard-working and independent.  

Prinxe, a 25 year old fashion student major, she is Grace's best friend and is the drummer of the band, she is credited with the creative side of the band. She creates all the bands costumes, selects the theme of each album and oversees all other creative elements. She is socially awkward especially in the company of large groups of people (besides fans). However, she is known for having the most interaction with fans over social media. She is kind and warm-hearted.

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