Thursday 8 June 2017

Sissy That Walk- Prinxe's POV

Prinxe's POV

Ever since I was born, I was known for my Avant-Garde style fashion, I loved glitter, colour and sparkly things. I loved colourful fashion and being different. I liked different textures and materials and how they could completely change the look of an outfit. At university, I had just recently successfully created a collection of pop art and medical themed clothes for my capsule collection as my final exam. The use of bandages, red colour to resemble blood and famous cartoons like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Disney Princesses were used for that collection. 

Whilst I was doing well at university and had my own circle of friends, I didn't have much of a future. A fashion designer wasn't exactly what Asian parents wanted for their kids. I had no idea what I was going to do once I landed back in Taipei. My best friend had a friend who was looking to recruit people for his band. I was an amateur drummer since I had only been drumming for a few years but drummers were often highly scouted. Drummers were hard to find. So maybe I could speak to my best friend, she was already part of the band as the guitarist, maybe she could put a good word for me. 

I was stood at the university campus, so submerged in my thoughts, I almost didn't hear someone slap my shoulder. It was Grace, she was looking as beautiful as she always was. She had long black hair and it was pulled back into a ponytail, her brown eyes were twinkling. She was always in a good mood. As per usual, she was dressed head to toe in red, red shirt, red pleather jacket, red jeans which were never ripped. She liked her clothes intact. She didn't almost didn't give off that rock star feeling until she performed. I was so different to her, I wore a white long top that went to my knees, colourful Cobalt blue tights, Jeremy Scott pink poodle sneakers, a huge leather belt that cinched in my non-existing waist, I mean who was I kidding? and a huge fake pearl necklace that matched my gold leather jacket. Whilst Grace had a natural make up free face during her off duty days, I always wore highlighter as if I was shining for the gods, plum lipstick and heavy eyeshadow finished my dramatic rock star look. A few people stared at us as we chatted on the pavement. 

"I heard your friend, Carter is recruiting for people for his band?" I said pausing a little. 

"Are you interested ?, I mean we could do with a drummer and I don't know any drummers besides you," Grace said pointing a finger at me. I could tell she eyeing up, my weird combination of clothes and accessories.

"I'm just stuck on what I should do when I graduate, no fashion company has responded to me about my request for an internship," I said deflated. 

"Leave it with me, I'll talk with Carter," Grace said reassuringly. 

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