Thursday 8 June 2017

Sissy That Walk- Grace's POV

Grace's POV

I had one final exam to complete and then I was free. My next step was to join Acid Blossom as their guitarist, I had worked in previous bands before but that was a just a bit of fun. Those bands were mostly pop rock and nothing heavy.

I had played in a few gigs and I had some experience in performing, but I was still feeling nervous. Was I really ready for performing or should I proceed with my application for working in a music label as an apprentice musician. But that job was like being a roadie. Whilst there was nothing wrong with being a roadie. I wanted to be the star. I was a pretty famous guitarist back at university and was well known for my distinctive style of guitar playing and I enjoyed incorporating elements of Blues and Jazz into my music.

I sighed, I had kinda promised Carter, I would be the guitarist. If I dropped out now, it would seem kinda mean and I didn't want that. Carter and I went back, we were friends since high school and we lived only a couple streets apart. He had always been a gifted songwriter, that's kind off the reason we worked so well together. He was also the lyricist and I had composed some melodies for his songs. However, neither of us could sing. We had tried to search for bands in our neighbourhood growing up, but the bands always ended up in arguments and the bands would disband a few months later. 

The reason for this was cause Carter had a strong vision on what type of band he wanted to create. He didn't like people trampling on his idea and he felt that a lot of people in our home didn't understand. Here we were graduating university from Hollywood, a land of dreams and hopes. However, soon we needed to go back home to Taipei. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I liked the rhythm of the bus as it weaved slowly through traffic as I drowned myself in my thoughts.

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