Friday 29 November 2013

^^ Just to say hello :)

Hi, its been a long time again, I've been really busy hahaha... how have you've been? 

The weather is getting cold here, winter is coming and that also means Christmas ~~~ I wonder whats its like to be in Australia ? when Christmas is in the summer holidays. I guess people can go to the beach and do many fun things. >.<

On a off a topic question here, whats everyone's favourite editing app for pictures or yourself (ones with beauty function). ^_^ I'm always looking for apps to edit photos or myself hehehe....

I must go now, there are lots of things for me to do ^_^ take care everyone :) 

See you around... Prinxe Happiness !!!


  1. I always use LINE Camera (^O^)

    1. Sorry, about the late reply. I love LINE camera too, the stickers and frames are very cute right?
