Sunday 18 August 2013

Can't Lose you?

Hi guys, I'm back with another post, maybe, if you know the Taiwanese F4 (JVKV) then you'll know the title is the name of one of their songs and its my favourite song of theirs. F4 became famous after the release of Meteor Garden back in 2001. They were put into a boy band and released music and went on tours across Asia with each of their individual charms, it was easy to see how they became popular especially with young girls and young women. They also bring back a lot of nostalgia and memories for those fans, as its a reminiscence of their high school days.

Recently,they performed together for a Chinese New Year programme for a long time, they haven't stood on the same stage. It must bring so much nostalgia and happiness to their fans.

Anyways, I got into F4 (I know this part isn't interesting and you just rather see some pictures of
F4) but I'm making you wait. I had my tonsils removed on March the 30th it was the first day
of my holidays (2 weeks) and I spent all that time on the sofa, my mum dug out a copy of Meteor
Garden, sadly it was in Mandarin (I only understand Cantonese) and no subs (I think).

However, I endured because of two things, because F4 are handsome (also, because I had become interested in Meteor Garden and the music was catchy) and because my parents translated it for me
and I had nothing better to do. :/

Without further ado, let me welcome you:

Pretty-faced Jerry Yan (I think he is perhaps one of the most popular members or at least
with older women), he was a model that was scouted. He is 180 cm tall, he has appeared in the
drama called Down with Love alongside Ella Chen and child actor Xiao Xiao Bin. He looks so gentle
and kind. Whoever, marries him will be very lucky :) he has appeared in other dramas as well.

Van Ness Wu (yes, it sounds like a girl's name. He said he got picked on by kids because of that)
Van Ness grew up in America, this means he is able to converse in fluent English and Mandarin, he
was the first member to release a solo album (Body will Sing). If you can't understand Mandarin
or prefer to watch something without subtitles then watch Van Ness's interviews in some of them
he speaks English and its extremely clear and good. He supposedly is engaged? =.= He is also a strong christian. You can follow him on Twitter and Instragram. 


Ken Chu, Ken got scouted to be part of Meteor Garden when he was working as a waiter. He has a reallysoft looking face, someone who looks friendly and kind but intelligent at the same time. He has releaseda cook book called Darling, lets cook together. He says he enjoys cooking and doesn't like eating food from outside. Me neither to be honest, home cooked food is the best. Ken, I'll cook with you! lol. I think he has appeared in some films.

Vic Chou, Vic was scouted too. He was waiting for his friend, who had decided to audition, and huddled
up in the corner of the path. The director or someone thought he suited the part of I forget the name
of his character, who is very shy and reserved. Vic also looks very shy and reserved right but again gentle. I say this word a lot but I think it best describes them. Vic has been in numerous films and dramas. Vic also has the nickname Zai Zai (which means little boy), it was the nickname his grandma gave him and his fans also, fondly call him by that name.


I really hope one day, F4 will get back together. I would love to see them on stage. They all have unique charms and I think you should go on YouTube and listen to one of their songs.

For music as F4, I like Can't Lose You and Can't help falling in love with you as soloists, I've
only ever listened to Van Ness's music and I really in particular like Love, Faith and Live.

To end this post, here is a picture of how they look currently. I know they
look different to how they were in Meteor Garden but that was over 10 years ago. Which look do you prefer? I prefer their appearance now.

When they first started out ~~~ back in 2001 (?)

  and this them now~ earlier on this year, performing together for Chinese New Year.

Okay, I hope maybe you'll give them a chance! !!

I guess, you are wondering who my favourite member is, its Van Ness but I noticed Ken first and I
actually really like him too, then its Jerry and then Vic. Sorry, Vic! To be honest, I like all four members.

Let me know in the comments below, what you think of F4, if you like their music or are willing to give them a try. :)

 Credit: None of these photos belong to me, credits go to their rightful owners.

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