Tuesday 11 November 2014

Just a little update

Hello, its seems like I have completely abandoned my blog, whilst this is a little true, another reason is that I now have a part-time job, and work on Friday and Saturday evenings, I then have my normal classes throughout the week and sometimes I have my practicals during the week (8:30am to 2:30pm) and then normal classes. Its a surprise, I am breathing right now ~

My life is also not very interesting, I don't really have much to say but I will come up with new ideas.

Anyways, to make up for the lack of posts, I will make a haul post and put it up by the end of this week, please be patient, my eyes are heavy and I am quite tired ~ I have some work to do before I can go to sleep -.-

That's all for now, see you.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Part 5 - Zoe's Birthday

Hello, sorry for the long delay of part 5, with moving into university and settling in to my new place and getting used to my new timetable. I sort of neglected my blog and writing this fanfiction, but from now until its completion. I will try to post regularly and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Read Synopsis and Introduction of Characters here
Read Part 1 here
Read Part 2 here 
Read Part 3 here 
Read Part 4 here

Part 5

After their tour wrapped up the last show in Gangnam, the boys decided to stay there for an extra few days to buy some souvenirs and gifts as they were travelling to London very soon. As a fan had told them they had located Zoe, who was now working in a small law firm in central London. Her job required her to also work with the police to uncover murder cases, she also worked free of charge, as a lawyer to those who simply couldn’t afford a lawyer but needed the money to save their children, parents or partners. 

Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu chose bracelets made out of rose gold, with small charms using small diamonds set into it. Jeremy browse through all the shelves of multiple shops and yet, still cannot find anything. In the end, he buys a small Citron fruit tree, hoping that the tree will help Zoe to “grow” into the person she wishes to be. Shin Woo chooses their (A.N.Jell) autobiography book, as he thinks she can catch up on the lost years with Jeremy through the books.

Several weeks later.

A large private plane stood lonely on the Seoul airport grounds, as A.N.Jell got ready to board the plane along with their entourage of bodyguards, stylists and managers. Approximately, there were at least 100 suitcases being loaded onto the air plane. In many of the suitcases, it contained foods that Jeremy enjoyed eating from different places in Asia, like pineapple cakes from Taiwan or Moon cake from Hong Kong. He wanted Zoe to try all of them.

“I cant wait until we arrive in London,” Go Mi Nyu said cheerfully. She was thinking of the delicious English food, the artistry and the fashion of London. She had never travelled outside of Asia, she had only seen Europe and America through books and the Internet. There were so many new things happening for her since she met Tae Kyung, it was like a dream come true.

“You, all wrapped up in your own world,” Tae Kyung said shooting back.

Nothing could stop Go Mi Nyu from being cheerful and upbeat about the journey to London, she had gotten used to the sharp remarks and comments from Tae Kyung especially since they got together.

“I wonder if Zoe still remembers me,” Jeremy said quietly.

As the plane landed in London after 13 hours, the boys and Go Mi Nyu rushed to their hotels rooms and to sleep off their tiredness from the turbulent air plane journey. The next Jeremy who received Zoe’s number, from a friend who saw Jeremy’s Twitter post, calls the number, agreeing to meet Zoe 
at a café in Oxford Street.

However, when he arrived, he realised he has been tricked, the girl is not Zoe and does not even know of Zoe. She is an obsessed fan of A.N.Jell particularly Jeremy and wants to date him.

Jeremy left immediately, he had secretly been accompanied by several bodyguards, who stopped the girl from getting close to Jeremy. Jeremy sat in the car, his face was white as a sheet, and his eyes were sunken in. He didn’t look well. As his car was driven off back to the hotel he was staying at.

Monday 8 September 2014

A Little Update

Hi, so I should really update on my life at the moment. Well, I've already moved back to where my university is and its my second day settling into my new room. This year, I am further away from university but closer to town (just a 15 minute walk). 

Although, I feel like I'm having more difficulty this year settling into my new place compared to last year and I'm not really sure ... why -.- 

Perhaps, I'll feel better once the uni starts and I have classes to go to, friends to see and more things to do. Then I should feel more tired and sleep better and settle in better overall..... ???

I'm not sure if other people felt like this when they were coming back after their first year~

Anyways, I'll be off and back with a proper post very soon, hopefully.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Quick Update~

I have a created a Dayre account Dayre.me/prinxehappiness, in hopes of being able to post more posts with photos and help everyone to keep more updated with me, sometimes I am too lazy or busy and unable to edit photos, transfer them onto my laptop and upload...it takes a lot of time + effort and sometimes its very inconvenient but with Dayre, because its designed for mobile users, it makes easier to post posts and I can just directly upload photos as well ~! If you have Dayre, please kindly follow me !

Enjoy your day!

Monday 21 July 2014

Part 4 of Zoe's Birthday.

Read synopsis and introduction of characters, click here.
Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 2 here 
Read Part 3 here

Part 4

“I will promise you…” Tae Kyung sang, as their first show in Seoul was starting, the loud auditorium was filled with thousands of screaming girls and women. As Tae Kyung belted out one of his classics, he smiled and winked at the audience, charming the audience of adoring fan girls.

Shin Woo in between playing the guitar, shook the hands of several fan girls and smiled at them with his gentle smile. Jeremy put down his drum sticks and picked up a basket of red roses and got off the stage and threw them into the audience.

On the roses, was a scroll of paper attached and it had a message on it, which simply said “Trend Project Find Zoe, Help Jeremy.”

The band had decided it would nearly be impossible for them to find Zoe, as they were unaware if she was still in the UK. Also, with their nine to five schedules, it would leave them hardly any time to find her. So they decided to recruit their army of fans that lived across the world.

After the Seoul concert that night, “Project Find Zoe, Help Jeremy” was trending across Twitter and Instagram, it became the most searched topic across several countries on Naver and Google, multiple pages and groups appeared on Facebook and Weibo in order to spread the word, fans were spreading the word through apps like Whatsapp, Line and Kakao Talk. Those who had blogs and YouTube channels made posts and videos, they wanted to spread the word.

Even news outlets and magazines in Korea, Japan and Hong Kong started reporting and providing coverage on this story and who this mysterious girl was. Because no picture had been released, Jeremy was receiving a lot of messages from girls called Zoe but none of them, was the Zoe, he was looking for, the girl he remembered was beautiful, enchanting eyes and straight black hair. Not saying the other girls weren’t beautiful, but they were nothing against Zoe.

Jeremy thanked his thousands of fans for their support, he was eternally grateful, in order to give his thanks, he made some special merchandise that was a thin silver bracelet or anklet with two hands holding each other. One hand had Jeremy’s hands on it the other name would be the name of the fan (so they told the shop owner or website owner their name and it would be inscribed onto it, free of charge). The bracelet cost approximately 25 pounds.

“Thank you, for my great fans, my friends, family and band mates, and for helping search for my love,” Jeremy said whispering into the star filled sky that evening.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Part 3 - Zoe's Birthday

Click here for the synopsis and introduction of the characters.
Click here for part 1.
Click here for part 2.

Part 3

As the sales of Red Lips the album went over 100,000 copies, the boys were getting ready to shoot a short the short music video for another song on the Red Lips album, the mv was for the song “Bridge Over Troubled Water” a cover of the original song by Simon and Garfunkel The album contained a few covers of famous songs including “Candle In The Wind” and “Purple Rain” they were hoping to develop their different musical talents, by arranging and directing the mv and music of the songs.

For Purple Rain, fans could enjoy Shin Woo’s singing voice instead of Tae Kyung’s usual voice, Shin Woo’s voice was deeper and more powerful. His range wasn’t as vast as Tae Kyung’s. Candle In The Wind the song originally sung by Elton John had been re-arranged by Jeremy and Go Mi Nam before he left to fix his second botched surgery.

3 months had passed and the boys were getting ready for their first nation-wide concert, they would be putting on 10 shows across South Korea in Seoul, Busan, Hongdae, Gangnam and Incheon to name a few of the cities they would be stopping by.

In order to reduce a lot of the costs, the boys had designed the tickets themselves using a simple design they included a small holographic image of a pair of cartoon lips on the design. The tour was called “Red Lips; The First Kiss”. As expected from the tour’s name, the bands set list included 10 love/ Romance related songs in their set list of 25 songs. Other dances included their classics like “Descend From A Sky” and “I Will Promise You”, also electro and dance music were popular as well.

“I’m so ready for this,” Jeremy said smiling.

“Because you want to find your first love,” Shin Woo asked.

“… Perhaps,” Jeremy said smiling cutely. His childish charm was also hyped up 10,000 when people were talking about Zoe.

“Then lets get this show on the road,” Tae Kyung said, showing his happiness of helping Jeremy find Zoe.

Friday 18 July 2014

New Blog with my dear friend.

I have a new blog with my friend , the URL is www.dimsumisthewaytothestars.blogspot.com

I would happy if you could read and perhaps leave a comment on a post, I was meaning to do a while on Anita Mui. This blog focuses on us (Zoe and I) introducing our favourite films, musicians and dramas.

I was meant to write this post on Anita Mui for ages so please have a read and then perhaps listen to her music on YouTube.

Thank you,  click here (to be re-directed to that post).  Have a great day!!!

Thursday 17 July 2014

Part 2 of Zoe's Birthday

You can read the synopsis and introduction of the characters by clicking here and read part 1 by clicking here.

Part 2.

Shin Woo flung himself onto his bed and shut his eyes. Meanwhile, Jeremy was busy watching the new episode called Attack On Titan. This popular manga had so far swept across Asia and Jeremy was an avid fan, he loved the beautifully drawn pictures, the steady and tense plots of mangas/manhwas and he thoroughly enjoyed all the action scenes.

Go Mi Nyu was giving Tae Kyung a massage, his body ached all over, because of his nervous and tense state. Tae Kyung muscles were always sore after performances and Go Mi Nyu tried to find ways to help him relax. This was not easy because Tae Kyung didn’t really enjoy taking other’s advice.

The next morning, the three of them sat by the breakfast bar, eating seaweed soup, Mapo tofu and white rice, except Tae Kyung who eat strawberries, blueberries and a banana. Because of his allergies, he usually ate food as freshly produced as possible because then he knew the exact source of ingredients that were in the foods.  

As usual, Tae Kyung was dressed immaculately because of the harsh, cold winter in Korea, he wore a black turtle neck sweater, black jeans and a red belt. His hair combed back perfectly. Tae Kyung never looked out of place, he was always perfect, an aspect fans adored and those that worked with him admired.

Jeremy meanwhile had a more carefree and playful nature, no one was sure if it was his upbringing in England or the fact that he was the youngest member and people always treated him, younger than his years. Jeremy was 23 years old, but he wore a yellow t-shirt with Doraemon pictured on it. He wore black combat trousers and red Puma sneakers. He wore a silver anklet, which Zoe had given to him all these years. The anklet had one gem and it was a star with a diamond in the centre. At the time, they exchanged the anklets; both of them didn’t have much money so buying the real sterling silver Tiffany anklet was expensive enough, so they chose to put only one gem on it.

This anklet was usually hidden away under Jeremy’s trousers, he didn’t really want to reveal too much, and in fear his fans would get upset. Shin Woo wore a white Ralph Lauren shirt and grey chiffon trousers, which showed off his tall and athletic physique.  On their off days, the boys liked to do varying activities, different to each other.

Tae Kyung and Mi Nyu would snuggle up on the sofa and watch Korean Romcom dramas and go out and eat their favourite restaurants and hang out their favourite places like Lotte World, go ice skating and go to the cinema.

Jeremy enjoyed talking to fans through social media, although he was careful and cautious not to search himself as it could result in disheartening and sad comments. His interaction with fans made him the friendliest member. Jeremy also enjoyed watching anime and reading manga and watching his favourite variety shows with lots of snacks and ramyun with processed cheese.

Shin Woo enjoyed long strolls, going to book stores to browse books in regards to cooking, coffee making and new technology. He would buy back 10 to 15 books and keep the clear covers on majority of the books because he never had time to read all of them but he wanted all of them. He also spent a lot of time in the company’s private gym and spa. He enjoyed working with different oils and scented candles to make his body feel calm and relaxed.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Part 1 of Zoe's Birthday

Here is the first part of Zoe's Birthday an A.N.Jell special fan fiction, if you haven't read the synopsis and introduction of the characters then click here

 Part 1

Zoe and Jeremy had known each other for years, they had grown up together in England but had gone there separate ways when Jeremy returned back to Korea and joined the new idol casting auditions, where he passed and was selected to be in a band called A.N.Jell as the drummer. The two of them stayed in contact, by exchanging letters, emails and Whatsapp messages, however Jeremy schedule became more hectic and Zoe was in preparation from entering university, and plus she had moved from her previous home and Jeremy had lost her address.
The two of them gradually lost contact and all that was left was just memories of once their happier times.

5 years later...

Jeremy was now successful idol, the cute and childish drummer with blond hair and wide eyed smile, in his band which were called A.N.Jell were getting ready for their first full length album “Red Lips”. The band had released a debut EP since their debut titled “Fixation” about a women’s love and admiration of a man far far away. Red Lips consisted of ten songs of which 8 songs were composed by A.N.Jell; the title track was composed by Hwang Tae Kyung, the leader, singer, guitar player and composer/songwriter of the band.

Known for his exceptionally cool image and perfect composure, he was adored thousands of girls and women across Asia. The other member was the shy but gentle Kang Shin Woo, who is the guitar player, backing vocalist and second composer in the band. In preparation for their debut, the band had been working out in the gym to achieve the washboard, chocolate abs and tone their arms and legs; this also meant an extremely strict and controlled diet, with the boys eating nothing after 5PM. 

The concept behind Red Lips was a theme of vampires, and love, the album was set to be released on Halloween (October 31st 2015). So the theme of vampires was extremely fitting, the only complaint that Tae Kyung was having, was the white paint damaging his skin, he complained it made his skin more dry. However, for the sake of his agency and band mates, he just had his face and neck painted white.

A.N.Jell went and performed on several variety shows and music programmes like Happy Together, Running Man, Music Bank etc. To help promote their single, the whole performance of Red Lips lasted for 5 minutes, with cold ice, fake coffins and flashing lights providing a more realistic atmosphere for the song.

After their last show and collecting their awards, A.N.Jell rode their car back to their dorms, whilst chatting in the car. Tae Kyung was admiring his face in the side mirror, whilst Jeremy was sharing their latest selfies on Instagram and Shin Woo was engaging in conversations with fans over Twitter.

“My voice hurts so much,” Tae Kyung croaked. He loosened his tie and undid his top button on his shirt.

“You should drink some honey and lemon warm water,” Shin Woo aviced.

“And give your voice a rest,” Jeremy chipped in.

As the van pulled into the dorm, the boys all climbed out of the car and quick to escape the cameras of paparazzi, rushed into the dorm.

“Make me that lemon and honey water,” Tae Kyung said with his piercing eyes staring at the cup.

Go Mi Nyu, rushed forward to make her boyfriend’s drink. She was stepping into her brother’s shoes, once again as he went to fix another botched plastic surgery of his, this time on the nose.

“He had another bad performance today” Jeremy said informing Mi Nyu, of her boyfriend’s bad mood. Despite the performance, collecting another award tonight, Tae Kyung had sung several wrong lyrics, because the song had not been written by him, he had great difficulty in remembering the words. 

“Ah…” Mi Nyu replied before scuttling away to give Tae Kyung his drink.

Jeremy looked at Shin Woo, who simply shrugged his shoulders; it was not his fault Tae Kyung could not remember the lyrics. He never took anyone’s advice to help improve his memory.

Shin Woo strolled into his room, whipped of his t-shirt and pants and stepped into the shower, the cold water gave him a refreshed feeling, as he dried himself before changing into his PJs.

 (Hope you liked it so far and will anticipate for the second part).