Wednesday 16 July 2014

Part 1 of Zoe's Birthday

Here is the first part of Zoe's Birthday an A.N.Jell special fan fiction, if you haven't read the synopsis and introduction of the characters then click here

 Part 1

Zoe and Jeremy had known each other for years, they had grown up together in England but had gone there separate ways when Jeremy returned back to Korea and joined the new idol casting auditions, where he passed and was selected to be in a band called A.N.Jell as the drummer. The two of them stayed in contact, by exchanging letters, emails and Whatsapp messages, however Jeremy schedule became more hectic and Zoe was in preparation from entering university, and plus she had moved from her previous home and Jeremy had lost her address.
The two of them gradually lost contact and all that was left was just memories of once their happier times.

5 years later...

Jeremy was now successful idol, the cute and childish drummer with blond hair and wide eyed smile, in his band which were called A.N.Jell were getting ready for their first full length album “Red Lips”. The band had released a debut EP since their debut titled “Fixation” about a women’s love and admiration of a man far far away. Red Lips consisted of ten songs of which 8 songs were composed by A.N.Jell; the title track was composed by Hwang Tae Kyung, the leader, singer, guitar player and composer/songwriter of the band.

Known for his exceptionally cool image and perfect composure, he was adored thousands of girls and women across Asia. The other member was the shy but gentle Kang Shin Woo, who is the guitar player, backing vocalist and second composer in the band. In preparation for their debut, the band had been working out in the gym to achieve the washboard, chocolate abs and tone their arms and legs; this also meant an extremely strict and controlled diet, with the boys eating nothing after 5PM. 

The concept behind Red Lips was a theme of vampires, and love, the album was set to be released on Halloween (October 31st 2015). So the theme of vampires was extremely fitting, the only complaint that Tae Kyung was having, was the white paint damaging his skin, he complained it made his skin more dry. However, for the sake of his agency and band mates, he just had his face and neck painted white.

A.N.Jell went and performed on several variety shows and music programmes like Happy Together, Running Man, Music Bank etc. To help promote their single, the whole performance of Red Lips lasted for 5 minutes, with cold ice, fake coffins and flashing lights providing a more realistic atmosphere for the song.

After their last show and collecting their awards, A.N.Jell rode their car back to their dorms, whilst chatting in the car. Tae Kyung was admiring his face in the side mirror, whilst Jeremy was sharing their latest selfies on Instagram and Shin Woo was engaging in conversations with fans over Twitter.

“My voice hurts so much,” Tae Kyung croaked. He loosened his tie and undid his top button on his shirt.

“You should drink some honey and lemon warm water,” Shin Woo aviced.

“And give your voice a rest,” Jeremy chipped in.

As the van pulled into the dorm, the boys all climbed out of the car and quick to escape the cameras of paparazzi, rushed into the dorm.

“Make me that lemon and honey water,” Tae Kyung said with his piercing eyes staring at the cup.

Go Mi Nyu, rushed forward to make her boyfriend’s drink. She was stepping into her brother’s shoes, once again as he went to fix another botched plastic surgery of his, this time on the nose.

“He had another bad performance today” Jeremy said informing Mi Nyu, of her boyfriend’s bad mood. Despite the performance, collecting another award tonight, Tae Kyung had sung several wrong lyrics, because the song had not been written by him, he had great difficulty in remembering the words. 

“Ah…” Mi Nyu replied before scuttling away to give Tae Kyung his drink.

Jeremy looked at Shin Woo, who simply shrugged his shoulders; it was not his fault Tae Kyung could not remember the lyrics. He never took anyone’s advice to help improve his memory.

Shin Woo strolled into his room, whipped of his t-shirt and pants and stepped into the shower, the cold water gave him a refreshed feeling, as he dried himself before changing into his PJs.

 (Hope you liked it so far and will anticipate for the second part).

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