Sunday 19 October 2014

Part 5 - Zoe's Birthday

Hello, sorry for the long delay of part 5, with moving into university and settling in to my new place and getting used to my new timetable. I sort of neglected my blog and writing this fanfiction, but from now until its completion. I will try to post regularly and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Read Synopsis and Introduction of Characters here
Read Part 1 here
Read Part 2 here 
Read Part 3 here 
Read Part 4 here

Part 5

After their tour wrapped up the last show in Gangnam, the boys decided to stay there for an extra few days to buy some souvenirs and gifts as they were travelling to London very soon. As a fan had told them they had located Zoe, who was now working in a small law firm in central London. Her job required her to also work with the police to uncover murder cases, she also worked free of charge, as a lawyer to those who simply couldn’t afford a lawyer but needed the money to save their children, parents or partners. 

Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu chose bracelets made out of rose gold, with small charms using small diamonds set into it. Jeremy browse through all the shelves of multiple shops and yet, still cannot find anything. In the end, he buys a small Citron fruit tree, hoping that the tree will help Zoe to “grow” into the person she wishes to be. Shin Woo chooses their (A.N.Jell) autobiography book, as he thinks she can catch up on the lost years with Jeremy through the books.

Several weeks later.

A large private plane stood lonely on the Seoul airport grounds, as A.N.Jell got ready to board the plane along with their entourage of bodyguards, stylists and managers. Approximately, there were at least 100 suitcases being loaded onto the air plane. In many of the suitcases, it contained foods that Jeremy enjoyed eating from different places in Asia, like pineapple cakes from Taiwan or Moon cake from Hong Kong. He wanted Zoe to try all of them.

“I cant wait until we arrive in London,” Go Mi Nyu said cheerfully. She was thinking of the delicious English food, the artistry and the fashion of London. She had never travelled outside of Asia, she had only seen Europe and America through books and the Internet. There were so many new things happening for her since she met Tae Kyung, it was like a dream come true.

“You, all wrapped up in your own world,” Tae Kyung said shooting back.

Nothing could stop Go Mi Nyu from being cheerful and upbeat about the journey to London, she had gotten used to the sharp remarks and comments from Tae Kyung especially since they got together.

“I wonder if Zoe still remembers me,” Jeremy said quietly.

As the plane landed in London after 13 hours, the boys and Go Mi Nyu rushed to their hotels rooms and to sleep off their tiredness from the turbulent air plane journey. The next Jeremy who received Zoe’s number, from a friend who saw Jeremy’s Twitter post, calls the number, agreeing to meet Zoe 
at a café in Oxford Street.

However, when he arrived, he realised he has been tricked, the girl is not Zoe and does not even know of Zoe. She is an obsessed fan of A.N.Jell particularly Jeremy and wants to date him.

Jeremy left immediately, he had secretly been accompanied by several bodyguards, who stopped the girl from getting close to Jeremy. Jeremy sat in the car, his face was white as a sheet, and his eyes were sunken in. He didn’t look well. As his car was driven off back to the hotel he was staying at.

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