Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter!

My lovely, sweet princesses & princes ~ have a super happy Easter! have a warm & lovely year to come and I hope you had a lovely day. Today, my mum made a roast which included gammon, roast potatoes, broccoli and parsnips. Sorry, no picture, why? because I was so hungry, I ate before I thought I should take a picture. Sorry :(

Anyways, I got a white chocolate Easter egg from my dad, I don't have a picture because I accidentally crushed the chocolate. I have a picture of the packaging, maybe I'll upload it later on (in the future).

Do you do anything special for Easter? Do you eat lots of chocolate? Do you have a big lunch?

>.< on a completely different note, its been a year and a day since I removed my tonsils and I gotta say, I feel awesome because now, I can sing X Japan songs, as loud as I can!!! he he he!

Take care~! (Prince Happiness).

My friend also wrote a entry about Easter, her's is more interesting and more detailed than mine.... :P go and have a read and maybe drop a comment or something! :)

Friday 29 March 2013

Plastic Surgery

Its the 21st century, does it matter if people do plastic surgery, we judge celebrities highly for doing plastic surgery and enhancing their looks and are too quick to criticise them.

A lot of Kpop stars (Korean pop stars) have done plastic surgery, sometimes its something very small such as "double eye-lid surgery". Especially, with Asians (Korean, Japanese, Chinese) we're not all blessed with huge eyes and double eye-lids. Some people have no problem with mono lid eyes which is fine, their eyes shape are none of my business, if someone wants to enhance their features..... why not? As long as their health isn't at risk.

Some netizens post really hateful comments about people not being confident in their looks, its not just about looks, its about the way feels about themselves and its up to them. Although, when someone gets addicted to plastic surgery then it becomes a problem or they want to resemble someone then that's when its a bit of a problem.

BUT when fixing some really small thing so they feel better such as their nose or eye shape, I really couldn't care less. It doesn't affect their personality (at least, I hope not) and I think its their choice. Just make sure, you go to a good doctor and understand the procedure before you do it. Just remember health is more important than vanity!

Please share me your views on plastic surgery in the comment box!

Right now, I've been listening to hide performing his song 'Doubt' live and I can't help but sing in the chorus... "Doubt, Doubt to you" he looks quite fierce in this performance but still cute. Sorry, that has nothing to do with this post  =.=

Saturday 23 March 2013

Another 15 facts

I'm sorry that I've been neglecting this blog because I'm really busy with school work, even though the holidays are approaching. I'll still be busy. So instead of the usual 10 facts, here is another 5.

23. I prefer to write with a pencil than a pen, preferably the mechanical ones because some of them are very cute.
24. The first musician that I listened to was Hong Kong female soloist Anita Mui. Sadly, she passed away in 2003 from Cervical Cancer. She was dubbed Madonna of Asia!
25. I prefer fruits over vegetables like lychee's, mango's and passion fruit are my favourite.
26. I like sunny days with a gentle cool breeze.
27. My favourite cartoon is Arthur but I also think that Mcdull and Doreamon are very cute too.
28.It took me a really long time to learn how to tell the time. :( 
29.I love white chocolate.
30. I hate dark chocolate.
31. I'm a volunteer at Oxfam.
32. Hello Kitty was my first and favourite Sanrio character as a kid.
33. I would like to go to Prague and Budapest and Venice one day!
34. The kind of artwork I like are paintings because I believe that is super hard to draw and paint well but all people that do art are talented.
35. I used to be able to walk on my hands when I was still doing gymnastics.
36. I prefer high tops and platforms to high heels.
37. Tokyo Fashion Snaps on Tokyo is my favourite place to get inspiration for my outfits.
38. I should try to work harder from now on and not just things, that I'm interested in but everything.

I'm sorry if I have already mentioned some of these facts somewhere else.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

I am sick again plus other updates~

The title is meant to be.... "..." I don't know. I just filled this one up with a uncreative title. Sorry.

I am alive! Sorry about the lack of posts, a birthday update will be up soon. Right, now I'm swimming in the amounts of school work. Tomorrow, I will go to school extra early to finish some school work.
Anyways, I've been sick since last Thursday, I got a really bad throat (no tonsils) and erm then it developed into a fever and Friday, I was stuck on the sofa, hungry because I was too weak to get up and eat. Once, I ate and took some medicine and fell asleep. I felt that I was in a more comfortable state in the evening. Now, I'm just coughing, runny nose and tired. =.=

HAS ANYONE HEARD WHAT HAPPENED TO hide grave :'( how could anyone be so disrespectful, even if he wasn't a famous person. It's disrespectful to steal a person who has already passed aways photo, pour alcohol and damaged their headstone (refer to my previous post for more information from the Shattered Tranquillity website that I shared it from). Poor hide, he was such a kind soul and wonderful person, just let him rest in peace please. I miss him so much, I wish he was still alive, so I could go and see him in concert. He looks like such as a gentle, sweet and kind soul.  I feel for his family, friend and the members of X Japan must be pretty angry. Please share your thoughts with me in the comments box.

Anyways, ending on a high note. Does anyone know where I can get those face masks that a lot of people in Japan and other areas of Asia where as fashion? It appears a lot on Tokyo Fashion and it just gives the nose and mouth. I always wanted one because they look cool. Thank you! Good bye! Take care!