Tuesday 19 February 2013

A healthier way to cook instant noodles.

Its been a long time since I posted, a week I think? School has been really busy and leading up too this one week holiday. I have lots of work to do. Anyways, here is a quick post for you all! The birthday post will be up soon too. I'll spilt it into three parts.

Instant noodles usually come in a square/circle brick like form and usually have some coating of wax or something. Honestly, with the noodles already been so unhealthy, we don't want to eat the wax either.

So here is a simple method, that my dad taught me, first boil your water and when its boiled, drop your noodles in the boiling water. Now, instead of putting the soup powder and scallions into the water alongside the noodles. Instead, put the powder and scallions into a bowl and when there's one minute left roughly of cooking time for your noodles.

Boil some water in a kettle and turn off the gas and remove the pot and carefully remove the noodles whilst pouring the excess water away. You'll notice that the water has now become cloudy due to the wax. Place the noodles in the bowl and pour the hot water into the bowl and mix it with the powder and scallions and the noodles.

And now you're done, you can add eggs, ham or a slice of cheese to find the noodles off. Enjoy and let me know if you decide to try this method out.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Chinese New Year

So, a super short post but today (Feb 10th) is Chinese New Year, some of you are probably wondering why its on a 'irregular day' as in not (Jan 1st) like Western countries etc. Its because Chinese people have a seperate calendar to the Western calendar so we celebrated on different days each year since it doesn't stay the same day. Its to do with the moon or something hence 'Lunar New Year' is said instead of Chinese New Year sometimes.

So you might also hear people saying 'Gong Xi Fai Cai which means  to make more money  in Mandarin or Gong Hei Fat Choi in Cantonese bearing the same meaning'. The translation is only roughly, since my mum said the meaning in Cantonese and I'm having trouble turning it into English.  Xin Nian Kuai Lei means Happy New Year in Mandarin. Sorry, I don't know, how I would write it in phonetic Cantonese.

There are many food preparations for the New Year and the New Year's Eve is pretty hectic, my fridge looked like it would explode, it was stuffed with lots of food. Do you children recieve red packets, nowadays the packets aren't just red but come in different colours with all kinds of decorations but traditional ones are red.  

I will post a more detailed post later on~ I just wanted to drop some wishes to my readers~

I hope everyone will be Happy, Healthy and achieve super results from exams, projects or assignments. I hope that everyone achieves their dreams~ and does well! Stay safe! and I hope I will gain more followers and read my blog and comment. Thank You.

                                  Prince Happiness~

Saturday 2 February 2013

Another ten interesting things about me!

11. When I was little, I wanted to be an actress, then a dancer then an air hostess. Now, I definitely know what I want to be, a Chinese vk (rock star) musician.

12. My favourite actor is Moses Chan, he is a Hong Kong actor.

13.  I don't like spaghetti  & strawberries very much

14. I used to participated in gymnastics in primary school ( I have all the certificates and badges).

15. I like watches & back packs ( now I just sound weird).

16. I am frightened of heights, horror films, roller coasters. I am also scared of failure ( sometimes I don't try hard because I don't want to try hard and still fail at the end).

17. I used to write a lot of short/long stories when I was little but now I don't have time.

18. I love Japanese fashion (ganguro, gyaru, sweet lolita, gothic lolita, visual kei, punk etc). Although, the styles aren't all mine.

19. I love TVB dramas, its a big television channel in Hong Kong.

20. When I hear "Tears" by X Japan, I can't help but cry inside... the song really touches my heart.

21. I  hope one day I can achieve my dream, thats the reason why I created 100% Natural, 100% Prince Happiness to document how long it takes to achieve my dream, you'd probably ask when does it count when I've achieved my dream. When I successful perform at Tokyo Dome. I'd like to perform at Nippon Budokan. Maybe, you think I'm over-ambitious but at least I know what I want to do in my life.

22. The saxophone is my favourite instrument to listen too, sometimes I play Kenny G when I was trying to sleep. He's a famous saxophonist.