Tuesday 29 April 2014

50 Facts Tag

I saw this tag that lot of my favourite YouTubers did and I was hoping I could do some of these tags, but in posts form ^_^ so lets go -.- 

1. I'm in my first year at university.

2. I'm studying International Hospitality Management.

3. I am 100% Chinese, from Hong Kong.

4. My favourite drama is the Hong Konng drama Healing Hands.

5. I love Japanese fashion and music.

6. I enjoy reading and watching beauty and skincare blogs and YouTube gurus.

7. I'm 166cm tall.

8. I played tennis for 9 years.

9. I like Cantonese pop music (80's/90's), Korean pop and Japanese Visual Kei.

10. I love cute packaging.

11. I want to dye my hair blonde when I'm older.

12. I really want to try wearing grey contacts.

13. I love the Line app and characters, its so cute.

14. I would love to go to Harajuku.

15. I'm currently trying to lose 10kg before the end of 2014.

16. I can be quite lazy. 

17. I used to like sweet foods. 

18. I get told that I look younger than my real age.

19. I love seafood.

20. I hate meat.

21. My favourite actors are Raymond Wong (Wong Ho Yin) and Kenneth Ma (Ma Kwok Ming).

22. I love Hong Kong Medical dramas.

23. I used to play the flute.

24. My sister attempted to teach me to play the piano.

25. I want to play the bass and pop violin.

26. I'm bi-lingual (fluent in English and Cantonese).

27. I want to be able to have conversations in Korean, Japanese and Mandarin.

28. I can sing in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Japanese.

29. I am not a good singer -.- but I still like singing.

30. I can swim and ride a bicycle.

31. I would like to open the first cross-dressing Hotel in Hong Kong.

32. I want to have my own show on Tokyo Dome.

33. I am talkative.

34. I used to write a lot of stories but I stopped since I got into blogging.

35. I love backpacks. 

36. My favourite colours are white, pink and gold.

37. I love hi-tops and platforms.

38. I have made lots of new friends at uni this year.

39. I can now use a coffee machine and make different types of coffee.

40. My uni is by the seaside.

41. I often get woken up by birds in the morning.

42. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to type msgs in WhatsApp so I just use the voice recording function.

43. I only like two genres of films 'Romcom' and 'Martial Arts'.

44. I'm shoe size 8/41.

45. I usually have trouble finding shoes in Hong Kong.

46. I think my nose bridge isn't as high as I would like it to be.

47. Japanese is my favourite cuisine.

48. I can't handle spicy or bitter foods very well.

49. I have a dimple on my left cheek.

50. I like clothes that are colourful and/or different.

Phew, that was long, thank you for reading :) I hope you learnt more about me perhaps? Anyways, let me know about any interesting tags you've seen on YouTube.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Mango and Honey Roasted Chicken Pasta Recipe

Phew, that's quite a long title for this post, since I'm a university student, who is average when it comes to cooking,this recipe was created by me, so the quantities maybe a little off because I made it to taste and I didn't make any notes. Sorry ^_^ if you try it out, let me how it tastes.

A note that should be taken is that I used an electric oven to cook my chicken, so check to make sure that the chicken is throughly cooked. 

Serves for 4 people

1 bag of 500g of pasta of your choice (I used the three coloured Fusili pasta)

10 chicken drumsticks 

3 mangos

1 bottle of 500g of mayonaise

5- 8 tablespoons of honey (depending on your preference).

3-5 pinches of pepper (depending on your preference).

3-5 pinches of salt (depending on your preference).

1. Preheat oven to 200c/ Gas Mark 6, take the ten chicken drumsticks and put into a tray (line the tray with tin foil, it will make washing up much easier). Sprinkle salt and pepper onto the chicken and put it in the oven to cook for 15 mins, then take it out and put honey onto the chicken and put it back in the oven for 25 mins. *Remember to check that your chicken is cook, i.e. cut one of the chickens up to see if there is any blood etc.*

2. Peel the skin off your three mangos, and slice/cut up the mango according to how you want it to be done, then put it to one side. De-bone all the chicken and put this one side.

3. Boil the water for your pasta, when its boiled put in your bag of pasta and add some more salt, into your pasta. Follow the instructions on the packet to cook your pasta, once its cooked. Drain and put into a pan.

4. Heat the pan, add 3-5 tablespoons of mayonaise, depending on your preference add more less, now add the chicken and mango and mix all together ensuring everything is coated by the mayonaise.

5. Now its ready to serve. Enjoy ! Bon Appetit!!

Let me know how it goes, if you cook this dish ^_^


Hi, I realise it seems like I've fallen off the planet because I stopped writing posts for a few months and I'm really sorry about that, but I was busy with assignments and then I had to deal with where I would live next year and I was just too tired and couldn't think of suitable content for this blog. I try to make it as interesting as possible and I post a lot of things that interest me, which in turn I hope interest my readers. 

So for the next upcoming posts starting tomorrow, you can expect:

-My updated favourite YouTubers.
-Two Lip Balms not Worth the Hype.
-Introducing another of my favourite artist.
- Easter Haul.
- Whats in my school bag?
-Mango and Honey Roasted Chicken Pasta Recipe
(This isn't the order of the posts that will be posted)
- If you have any suggestions or ideas, then please let me know ---> otherwise, you can find me on instagram @PrinxeHappiness. 

Look forward to my upcoming posts and sorry for disappearing like that. ^_^